Just got Talked to by the COPS!!!!

Re: Just got busted by the COPS!!!!

I've had those drone comments from onlookers, from curious to hostile. here's what i do to defuse them:
-show them a short video on my iPhone of a flight, when they see the wide angle and the lack of facial recognition they get less anxious
-say that its basically a toy for a friend that you are trying out
-you can build one yourself for a $100 (true, although skill required!)
-that its legal to fly within sight, under 400 feet, as long as due care is involved
-oh yeah, don't fly over someones house or active public road...anytime!
Re: Just got busted by the COPS!!!!

Roadkilt said:
I've had those drone comments from onlookers, from curious to hostile. here's what i do to defuse them:
-show them a short video on my iPhone of a flight, when they see the wide angle and the lack of facial recognition they get less anxious
-say that its basically a toy for a friend that you are trying out
-you can build one yourself for a $100 (true, although skill required!)
-that its legal to fly within sight, under 400 feet, as long as due care is involved
-oh yeah, don't fly over someones house or active public road...anytime!

I've pushed it a little by flying over a road.. but at night. LOL. That's pushing it. But if I get caught i certainly won't be defensive or offensive. I'd respect and move on.
Re: Just got busted by the COPS!!!!

Being grown up about it is the key. I think both parties are guilty here of digging their heels in. This is one problem with the American system. Everyone is so busy claiming their rights that they forget other have rights. Actually it was a famous America who said something like "those who deny the rights of others deserve them not for themselves". You have a right to fly your quad(I don't think calling them drones is helpful in addressing peoples fears). The public has a right to be safe from you flying and not have thier privacy invaded. Not saying you did either of those just my thoughts.
Re: Just got busted by the COPS!!!!


Wow. Just wow. Never underestimate the combined powers of naiveté and paranoia. We have to educate people. Carefully. OP, you have my sympathies. I don't know about local or state laws but you have federal coverage from this law passed in 2012:


As for neighbors, put the weapons away. It's not worth it! Make peace with them before something else provokes an incident.
If that were me I would not of let a cop illegal threaten me with arrest under color of law. and i you let him do it once and don't do any thing about it he will just be emboldened enough to do it again. Just like if a bully trys to get you to give him your lunch money they know you are a mark and will always try to take it every day.

If you were not breaking any laws esp not any laws that would be any sort an arrestable offense then there is no legal way he can 'arrest you and book you in to the county jail" THAT'S AN EXPLICIT threat to your freedom and liberty and NOT a cop cant just take some one to the jail and say here book him cause I feel like it tho he broke no law and no charge. and he cant just say oh well I'll arrest you for some thing else.

Now here's how to make sure this cop DON'T come mess with you again. Go to the station and ask to speak to a supervisor or the watch commander for what ever shift it was. and explain you had a visit from one of there officers for some thing that was not a criminal offense and therefor not a police matter. and ask What law SPECIFICALLY was being broken? and what is the penal code and what section of the penal code is it under? BUT don't say any thing yet about what the cop said. WAIT till they paint them selves in a corner and admit there is now law against you flying your personal non commercial drone. (btw if they don't have your videos them saying your are filming any one is an unbacked allegation don't volunteer any thing. )

ut after they admit there is no law that was broken. THEN you ask them "well then why was I THREATENED to be false arrested under color of law? The explain that the cops THREATENED YOU and made you VERY fearful that he was going to illegally try and trump up some false charge on you. At this point they are going to try and apologize for the officer saying that and try to defuse the situation or try and deny he ever said it. Which at that point you can tell them YES HE DID AND IF HE DIDN'T then you would not be so fearful to of gone all the way there to talk to any one about it. And insist that they let you file a formal complaint against the officer if they do any thing less then kiss and powder your *** over him threatening you under color of law.and make sure you say under color of law every time you say he threatened you cause THEY KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THAT MEANS. (it means big time law suit for civil rights violations) More then likely the supervisor is going to talk to the officer and tell him don't be doing that and risking them getting sued and will probably advise the cop to stay away from you and not be the one to go if they ever get any more calls from you. Now understand tho the cop is going to be big time pissed off that one of his victims that he tried to threaten bully and intimidate didn't just go and wet there pants and be scared of him. and if you so much as even ever see him drive by your house or even give you the evil eye you go right back down and file formal complaint that he is making you Feel in fear and is threatening you and harassing you. Then if he was told by any superior not to do these things his superior IS GOING TO BE PISSED that he disobeyed or didn't take there advise. Then its a personal grip between him and his boss.

