Transmitter signal issue

Sep 3, 2023
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I have a used P3S and when I first got it I flew it all around the neighborhood. I had no issues. Never had a "loss of Signal warning. Jump ahead 3 months. When I go out with it now I get a red loss of signal warning if I get either 200 feet up or 200 feet out. the warning flashes red/green at about 200 feet and gets worse as I go further. I have also noticed that video freezes on my phone as it travels away. I also have 2 Mini 2's that fly without issue. Just the Phantom 3.
What gives. It's never been crashed nor had any hard landings.
Any mods?

Could be oxidation is interfering with the transceiver connections? Especially if you have an old drone. DJI does a very good job of protecting those connections. It is more apt to happen with a modified drone. But the P3S was released in 2015 which was a long time ago. You'd have to go in, disconnect, and thoroughly clean off the small ufl stem connections of your transceiver cables with isopropyl alcohol and reconnect. If you wanted, you could even put a very small tiny dap of DeoxIT L260D grease on the air side (less is more). I've done this with my P2s and it has solved the gradual eroding distance problem. Just an idea - no guarantee it will solve your particular problem. Good luck.

Edit: Apparently they changed the name of the product above to DeoxIT L260Dcp. It's the one with copper particles in it and can resolve connection problems in vibrating environments. But if you decide to use it, you want to use a very small amount like a dap the size of a pin head and apply it very carefully. You don't want to cause a short. It's best not to use this unless you think you need it.
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Welcome to the forum!

I had many P3S Signal Problems.

And can find a lot of links I was involved in.

Did you every do a firmware update. After it flew like it should?

Rod ..
Says firmware is up to date. What is the latest version?
You didn't answer my question. :rolleyes:
"Did you every do a firmware update. After it flew like it should?"

Did you see this yet "P3S => Fly-it or Fryware-it (Rod)" ?

There is very good reason for that statement. This will decide which I go with your questions. I have many posts on this problem. :)

Rod ..
Version 3.1.11 was from 6/23/2017.
Version 3.1.76 I can't find In the DJI listings. How 'bout it Rod, do you see 3.1.76 anywhere? My list doesn't show it.

(firmware on my P3S's is 2.7.1, or overall it's 1.5.70 from 4/7/2016. Birds fly great, with none of that DJI 'GeoFencing' garbage that was included in 1.6.80 update. Just sayin'...)
I give up, until this question is answered

"Did you every do a firmware update. After it flew like it should?"

Rod ..
More info you know proper antenna position. Are u pointing rc at drone. Batteries charged . Legs of drone clear of obs. Antennas are in legs. Lights flashing correctly ..can you do upgrade. Hows it do ..can you downgrade. Electronics this complicated fail in subtle ways. Software has been corrupted by high energy photons. Are you in the way of microwave transmitters. Dogs and cats may be living together. But we wont know if you don't give us more relevant info. Were here to help.
"I do not recall any firmware updates at all since I started flying it 6 months ago."

Okay, now I know which direction I going direct my questions.

At the moment yeah this seams very stupid.
I'm asking like how many times after it did fly correctly that your remote and a P3S were powered on like maybe less than 4' and more than 10 mins.

There are so many weird issues with P3S, it works fine then it stopped which I believe is like your original post, some times it was right out the box.

Check this link for uploading and sharing your flight log.
I think there will be some clues that I or somebody else get a better idea whats going on.

@msinger is the person that made this happen.

Take a look at this link also.

Rod ..
Yes we get that way, were humans!

"giving me a "Timed out" error."
Now here is what I have no clue your trying to do?

I'm still here well maybe not mentally. :rolleyes: :)👌

Rod ..

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