Will we get screwed by Trade War?

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There is nothing to support what you are saying regarding America being hurt by Trade with any country. You are merely repeating Fox News sound bites. Please provide statistical sources reflecting the damage that has been done to America regarding trade with China.

I'm getting pretty fed up --- along with most Americans --- of these boilerplate Faux News "talking points" from Trump Supporters --- you never hear anything based on facts from them --- it's always "Deep State" or "Hillary's Emails" or "Uranium One". Nothing grounded in reality.
We have been in a trade war for over fifteen years. China has stringent blocks to doing business with them. You must give them trade secrets, patents, must make product in China and hire according to their policies on foreign trade. We are just now starting to get back. It will hurt, but not as much as we have already been hurt. We are doing what should have been done a generation ago.
You watched too much fake news and not realize the real world. For the past 50 years, engineering graduate schools are all foreign students, most are from China. When they finished their education, many stayed and helped build America but many also returned to their homeland and advanced their industries. The so called "stolen" technology were the brain child of returned scientists and engineers. If you want to blame some one for usa falling, blame yourself not studying the STEM subjects and usa immigration policy.
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You watched too much fake news and not realize the real world. For the past 50 years, engineering graduate schools are all foreign students, most are from China. When they finished their education, many stayed and helped build America but many also returned to their homeland and advanced their industries. The so called "stolen" technology were the brain child of returned scientists and engineers. If you want to blame some one for usa falling, blame yourself not studying the STEM subjects and usa immigration policy.

Your post is a glaring example of why Trump boasted of "loving the uneducated" during his campaign rallies. Trump is quite the dummy himself but is smart enough to know that you can easily take advantage of uneducated, angry people by constantly telling them that it is NEVER their fault for what goes wrong in their lives but you always blame someone else for your misery --- immigrants, Muslims, Mexicans, blacks, etc.

If Trump was President in the early 20th century, would he have allowed immigrants like Albert Einstein and Enrico Fermi to enter the USA? Probably not, and we would not have the brain trust to have been able to develop the atomic bomb to end WW2 quickly. What about German immigrants like Wernher von Braun who was pivotal to developing the NASA rockets that would take Americans to the moon?

Trump is the worst kind of cancer because he tells you that it's always an immigrant who is gonna steal your precious job from you and you never have to work hard and get a better education to keep that job. Trump is basically saying all American jobs will be protected by Soviet-style Communist protectionism and that America never has to compete in the global marketplace. Very backwards and doomed mentality.
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Once again I guess need to point out that American corporations knew all the Chinese laws BEFORE they moved to China for the sweet sweet slave labor and chose to give the Chinese everything in hopes that with such low labor cost, and no environmental laws that they would get even richer then they could imagine and now that it has come back to bite them, they whine and complain that it is unfair. Well that’s the price you pay for screwing your own country. They can always come back to the USA, but they won’t, instead they will try to convince stupid people that we should bail them out with a trade war that will kill all the companies that didn’t leave the USA, and our farmers, and all the rest of us.
If the usa government didn't give the money to build football stadiums and gave the money to build factories and infrastructure instead, usa business might not move their operation oversea. If the usa citizens took more harder engineering courses, the manufacturers might not need to move their factories to where the qualified workers are. If the usa immigration policy is not so anti-immigrant, there might be more engineering students staying in usa instead of going back to their motherland.
Drump pointed out the usa problems ie trade deficit, but his solutions do not help lowering the imbalance. Instead, his actions will bring worldwide depression at best, world wars a remote possibility.

If he build his stupid wall, I can foresee in not too far distance future, a Mexican "Reagan" would stand on that wall and repeat Reagan's fameou quote "Mr. President, tear down this wall".
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Only a FAKE PRESIDENT complains about FAKE NEWS.

Trump admitted to Lesley Stahl that he came up with the term "fake news" to try and discredit all the bad things the media says about him. Just like a toddler throwing a tantrum instead of dealing with negative things like an adult.

America is sick and tired of having a draft-dodging Crybaby-In-Chief. Let's hope Mueller really got the goods on this Russian Puppet and locks him up for the rest of his life.
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Great posts, gang. I still can’t believe that anyone would support a man that takes sides against America and sides with a KGB thug. Pathetic.
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Great posts, gang. I still can’t believe that anyone would support a man that takes sides against America and sides with a KGB thug. Pathetic.

Mueller and his ace team of investigators are digging DEEP into all of Trump's criminal activities, dating all the way back the mid-80's when he started associating with Russian mobsters who were buying up his condos with dirty money. This is gonna be the greatest takedown of any high profile slimeball since Eliot Ness took down Capone! :p

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Mueller and his ace team of investigators are digging DEEP into all of Trump's criminal activities, dating all the way back the mid-80's when he started associating with Russian mobsters who were buying up his condos with dirty money. This is gonna be the greatest takedown of any high profile slimeball since Eliot Ness took down Capone! :p

"Ace team of investigators" haven't had a laugh like that in quite a while. Since we're over a year (and millions of taxpayer dollars) in, with zero evidence of any collusion whatsoever, this "ace team" desperately needs to put up or shut up.