Now about the nut case that got in his truck and tried to track you down and threatening to do body harm or worse to you. Well first of all EVEN if you were doing any thing wrong we live in a civil society with this thing called the rule of law and HE is the one that was breaking laws cause you are not allowed to go around and threaten to beat any on up for any reason. So Screw him and press charges on for him threatening you and placing you in fear for your safety and have his *** arrested. They will try to talk you out of it. BUT they have to let you press charges even if they are not going to arrest him over it. BUT once charges are levied and you sign the form its offical and they have to investigate and more then likely if the jerk was stupid enough to go and try and track you don't and threaten you and accuse you of being a pedo chances are HIGH that he will also be stupid enough to feel he was justified in doing it in the first place and will be stupid enough to admit his own guilt to the investigation officer when he proclaims Well he is a pedo bla bla bla etc etc" Most people when they feel justified or entitled to do what they do Almost always come right out and admit what they did with out even realizing that there being proud of what they did and feeling like its ok is legally speaking a full confession that there is merit to the charge. Then they can arrest him or issue him a summons to go to court for the criminal charges. you press. and is necessary for charges to go forth being they cant just arrest some one on just a persons allegation that he did it with out either other witnesses to it i he denys it OR with out evidence or the defendants own admission that there is at least some merit and truth to what you are alleged he did. But if he is a hot head and a dumb *** which I would not bet against him being. He will give the cops what they need to then have to press the charges on him. and the best part about it is he has to go to court and the court will most likely on the first appearance will issue a restraining order against him while the case is pending. and YOU wont have to have a lawyer because the state will be your lawyer and its a matter of him verses the state not you verses him. The district attorneys offices prosecutor is who will try the case for you just like in any other criminal case in court.
It is bad enough with the population ignorance in Virginia where I live. We are close enough here to Washington DC, however, that the average person has at least seen a "drone" doing something good on TV (you're in "Duck Dynasty" land down there dude).

But you need to go to the County Officials (highest office in your area) and deliver a copy of the FAA regs, the recent NTSB Court ruling, and a signed statement of your intended use of the machine.
Consider signing up for Pre-Paid Legal. For $25 a month you get to ask unlimited questions, and have legal defense if someone sues you. We've never had to go to court, but we've asked a lot of questions, received excellent legal advice and guidance to take action. We know when to back down and play nice because I didn't have a legal leg to stand on. They have written a demand letter that resulted in toning down bullying behavior from a bank. When a party knows that you know your legal rights and have legal representation, they treat you with more respect.

In this situation, you could call Pre-Paid Legal and find out your rights and guidance on what to do. If appropriate, they may write a letter on legal letterhead to the police department and/or the neighbor.
Texas Drones Law Gets Tough On Public, Private Use
"Seven states have passed drone restrictions nationwide, with measures in Illinois, Florida, Montana and Tennessee mostly protecting individual privacy rights, requiring that law enforcement obtain warrants when using drones or prohibiting images collected from them from being used in court. Virginia, meanwhile, declared a two-year moratorium on drone use by law enforcement so it can study the privacy implications."
I think the public is paranoid. Why do they think that everything that flys is spying on them? Just because it may have a camera
onboard doesn't mean it's being used. How could they prove that anyway? So what if it is being used. There is no law about taking pictures of people in public unless you are invading their space and are just being annoying. When you walk out your door you pretty much know privacy is out the window. You cant go to a gas station, food store, clothing store, etc without being on camera. So what's the big deal? I fly rc stuff but I really don't want someone buzzing over my head all the time, It's not because of privacy, it's safety I'm thinking of. I don't want some clown that just got his first rc anything and be flying it near me. We are all being watched all the time by different means...so get over it....unless you have something to hide. Either stay in your house or wear a disguise ,,,,Maybe some Groucho glasses.
Re: Just got busted by the COPS!!!!

