Rotorpixel gimbal for Phantom Vision

I'm sensing that if DJI announces the imminent release of a 2-axis gimbal anytime within the next 4 months or so, there will be a stampede of those waiting in the queue to Rotorpixel's refund window.
And that could be a very bad thing for Rotorpixel if they find themselves finally ramping-up production when/if that happens.
bobomet said:
I'm sensing that if DJI announces the imminent release of a 2-axis gimbal anytime within the next 4 months or so, there will be a stampede of those waiting in the queue to Rotorpixel's refund window.
And that could be a very bad thing for Rotorpixel if they find themselves finally ramping-up production when/if that happens.

You may very well be right, but I've been thinking (hoping?) that within the next few days RotorPixel will make a huge announcement about gimbals being shipped at a much quicker pace.

I guess I can understand why they'd want a trickle of gimbals initially ... problem reports, etc ... they can determine any necessary tweaks, make adjustments, and then finally open the gates and let 'em fly!

Wishful thinking? Perhaps ...
If DJI and others come out with a Gimbal,...Keri may have to rethink his growth potential.

Everyone might just wind up here and put Keri out of business! :lol:

Now I've had a diet of back-to-back Disney movies and carting Little Miss Hopalong up and down the stairs today so I'm going to use this brief respite I've got for some idle speculation about DJI gimbals...

Bearing in mind they've had a Zenmuse for the P2 since launch, and that there's an interesting little port on the Vision main board marked "Zenmuse" you'd have to wonder why, if they were going to release a reto-fittable gimbal for the Vision they haven't done so already? We already know the Vision can be spoofed into thinking it's a P2 to activate the 7th channel, so it seems odd these haven't all just been pulled together to release the "Zemuse Vision 2D" then been stacked high and sold (relatively) cheap. So I'm wondering if they couldn't find a successful way of retrofitting a Zenmuse product to the Vision - or perhaps whether, being sold as a finished article, they simply didn't design the Vision to be added to in this way... same reason there's no can bus port perhaps..?

Why the delay, why no word whatsoever to dissuade people from going down the third-party route? An oversight? No interest in producing a gimbal for the Vision? What about the Vision mk 2 rumours? Right, time to select the next beverage for the kitchen table...
Pull_Up said:
Now I've had a diet of back-to-back Disney movies and carting Little Miss Hopalong up and down the stairs today so I'm going to use this brief respite I've got for some idle speculation about DJI gimbals...

Bearing in mind they've had a Zenmuse for the P2 since launch, and that there's an interesting little port on the Vision main board marked "Zenmuse" you'd have to wonder why, if they were going to release a reto-fittable gimbal for the Vision they haven't done so already? We already know the Vision can be spoofed into thinking it's a P2 to activate the 7th channel, so it seems odd these haven't all just been pulled together to release the "Zemuse Vision 2D" then been stacked high and sold (relatively) cheap. So I'm wondering if they couldn't find a successful way of retrofitting a Zenmuse product to the Vision - or perhaps whether, being sold as a finished article, they simply didn't design the Vision to be added to in this way... same reason there's no can bus port perhaps..?

Why the delay, why no word whatsoever to dissuade people from going down the third-party route? An oversight? No interest in producing a gimbal for the Vision? What about the Vision mk 2 rumours? Right, time to select the next beverage for the kitchen table...

I'm thinking that, like Rotorpixel's, DJI's market analysts underestimated the actual demand for their "consumer" sector products exponentially.
So now here they all are .... with consumers banging on their doors, they've found themselves lacking business leaders and highly-skilled laborers.
I received my Gimbal today, was quite nervous installing, although I've got decades of experience with electronics. AND, I'm grateful for all the videos and reports of problems, I was even more careful.

I removed the battery before starting the install.

I took my time and checked and rechecked at least 3 more times before installing the battery and turning on my PV2.

The PV2 started its initiation as usual, but the gimbal did NOTHING!!!! No shimmering, pops, smoke or fizz. Turned everything off and rechecked all wiring and connections, all was OK. Started up again.... same thing.

Removed the gimbal and re-installed the PV2 servo and camera, turned it on, servo responded, camera dead.

BTW, I did a test flight prior to installation and all worked OK.

I'm at a loss.... beyond me. Waiting for a response from Rotorpixel. :(
This is a worry, I think your the second person now with this problem. I think Rotorpixel need to do a comprehensive installation video, as has already been mention, down to you Keri, please.
Given the small number of gimbals actually received by people there seems to be a surprisingly high number of incidents after the gimbal has been fitted which is a little concerning. Whats going on folks ???

rfernandez said:
Save your money, buy a 3D power from I did it took only 5 days to arrive. installed in less than 1 hour and up and flying. cheaper and days to arrive.

But - you have to either go with an external power supply - or solder things yourself ... correct?

Neither of those options appeal to me ...

And both DronExpert and Rotorpixel both seem to have their problems/issues as well ...

Maybe selling the P2V and going with P2 and Zenmuse truly is the only way to go :(
I have (had) a Taco Rc gimbal (long story), and yes you need to solder 2 wires (and in my case add a fuse) to get the power.
An other option is to use an extra battery.

At the moment I'm in the process of making a small adapter to pull the power from the 3.5mm 4 pin jack camera plug (like RP is doing), but reading about the problem this could cause I might not use it.

I personally think that if the jack plug is not insert all the way in, it will break (burn!) the system.

So make absolutely sure that the jack plug is all the way in when powering the system up!

PS. My new Taco RC (3D printed part) is on it's way (for free) :)
There is already a thread for the taco gimbal probably better off looking there for that info m8 !
That's two or three fails in less than a week. Just in this forum. I for one, am a little concerned. I should be getting mine in a week to 10 days or so. I don't want to fry my camera for lack of testing or installing incorrectly.
RCRookie said:
That's two or three fails in less than a week. Just in this forum. I for one, am a little concerned. I should be getting mine in a week to 10 days or so. I don't want to fry my camera for lack of testing or installing incorrectly.

I've got to tell you, I didn't do anything wrong. I was extremely careful!!! The installation is not that hard, I worked with A LOT WORSE.

Honestly, although my camera is not working, I don't know if it's fried, it could be the power source. I'm not going to do any testing until I hear from Rotorpixel first.

The cause is not mine, I'm sure of that!!!! There has to be a problem with the unit, either an overload or a spike.

Anybody know what the voltages are, coming off of the camera power plug?
Just to let everyone know that I've been talking to Keri since within a few hours of my failed installation. After he was satisfied of my qualifications, I was authorized to do further tear-down and testing of the gimbal and a potential defect was discovered. Those parts were immediately shipped to Rotorpixel for examination and they should have them tomorrow. As this was going on, Keri was also in touch with his people back at the factory and changes were being implemented immediately so this couldn't happen again.

I just talked to Keri and he will be posting shortly about this problem, stay tuned.

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