"Ace team of investigators" haven't had a laugh like that in quite a while. Since we're over a year (and millions of taxpayer dollars) in, with zero evidence of any collusion whatsoever, this "ace team" desperately needs to put up or shut up.

LOL, well if that's what you Faux News junkies like to tell yourself to let you sleep at night.

Last time I checked the REAL news --- there have already been over 125 charges filed against five Americans, one Dutch national, and 26 Russian nationals. And those charges against Russians are not over a vodka smuggling ring --- they are charges of a foreign enemy trying to influence U.S. elections. And then you gotta ask yourself why slimeballs like Flynn would risk the charge of lying to federal agents? Because the dirt he has on Commie Trump is more incriminating than the act of lying to FBI agents!

It's actually funny seeing you Chumpy supporters constantly spin-doctoring the downfall of your Orange Communist Charlatan --- kinda like hearing violins play on the deck of the Titanic as it sinks below the icy cold Atlantic :p

LOL, well if that's what you Faux News junkies like to tell yourself to let you sleep at night.

Last time I checked the REAL news --- there have already been over 125 charges filed against five Americans, one Dutch national, and 26 Russian nationals. And those charges against Russians are not over a vodka smuggling ring --- they are charges of a foreign enemy trying to influence U.S. elections. And then you gotta ask yourself why slimeballs like Flynn would risk the charge of lying to federal agents? Because the dirt he has on Commie Trump is more incriminating than the act of lying to FBI agents!

It's actually funny seeing you Chumpy supporters constantly spin-doctoring the downfall of your Orange Communist Charlatan --- kinda like hearing violins play on the deck of the Titanic as it sinks below the icy cold Atlantic :p
Here's a real news flash for you. Foreign enemies always have, and always will, try to influence our elections. Just as our government does to theirs as well. I will stay above the personal attacks, although really, if your going to personally attack a group of people, you probably should come up with something better than "chumpy supporters". that doesn't even make sense, which is not surprising.

I just wish your boys would get on with doing the job they are supposed to be doing, which is proving actual collusion with the Russians, by our President, and stop wasting taxpayer money. They can strong arm the entire country if they want, but they need to start doing it on their own dime, not ours.

Trump took on the most corrupt, established, political machine in the history of the world, and won. Get over it already.

Here's a real news flash for you. Foreign enemies always have, and always will, try to influence our elections. Just as our government does to theirs as well. I will stay above the personal attacks, although really, if your going to personally attack a group of people, you probably should come up with something better than "chumpy supporters". that doesn't even make sense, which is not surprising.

I just wish your boys would get on with doing the job they are supposed to be doing, which is proving actual collusion with the Russians, by our President, and stop wasting taxpayer money. They can strong arm the entire country if they want, but they need to start doing it on their own dime, not ours.

Trump took on the most corrupt, established, political machine in the history of the world, and won. Get over it already.

LOL --- "Trump took on the most corrupt political machine in our history" --- more of that "Deep State" conspiracy theory, huh? I guess when a Faux News-Hannity-Alex Jones junkie like you starts spewing fake news and fake facts, it's like a smorgasbord of deplorable snacks! :p

And Mueller is strongly supported by 90%+ of the American public to use any and all resources to expose all the dirty crimes and schemes of Commie Trump and his evil band of family and cronies. I don't seem to recall any of you Repubs complaining about how much tax money was spent on the Benghazi or Whitewater or Lewinsky partisan investigations? Hypocrisy is the bread and butter of the Trump Deplorables. :D

So keep crying and squirming, Little Trumpster --- Mueller and the American people are demanding to know the TRUTH about Commie Trump --- and just like Colonel Jessup said in that courtroom ---> YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH !!

LOL --- "Trump took on the most corrupt political machine in our history" --- more of that "Deep State" conspiracy theory, huh? I guess when a Faux News-Hannity-Alex Jones junkie like you starts spewing fake news and fake facts, it's like a smorgasbord of deplorable snacks! :p

And Mueller is strongly supported by 90%+ of the American public to use any and all resources to expose all the dirty crimes and schemes of Commie Trump and his evil band of family and cronies. I don't seem to recall any of you Repubs complaining about how much tax money was spent on the Benghazi or Whitewater or Lewinsky partisan investigations? Hypocrisy is the bread and butter of the Trump Deplorables. :D

So keep crying and squirming, Little Trumpster --- Mueller and the American people are demanding to know the TRUTH about Commie Trump --- and just like Colonel Jessup said in that courtroom ---> YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH !!