UrAwFuL said:
LOL at the 1st link, that seems a little exaggerated.

And what the lady is saying is true on the 2nd link, then well.. I suppose it's a problem.

Same lady in both vids.
Simply ridiculous. Self described 'crazy grandma' is paranoid. A felon could also follow you home in a car, take a photo of you with a telephoto lens, etc. These UAV's only fly for minutes before they have to land and have a limited range, also the majority use GoPros which have a wide view, not a close up view. For as many negatives she provided I could give her two legitimate uses. She also doesn't mind law enforcement flying around cause everyone knows a LEO would never use it for nefarious reasons... right??? I could also apply her fears to many other everyday objects. People that are paranoid about these UAV's better get used to them as they are the future. Anytime you leave your house you are being filmed... gas stations, banks, supermarket, ATM, streets, everywhere, all day, everyday.
This is turning into the 'gun vs. anti-gun' argument. :roll:
Re: Just got busted by the COPS!!!!

LuvMyTJ said:
Same lady in both vids.
Simply ridiculous. Self described 'crazy grandma' is paranoid. A felon could also follow you home in a car, take a photo of you with a telephoto lens, etc. These UAV's only fly for minutes before they have to land and have a limited range, also the majority use GoPros which have a wide view, not a close up view. For as many negatives she provided I could give her two legitimate uses. She also doesn't mind law enforcement flying around cause everyone knows a LEO would never use it for nefarious reasons... right??? I could also apply her fears to many other everyday objects. People that are paranoid about these UAV's better get used to them as they are the future. Anytime you leave your house you are being filmed... gas stations, banks, supermarket, ATM, streets, everywhere, all day, everyday.
This is turning into the 'gun vs. anti-gun' argument. :roll:

+1 it's funny how many people think quadcopters will turn someone into a pedo. Someone needs to explain to grandma that pedoism is not a disease you catch from flying RC craft and requiring a permit to screen out pedos. Lol. Good luck to that. A pedo will always be a pedo.
I would not stand for what the cop said that is an abuse of power and a threat he has NO right to tell you how to live your life sounds like he only got one side of the story and put you in the wrong . If anything that kid or whoever hunted you down should have been arrested for making terroristic threats . By you not doing anything about this you are letting this cop get away with being judge and jury . I would get a attorney and make sure that cop learns the law and is not allowed to threaten a civilian . Bad cop they are everywhere .
What is funny is most of the people complaining about this are old and I'd bet do not know how to even use a cell phone technology itself scares them .
Just the other day I was doing a roof job and herd a quad above me I turned gave it a thumbs up and it Flew away no harm no foul .
Now them vids with that lady if she was telling 100% truth about some guy not from the neighborhood I do have a problem with that it is not right those are the people that are going to give us sensible people problems .
there's a lot of people acting all badass in here "the cop is wrong! stand up to him! he can't do that!" etc. which might technically be true, but that doesn't help you in the situation. imo the key to successfully interacting with law enforcement is to remain calm and collected and not let things get heated. Normally the best thing to do would just be to comply and leave but since this is basically your home and street depending on how strongly you want to stand your ground and press the issue if the cop is literally threatening you with jail I'd be prepared to go CALMLY. if you know 100% that you're in the right and whatever you're charged with won't stand up in court (this is a BIG "if" btw, I'd do a lot of legal research before you get to this point) I would very calmly and coolly allow myself to be arrested, be very clear on the charges and after bailing out immediately go find a lawyer and go to town with a wrongful arrest or whatever lawsuit but you better be **** sure you have a good lawyer!
what you definitely DON'T want to do is get heated and add anything like resisting arrest, assaulting an officer (or the other party), stuff like that on top of the base charge because for example if you get resisting arrest it doesn't matter how the other charge turns out if you resisted then you resisted... follow?

