tBeacon UHF lost model recovery

good read, but i still think if you're not flying in areas with no cell coverage, Flytrex is still more practical, and has a theoretical unlimited range. still a very cool concept.
I agree. When you add the UHV radio to the base cost, and a somewhat more complicated install, and none of the web apps for checking/logging your flights, Flytrex is still very compelling. I own three, so I've definitely drank their Kool-Aid. However, for out-of-cell-coverage flying, which I do from time to time, tBeacon is intriguing. I wonder if it would work if your quad went down hard and popped its battery? Even if you powered the tBeacon with a standalone battery, would it still remember the last GPS coordinates even if Naza had powered down?

there must be some form of volatile memory on the chip, or it would be almost completely useless for finding your bird after loss of power (and pretty much negate the need for it's own battery).
First off, I really, really hope your an amateur radio operator, second if you were you'd know that you could use any single band 440 ht and program the ccst tone needed to activate. If your not at least technician licenced through the fcc then just buy a crappy 10buck frs radio at Wal-Mart and set it up to use the frs frequency and tone of whatever channel the tracker defaults to. Please, please don't go out and buy a amateur ht unless otherwise licenced to be operating in the 440 (70cm) band.
I agree. When you add the UHV radio to the base cost, and a somewhat more complicated install, and none of the web apps for checking/logging your flights, Flytrex is still very compelling. I own three, so I've definitely drank their Kool-Aid. However, for out-of-cell-coverage flying, which I do from time to time, tBeacon is intriguing. I wonder if it would work if your quad went down hard and popped its battery? Even if you powered the tBeacon with a standalone battery, would it still remember the last GPS coordinates even if Naza had powered down?

The battery aspect together with the fact that some locations with poor coverage in the UK will allow SMS and not 3G is why I use a tracker alongside my Flytrex 3G. There are some UHF frequencies in the UK which are very noisy indeed in built up areas 433 Mhz is one - so this would need to be reconfigured.

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