Any ways, I can't figure out why she could not take a picture and secondly the flyer must have been close to fly low in a residential area and have signal, what type of antenna did he (she) have? and when did the prop guards come into play? I can here my P4 come from 500 feet and no body knows where it came from or where it went. If this really happened it's probably a X trying to pee them off, why that house? Could be RTH looking for home, is this my house? Johnny you in there? Where am I? So the bird saw it's reflection in the window and was scared away. Mr. Trump, please do something to keep the media busy because they are picking on drones again and causing paranoia and we don't need any more of that.
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..... According to your argument prop guards are safer....... Don't twist my words. NOBODY AGREES WITH YOU!


I apologize - you are right and I was wrong when I suggested prop guards would stop those horrific slicing injuries. Of course "NOBODY" agrees with me....those dozens ( if not hundreds) of posts by others elsewhere in this forum...all written by NOBODYs.

Since you obviously have vastly more experience in defending product liability cases than I do, involving devices with no safety guards.... I and all those "NOBODY's" you are referring to should keep quiet, or better yet, have our posts censored out of here.

I apologize - you are right and I was wrong when I suggested prop guards would stop those horrific slicing injuries. Of course "NOBODY" agrees with me....those dozens ( if not hundreds) of posts by others elsewhere in this forum...all written by NOBODYs.

Since you obviously have vastly more experience in defending product liability cases than I do, involving devices with no safety guards.... I and all those "NOBODY's" you are referring to should keep quiet, or better yet, have our posts censored out of here.
Hi good issue BUT one day not watching for 2 seconds stuck my thumb into spinning blade on p4 ,it cut real good ,had to learn to steer with left stick,pro guard would have done nothing .worst comes to just shut down mid flight and let it crash,,weighs over 1kg ,blades would be my last worry
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I apologize - you are right and I was wrong when I suggested prop guards would stop those horrific slicing injuries. Of course "NOBODY" agrees with me....those dozens ( if not hundreds) of posts by others elsewhere in this forum...all written by NOBODYs.

Since you obviously have vastly more experience in defending product liability cases than I do, involving devices with no safety guards.... I and all those "NOBODY's" you are referring to should keep quiet, or better yet, have our posts censored out of here.

Peter, this is a mostly anonymous chat forum.
Very few people go on such or similar forums to have their mind(s) changed.
Use your own pro-Guard convictions as an example.
After 2-3 'laps', move on and don't expect others to do what you yourself will not.

Guards-No guards
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. . . . . . . move on ...........Guards-No guards. Etc.

Sorry - cant help you - in numerous "threads" in this and other forums people are noting how their Phantoms and other mfg's drones can get away from them, and cut up them and/or someone else. I cant stop them for doing that, even tho it clearly upsets many of you who MUST operate your drones without prop. guards.

Perhaps you and the others who "know" you MUST operate your drones without prop guards can get together and ask the manager of this forum to censor out any comments that suggest prop. guards would pretty much eliminate those horrible cases of folks getting sliced up ( true, as someone pointed out...if you have to stick your finger at where the drone has props...yes...blade guards wont help there ).

Yes, I agree...at some point in time...the managers of this forum may decide it isn't fair to you guys to see articles about drones cutting people up, and when they decide that, they will censor out such posts.

Until then, when I see a post that I believe supports my view that "guard-less" drones are going to ruin our hobby, I may decide to add my comments in support of theirs..

May I respectfully suggest you do what others more and more both in here & in general life, have bragged that they do - when they see something that disagrees with their point-of-view....
they get it CENSORED so they don't have to be bothered considering other's views.
Your views are considered.
I NEVER have suggested censorship of a POV or any type of conduct will doom the hobby, EVER. However continued insistence others do or think as you do is fruitless.
Frustration in not getting your message to 'stick' often leads to loss of decorum which will result in a censorship of sorts by default... not the message per se but the messenger.
My advice is generic and can be applied to many facets of life.
I predict your 'time' here is limited as your disappointment will grow tiring and you WILL 'move on' as many others before you have.
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I predict your 'time' here is limited as your disappointment will grow tiring and you WILL 'move on' as many others before you have.

I respectfully disagree. As for my "time is limited" - you could be right..I am 77, and thus cannot draw my side-arm quite as fast as when I was younger. So....accepting that...I now stay out of bar fights... ( whenever I can.......). Yeah...I know.. I know..I know to.stay out of sight when a jealous husband comes around.....).

As to getting bored with a hobby.....also disagree. Here's some examples..

I started to like model trains when I was five (there was a great model train exhibit at the Chicago Museum Of Science & Industry my parents too me to. When I finish with this, I am going back up to the 2nd floor mezz. of my aircraft hangar, where there is a 30 ft wide, 70 ft long model train exhibit I am quite proud of. Still doing that.