the easiest and imo best thing to do here would be to try to repair the relationship with the neighbor: bring them in on the fun, show them the toy, explain how you're just goofing off not recording them specifically, try to get the kids involved show them the videos and of course avoid their property. If you repair THAT relationship then nobody will call the cops in the first place and it won't matter how wrong he is or what trumped up charges he can come up with. take them a tray of fresh cookies or a case of beer or something... imo it's often better to defeat an enemy by turning them into an ally.

but the key to everything is maintaining your cool and being professional. try not to curse, especially if the other party is heated it just makes you look better.
QYV said:
there's a lot of people acting all badass in here "the cop is wrong! stand up to him! he can't do that!" etc. which might technically be true, but that doesn't help you in the situation. imo the key to successfully interacting with law enforcement is to remain calm and collected and not let things get heated. Normally the best thing to do would just be to comply and leave but since this is basically your home and street depending on how strongly you want to stand your ground and press the issue if the cop is literally threatening you with jail I'd be prepared to go CALMLY. if you know 100% that you're in the right and whatever you're charged with won't stand up in court (this is a BIG "if" btw, I'd do a lot of legal research before you get to this point) I would very calmly and coolly allow myself to be arrested, be very clear on the charges and after bailing out immediately go find a lawyer and go to town with a wrongful arrest or whatever lawsuit but you better be **** sure you have a good lawyer!
what you definitely DON'T want to do is get heated and add anything like resisting arrest, assaulting an officer (or the other party), stuff like that on top of the base charge because for example if you get resisting arrest it doesn't matter how the other charge turns out if you resisted then you resisted... follow?

the easiest and imo best thing to do here would be to try to repair the relationship with the neighbor: bring them in on the fun, show them the toy, explain how you're just goofing off not recording them specifically, try to get the kids involved show them the videos and of course avoid their property. If you repair THAT relationship then nobody will call the cops in the first place and it won't matter how wrong he is or what trumped up charges he can come up with. take them a tray of fresh cookies or a case of beer or something... imo it's often better to defeat an enemy by turning them into an ally.

but the key to everything is maintaining your cool and being professional. try not to curse, especially if the other party is heated it just makes you look better.
Nicely said. I would add that it's never in your best interest to get in a pissing contest with a badge as they generally win in the end. Remember, the cop you tick off today is the one that is behind you in your car tomorrow.
I'm by no means advocating just laying down and rolling over, I'd certainly have another less confrontational conversation with the officer involved, I'd bet he was just trying to de-escillate the situation before shooting started and he had to write up all the reports involved with a homicide. :shock: :)
Good luck!
best thing to do here would be to try to repair the relationship with the neighbor: bring them in on the fun, show them the toy, explain how you're just goofing off not recording them specifically, try to get the kids involved show them the videos and of course avoid their property.

tho if they are nut bags logic rational thinking dont always work in the mind of some one that's not logical or rational. and even trying to get the kids involved my just convince them even more that some one is a pedo or a freak. trying to use his "toy" as a child lure.

BUT very good advise to Always avoid a personal pissing contest with a cop esp on on a power trip and if they ever try to trump up charges even if you know its wrong DONT ever even give them any excuse to say you resisted arrest of were in any way hostel to a threat. Cause to day a cop can just blow you away if they want or beat you to death and not even get in any trouble for it whats so ever and if your dead they can say any thing they want and no way to dispute it if you are dead.

BUT also Never cowel to a cop or show fear (or to any bully that just sets then off even more.) Just be matter of factually assertive with out being aggressive or lose your cool. and dont ever argue wih them on any thing. You can tell them they are wrong and leave it at that. and deal with them threw one of there higher ups. BUT don't even expect that arguing with them will ever do any good or work cause most cops that will argue or bow up to you are already low enough IQ to of qualified to be a cop in the first place and are not cops to be good guys that want to ever smooth any thing over. and even if they know you are right and they are wrong Its not in a bully on a power trips nature to relent and admit they are in the wrong. And will do any thing to still act like they are the one that's right even if it means bashing you brains in and taking there roid rage out on someone.
Well, it sounds like you may have had problems with those neighbors in the past. If that is indeed the case it is best not to fly around close to their house. Some people are just bitter humans.