Your posts are so ridiculous, they are hilarious. Mueller strongly supported by 90% plus. Pure fantasy. Oh, and by the way, A Few Good Men was a movie. Movies are not real life. But please, keep posting your fantasies, I enjoy a good laugh as much as the next guy!
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Your posts are so ridiculous, they are hilarious. Mueller strongly supported by 90% plus. Pure fantasy. Oh, and by the way, A Few Good Men was a movie. Movies are not real life. But please, keep posting your fantasies, I enjoy a good laugh as much as the next guy!
Correct me if I am in error. I guessed you are a firm believer of Drump. If so, were you a firm believer of GOP party. If so, would you educate me what were the GOP policies?
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I think Ted “Lucifer” Cruz said it best:

This man is a pathological liar. He doesn't know the difference between truth and lies. He lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth. And in a pattern that I think is straight out of a psychology textbook, his response is to accuse everyone else of lying. He accuses everybody on that debate stage of lying. And it's simply a mindless yell. Whatever he does, he accuses everyone else of doing. The man cannot tell the truth, but he combines it with being a narcissist. A narcissist at a level I don't think this country has ever seen. Donald Trump is such a narcissist that Barack Obama looks at him and goes, "Dude, what's your problem?" Everything in Donald's world is about Donald. And he combines being a pathological liar - and I say pathological because I actually think Donald, if you hooked him up to a lie detector test, he could say one thing in the morning, one thing at noon and one thing in the evening, all contradictory, and he'd pass the lie detector test each time. Whatever lie he's telling, at that minute he believes it.
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Correct me if I am in error. I guessed you are a firm believer of Drump. If so, were you a firm believer of GOP party. If so, would you educate me what were the GOP policies?

Don't know why you would be so interested in the political views of someone you don't even know, but since you asked.

I support Trump, voted for him, and will do so again. He has done what he promised he would do in a way that no other politician has ever done, at least in my lifetime. I listen to what he actually says, and objectively observe the results. I don't watch TV, don't even have any subscription service in my home, I cut the cord long ago, so the Fox News conspiracy theories don't apply here. Although I do wonder why Trump haters always resort to personal attacks, and are compelled to attack Fox News.

I do not blindly support any political party. Trump is the only real threat to the entrenched political establishment, and that is the number one reason I support him.

The only education I can give you regarding the GOP is that the vast majority of them, along with the democrats only have one goal in mind, and that is to get re-elected. They are addicted to power, and have no problem doing anything they can to get it back, including selling out there constituents, and bringing down our country.

Not complicated at all really, so flame away, I find it amusing. I just have to remember not to be drinking my coffee when I read some of this stuff. I enjoy laughing, but hate cleaning up coffee, like I already had to do earlier today.
If you don't watch any news, how do you keeping up what your man was doing?

Since you said you voted for him because he said he is anti establishment and he keeps his promise.

Let me ask you couple more questions if you don't mind. When you are sick, do you go to a guy who is anti medical establishment? When you have few roaches in your house, do you burn down the house to kill the roaches?

I gave Drump credits pointing out the problems usa have. But is his actions helping or hurting usa and the world.

Hence, my final question to you. Do you vote for destruction of usa and the world?
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Back in 1985, Mike Wallace interviewed Leona Helmsley, the “Queen of Mean”, on 60 Minutes. When he asked her about her opinion of Trump, she gave one the best answers I’ve ever heard...

“I wouldn’t believe The Donald if his tongue was notarized.”

That was 33 years ago. Once a liar, always a liar.
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If you don't watch any news, how do you keeping up what your man was doing?

There is no news on American TV today. Just some biased goober spouting what he or she wants you to think. But there is this thing called the internet, and you can view it on a TV, if you must.

Since you said you voted for him because he said he is anti establishment and he keeps his promise.

Let me ask you couple more questions if you don't mind. When you are sick, do you go to a guy who is anti medical establishment? When you have few roaches in your house, do you burn down the house to kill the roaches?

You're mixing government and free enterprise, which are completely different entities, at least on this side of the pond. You may as well ask if I accept the establishment color blue, it makes about as much sense.

I gave Drump credits pointing out the problems usa have. But is his actions helping or hurting usa and the world.

Hence, my final question to you. Do you vote for destruction of usa and the world?

Not completely sure what you are saying or asking, but I will just say that I will vote for 4.1% GDP, lowest African American unemployment in history, lowest overall unemployment in 40 years, nuclear disarmament negotiations with North Korea, and on and on. I tend to stick with reality. Statements like one man destroying the world is just lunacy.
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Back in 1985, Mike Wallace interviewed Leona Helmsley, the “Queen of Mean”, on 60 Minutes. When he asked her about her opinion of Trump, she gave one the best answers I’ve ever heard...

“I wouldn’t believe The Donald if his tongue was notarized.”

That was 33 years ago. Once a liar, always a liar.

Was that before, or after she went to prison?
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