Got my first car when I was 16 ( in 1956). Paid twenty five bucks for it ( in those days, nobody cared about big old super-luxury cars of the 1930's - my parents couldn't understand why I would buy a 1938 Packard V-12. ( especially since they knew how hard I worked for that twenty five bucks , and to make it worse..the durn thing needed a battery. ). Yes, still driving the same car. (only reason I don't drive it more is that it dosnt have air conditioning ). ( drove it in So. Calif last weekend to participate in a fancy car show in San Marino )

Started taking flying lessons when I was 16. Got my "IFR" rating in the early 1960's...Owned present airplane for twenty years now.

BOTTOM LINE - you lost that one - suggest before you decide you know what someone else is about...how about giving them the courtesy of ASKING a few questions FIRST ?
It's not a zero sum game.
I have completed my last lap.

You, nor those before you, have been successful in changing my mind. But then again I warned you of such. Add my 'notch' to your victory stick and see ya' 'round.

You are free to have the last word but don't count ion me hearing it.

I guarantee you that if you stuck your fingers through the prop guard and into the props its gonna do far more damage than if you just stuck your hand into the props with no guards. Prop guards are not designed to protect people from props, there designed to protect the props from walls, trees, bushes, ect. The phantom series are designed to be a flying camera platform. Its impossible to keep prop guards out of the shots and stability is certainly effected by having weighted sails on each arm. People use these things to get film and broadcast quality videography. Anything that effects the quality of the video is never going to be acceptable. Photography is a cut throat industry. You have to set yourself apart from your competition by offering a better product and propguards are never going to positively effect the final product. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't fly around people, my quad is never less than 50 ft off the ground. Prop guards are never going to help me in anyway. If I did a lot of city flying around people perhaps there may be an argument for prop guards. I'm just never going to be in a situation where they will help more than hinder me. If you want to use them then use them but don't try to force me to use them. There have been a handful of minor injuries but there are hundreds of millions of dji or equivalent quad copters across the globe.
................ The phantom series are designed to be a flying camera platform. Its impossible to keep prop guards out of the shots .


Excellent point. I understand...when I first started using my drone as a camera platform, I had the same problem - otherwise really outstanding photographs of stuff I really wanted...just plain RUINED by those prop guards.

Here's a thought....keep operating your drone - as you get more experience, you will find that you can learn how to get excellent shots WITHOUT the drone's prop. guards showing up.

I can assure you of the above from my own personal experience. For the first week I had my drone...yes...see above...otherwise great shots ruined.

But now that I have been operating my Phantom for THREE whole weeks now, I learned how to operate my drone....get very satisfying both photo AND video - without the blade guards showing up.

So be patient. "man's got to know his limitations".......! But with a little practice..who knows..maybe even YOU can duplicate my experience.....!

. . . . . . . . .

Excellent point. I understand...when I first started using my drone as a camera platform, I had the same problem - otherwise really outstanding photographs of stuff I really wanted...just plain RUINED by those prop guards.

Here's a thought....keep operating your drone - as you get more experience, you will find that you can learn how to get excellent shots WITHOUT the drone's prop. guards showing up.

I can assure you of the above from my own personal experience. For the first week I had my drone...yes...see above...otherwise great shots ruined.

But now that I have been operating my Phantom for THREE whole weeks now, I learned how to operate my drone....get very satisfying both photo AND video - without the blade guards showing up.

So be patient. "man's got to know his limitations".......! But with a little practice..who knows..maybe even YOU can duplicate my experience.....!

. . . . . . . . .
They should really just ban you. Your always starting something. POOF, BE GONE! I will just ignore you until that happens. Shouldnt be long now.
They should really just ban you.

How disappointing. I was just trying to help this guy ( he said that prop guards interferred with his photo work.

I just wanted to help - explained to him that now with my THREE WEEKS of experience, I have figured out how to operate my Phantom so that the prop. guards dont get into my photo work.

I wonder why my trying to help upset the guy...? Anyone else unable to operate their Phantoms in such a way that prop. guards dont get into their photo work ? Let me know and I will explain it to you.... ( now that I have THREE WEEKS of experience of operating a Phantom......! )
videography. Anything that effects the quality of the video is never going to be acceptable .... hinder me. If you want to use them then use them but don't try to force me to use them. .


I understand. Yes, for the first week and a half that I had my Phantom, you are correct - making VERY sudden starts and stops and I had BOTH my photos and video RUINED by the appearance of the prop blades and their guard. Not to worry..with a little practice maybe YOU can duplicate what I have learned to do....now that I have THREE WEEKS of experience in operating my Phantom...

Oh - by the way...sorry I wasn't clear. I did NOT suggest anyone should be forced to have prop. guards. All I suggested is that they shouldnt sell the things unless they are equipped with them.

I suspect you are like me..you are careful and smart enough to operate sharp devices without being forced to have guards. I have REMOVED the guards on both my table saw and my SkillSaw. I presume you, like me, are careful with your devices - like you, i most certainly resent being forced to do something.

Again, my apologies if I wasnt clear.

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