As for the cop that stopped by your house, he just tried to use fear tactics to get you to stop flying. If the OP had stood up and said by law it is not illegal to fly my quad on my property. Then the officer would have thrown something like disturbing the peace on you. If it's a Friday or Saturday, guess where you will be til Monday morning? Yep, locked up on BS charges that a judge will throw out on Monday, but guess what, the officer won because you were locked up all weekend. Yes the officer might get a slap on the wrist, but he still won. I've seen it done too many times. Nothing law enforcement likes more than someone having to spend the weekend in jail, especially if that someone got smart with them.

Best thing to do is just let it go for that day, Then file a complaint later. Cool heads win in the end.
sounds to me like you need to learn how to deal with cops, youtube comes in handy for this. here are a few simple rules.

1. FILM AND RECORD EVERYTHING AND EVERY WORD. if it comes down to your word against theirs, they will always win unless you have video proof. They say a picture is worth 1000 words, so a video might be a dictionary.

2. NEVER step out of your home, different laws apply when you do, you are king of your castle.

3. NEVER NEVER NEVER ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS. do not attempt to do this without your lawyer in attendance. you have the 5th amendment right to silence. that is your best course of action. STFU.

4. make sure you tell the cop your recording him. his attitude will immediatly change, cops are scared of video.

5. NEVER NEVER NEVER invite them inside your home. different laws apply here too.

6. Did i mention to STFU? dont make any statements, none at all, dont give them ANY lame *** excuses, or stories. Silence is your best weapon. Cops dont need to mirandize you to use what you say in a court of law. any stupid lame *** statement you utter is admissible. But you cannot use what the cop says in your defense, this is a well established procedure.

7. Be aware that a cop has the ability to lie to you during the course of an investigation, so says the supreme court. they do NOT have to tell you the truth and very rarely do, they are not lawyers and they dont have to give out truthful legal advice. They can and will lie like a common thug as most of them are anyways.

8. If they start to beat you with batons, do not resist, just try to get your head under his cruiser, so he cannot kill you by striking you in the head. and make sure you already had the video and audio recording, DO NOT SHUT IT OFF NO MATTER WHAT THE COP SAYS. PHOTOGRAPHY IS NOT A CRIME.

9. ID laws differ from state to state, when they ask for your ID, in some cases you do NOT have to provide it, i wont go into this here, but your better off just handing them your ID.

10. If a cop asks you if you mind if he searches, you are free to say no, if he asks, then chances are he doesnt have any probable cause to search you or your vehicle. he gets promoted and gets raises based on his felony arrests, his line of questioning is geared to get you to stumble over your words, and its geared to give him probable cause for the search and detainment. ASK IF YOUR BEING DETAINED AND FOR WHAT SPECIFIC CRIME. then ask if your free to go, if he refuses to answer, keep asking if your free to go, once he says yes, then you may leave. that means this encounter was completely consensual. if your free to go, then GTFO of there. Those are the only words i ever speak to a cop, "officer, am i free to go or am i being detained for a specific crime? and if so? what specific crime do you suspect me of committing? this is where the cop will tip his hand, if he has nothing, he'll start to hedge and lie. but if you get him on video refusing to answer, then your lawyer can get it dismissed.

11. LAST BUT NOT LEAST keep your mouth shut. your lawyer cannot unscrew what you do with your mouth, remember the cops have recordings of this entire encounter, and so should you just in case theirs comes up missing, which happens more times than you would imagine.

