Maxx VS Terminator. Long distance antenna shootout!

im sure you will be happy with your purchase look forward to the results, i would maybe think of removing cable and moving connection to center back if your handy at soldering etc.

Thanks Seb! Just curious since you mentioned the new Terminators do you know where DB was getting that info from? Is he affiliated with Horizons? I briefly looked over their site and didn't see anything about the new ones so i've been curious where the info came from.

Welcome whichAntenna. Yes, I did a test with a friend and on post 828 (Maxx VS Terminator. Long distance antenna shootout!) and found no difference between the MaxxRange, and the china knockoff I dubbed the Governator and even made a logo for it :) ha.

Now, there is something to be said for the maxxrange vs the Governator. When I got the maxxrange I received the mounting clamp to attach it to the controller. I had to make a mount that attached to the same clamp for the Governator.
I am not saying that you shouldn't pay for parts and labor, which is why I had no problem paying what I did for the maxxrange, but the price on the terminator prior to this thread was way higher (over $200 if I remember right) and coincidentally now is significantly cheaper. I believe they are watching and reduced the price in response to the Chinese knockoffs.

I will say that my experiences with Jake (maxxuav), his warranty, shipping, etc has been all stellar and wouldn't hesitate to recommend him to anyone.

Thanks B_Squared! I'll definitely check out Maxxuav, I've seen a lot of good things said about them in this forum. I'm certainly not opposed to making a mount for the Governator. Especially if it saves me money so I can also buy a MaxxRange from Maxxuav :) I definitely feel more comfortable purchasing the MaxxRange for $89 as it was at least designed by ITElite as opposed to something that was perhaps $35 re-purposed into a $200 and now $130 antenna.
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Hey DB i've been following this thread for sometime now (a little behind on the newer posts) and thought it was time to chime in. Just curious where did you get those images of the new Terminators? I have checked Horizon FPV's website and am unable to find any info about them. Also I believe I remember seeing a test somewhere in this thread maybe in the 30's or 40's about two people testing the Chinese antennas next to the MaxxRange and they appeared to be the same. Just curious if any further testing has been done around this. I'm very skeptical to get the terminator at this point as well as any of the upcoming models based on what i've read so far. Any guidance or help would be greatly appreciated!
I got those pictures in a private email from Will from Horizon UK.
Those are two versions of the upcoming terminator models that will have a 5.8 panel installed for the standard guys. Yes some people discovered that possibly the terminator is made from the same product as a cheap Chinese panel. While that hasn't been fully admitted by Horizon that they are using these Chinese panels it was already stated and I believe to be true that the terminator is a finely tuned version of those panels. I wouldn't be skeptic if I were you, nobody has yet taken those Chinese panels 8 miles unboosted and I don't believe they ever will, however many pilots have taken the terminator panel unboosted and sent their aircraft out 8+ miles and back with perfect signal[emoji41]
Thanks Seb! Just curious since you mentioned the new Terminators do you know where DB was getting that info from? Is he affiliated with Horizons? I briefly looked over their site and didn't see anything about the new ones so i've been curious where the info came from.

Thanks B_Squared! I'll definitely check out Maxxuav, I've seen a lot of good things said about them in this forum. I'm certainly not opposed to making a mount for the Governator. Especially if it saves me money so I can also buy a MaxxRange from Maxxuav :) I definitely feel more comfortable purchasing the MaxxRange for $89 as it was at least designed by ITElite as opposed to something that was perhaps $35 re-purposed into a $200 and now $130 antenna.
Yes, being on the test pilot program for Horizon, Will sends me emails containing upcoming projects for horizon as well as his personal experience with these different antennas[emoji41]
D.B. What settings are you using?? I think in the go app ,I heard to set to 4? I think I had to put it in custom for this? Thanks.
I'll check next time I fire the app up, but I haven't paid much attention to those settings or my 32 channel hack I don't even use, since using these big panel antennas I haven't found that I needed to fuss with that stuff much, I've also found it doesn't really matter if I'm using the old motors bird or the new motors bird like it used to!
I agree with DB about the terminator....i seriously doubt the chinese panels would take you 8+ miles...if Will at horizon used those as a base he put some serious work and hours into the internals.... i just got my china panels and took apart and its a mess in there. I dont have the terminator but i would definitely purchase it... DB has proved what its capable of and what it can do and sometimes a bit better than the maxxrange....the proof is in this thread!!!
I might get a chance in the morning to do the long-awaited max range one-way trip that I did with the Terminator and see if it can actually take it 19 1/2 miles like the Terminator did. The weather looks like it might be right for that path tomorrow to simulate the similar conditions that I had with the terminator suicide trip.that would tell everything
Thats going to be awesome!! Cant wait for the results!
I might get a chance in the morning to do the long-awaited max range one-way trip that I did with the Terminator and see if it can actually take it 19 1/2 miles like the Terminator did. The weather looks like it might be right for that path tomorrow to simulate the similar conditions that I had with the terminator suicide trip.that would tell everything
Suicide trips are the new rage now!
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db is urs boostered for 19 miles? What is ur setup?
is there any program that shows your video strength?
Hey Jamie, welcome to this thread! Earlier in the thread I decided to take the terminator panel boosted w/ 2.5 watt sunhans boosters w/ a p3p 1.19fw old motors a/c on a one way signal test.(mostly because the winds that day wasn't right for a round-trip test)I was using a tripod like I always do, and was shocked by the results 19 1/2 miles until my battery went down past 10% so I found a safe place to land it in the field, then had to drive 20 minutes to go get it. I was having issues then with my Galaxy S5 where it was not recording some of my flights in the go app, luckily I had the Flytrex tracker running to show proof that the flight existed. I also took an impressive screenshot showing my signal strength at that distance.
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Hey Jamie, welcome to this thread! Earlier in the thread I decided to take the terminator panel boosted w/ 2.5 watt sunhans boosters w/ a p3p 1.19fw old motors a/c on a one way signal test.(mostly because the winds that day wasn't right for a round-trip test)I was using a tripod like I always do, and was shocked by the results 19 1/2 miles until my battery went down past 10% so I found a safe place to land it in the field, then had to drive 20 minutes to go get it. I was having issues then with my Galaxy S5 where it was not recording some of my flights in the go app, luckily I had the Flytrex tracker running to show proof that the flight existed. I also took an impressive screenshot showing my signal strength at that distance.View attachment 55977
Hey Db you better get rested for your flight in the morning. Is it going to be something like the semi live flight you did. I liked that one:cool: Man between the wife and daughter I'm not getting any flight time. I have Pro's Cannon mounted, I'm going to try the 2% angle. I did not see Pro say anything if he got a chance to try that out.
Yeah, I've been in family mode too Phoenix! I keep checking the winds because I'll only do that flight if its in the same path as my Terminator one way, that would be the only fair comparison. The winds could shift and may have sprinkles in the morning. I've been anxious to do this suicide Maxxrange test for a month now cause the fields are starting to grow and when the crops get too high I wont get the chance, at least not w/out a chaser who's willing to be on standby 15 miles away[emoji41]
Yeah, I've been in family mode too Phoenix! I keep checking the winds because I'll only do that flight if its in the same path as my Terminator one way, that would be the only fair comparison. The winds could shift and may have sprinkles in the morning. I've been anxious to do this suicide Maxxrange test for a month now cause the fields are starting to grow and when the crops get too high I wont get the chance, at least not w/out a chaser who's willing to be on standby 15 miles away[emoji41]
You and a few dozen on lookers. And I know what you mean about the fields. I've done a few corn fields in my high school days.
awesome i just caught the end of that go go go before someone else does lol
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