12. Cops can and will lie, they will lie on their reports, and they will lie for each other in court. GET VIDEO.

13. Photography is NOT a crime, people in public have NO expectation of privacy. This was ruled on by the supreme court, it was a case involving an illinois cop that arrested a man for video taping him during his own traffic stop. he was arrested for wiretapping. The court ruled in the citizens favor. I'm going to state that one more time. IF YOU ARE IN PUBLIC YOU HAVE NO EXPECTATIONS OF PRIVACY.

Do NOT expect a cop to say these things to you, because it just makes his job harder. It's your responsibility to educate your self about law and jurisprudence.

My father was a FTO for years, (thats field training officer) his job was to weed out the ones that werent "Team Players" as he put it, what he meant, was he fires the ones he feels wont lie to cover up his ********. honest cops are weeded out from the very beginning by the FTO.

When a cop is accused of a crime, he clams up so tight you couldnt open his face with a crowbar, he shows up to the deposition not only with his lawyer mouthpiece, but he also brings his union rep with him. HE DOESNT SPEAK A SINGLE SOLITARY WORD. And you shouldnt either.

Do NOT speak to them other than to identify, and, there are certain cases in which you dont have to provide ID, you might want to google "Terry Stop" dont give them anything, they wont give you anything. and no one is perfectly clean all the time. you could have a warrant for an unpaid seat belt ticket, or he might say "you smell like weed" or how about the good old "I saw him reaching into his waistband".
here is the best video demonstration of this i have ever seen in my life, this is my friend Kenny Suitter, NOT ANSWERING ANY QUESTIONS WHEN A COP CAME TO HIS DOOR. check it out.


The best way to handle this, is to go to a defense lawyers office and grab up a few of his business cards from his secretary. you dont have to put him on retainer, just grab the cards. THAT IS WHAT YOU HAND THE COP WHEN HE ASKS HIS FIRST QUESTION. and you STFU. you dont say a word.
Cops work under the assumption that your scared of them, that you fear jail. for me....THIS IS SIMPLY NOT THE CASE. Been there hundreds of times, its just boring. call your wife have her come bail you out before the ink is dry on the cops report, that pisses them off worse than anything to see your already back out flying your quad.

I come from a family with a long and sordid history of law enforcement involvement, my parents were cops, my brother, my aunts, and uncles, my cousin just took a 9mm thru the leg by a gang member, he was back to work in 3 days. I helped them all thru the academy, I KNOW WHAT THE LAW SAYS. and iv'e seen every single dirty *** trick they play.
Oh and if your in Seattle or Albequerque, or Austin, its just best not to cross paths with them, they will shoot and kill you. Or beat you to death and say he resisted.
Holy crap sketch, you are about as paranoid as they come! Equally as paranoid as the woman in the video.

As for the situation at hand, I am a Deputy Sheriff (run Sketch) who is obviously a "drone" pilot as well. I keep myself as up to date on "drone" laws because I love flying them. While most peace officers are still in the dark about "drone law", as are most everyone else, they do know all about "disturbing the peace" issues. The woman in the video was at peace before she picked up the phone to report someone flying over house. While she is obviously paranoid and uneducated about what what these things are actually capable of doing, she does have a right to her peace, as does everyone in the neighborhood.

An on-duty peace officer cannot have their peace disturbed, as we are not at peace the moment we check on the radio. In a case like this, they have to be an advocate for the person whose peace is being disturbed.

The interaction between the officer and pilot should have gone something more like:
"Hello, I am here because someone reported suspicious activity involving you and your device. They are concerned about you flying over their house. I realize that as of now, this is not a crime, and I know how much fun they can be, you have to understand that the people in this neighborhood have a right to their peace... Which you are currently disturbing. At this point the caller just wants you to stop and find a new place to fly (somewhere that is not over houses if possible). They haven't requested to be a victim at this point, they just want it stopped. They do however have the right to be a victim of disturbing the peace, which would believe it or not, mean an arrest. A charge of DTP is a misdemeanor charge, and while it is a paper arrest, it would require you to appear before a judge. I am trying to keep this from going that route by simply asking you to move on to a place where you too can fly in peace. Deal?"

Okay Sketch, you can come back out. I am leaving.

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