Rotorpixel gimbal for Phantom Vision

IMO, list or no list, good practice is to to go by the payment sequence, simple.
And if one will back out from it the line up will just correct itself up.
I was looking at this product since the thread started, so what, is that mean I am special, no!
I think, if you like one, pay for it and wait. If I do not like how this whole thing works, have a nice day...
There is choices people. Make yours.... End of the story...
Just my 2 cents ehh... :D
brushlesheaven said:
IMO, list or no list, good practice is to to go by the payment sequence, simple.
And if one will back out from it the line up will just correct itself up.
I was looking at this product since the thread started, so what, is that mean I am special, no!
I think, if you like one, pay for it and wait. If I do not like how this whole thing works, have a nice day...
There is choices people. Make yours.... End of the story...
Just my 2 cents ehh... :D

perfect .... I love the sound of logic and rational thought in the morning ..... !!!
brushlesheaven said:
IMO, list or no list, good practice is to to go by the payment sequence, simple.
And if one will back out from it the line up will just correct itself up.
I was looking at this product since the thread started, so what, is that mean I am special, no!
I think, if you like one, pay for it and wait. If I do not like how this whole thing works, have a nice day...
There is choices people. Make yours.... End of the story...
Just my 2 cents ehh... :D

I have to agree, makes perfect sense and the fairest way.

Me personally, have been following and waiting since the gimbal was first shown. I didn't bother contacting Keri, I didn't want to pester him, so I waited until the day they were available to order and then put my order in.
gfredrone said:
Lets take for instance when ordering a ferrari. You are told before you purchase just how many people are in the queue ahead of you. You then have the option to go forward with putting down your deposit or walking away. We were given no choice here and some were not even aware of a back door list.

I see two options: Fill in the order received or make it a lottery where no one has preferential rights on the orders made within the first 24 hours or whatever scheme you want to come up with.

Hey I've wanted a ferrarri since I was 8 years old, that that put me to the front of the line :lol:
There is more than 300 people on the list .. how long could that possibly take to get through before other orders .. think last production assembly update was 30 a week ... 10 weeks or less until some other people's order go out .. :roll:

be patient all
I sincerely believe what we have is a few folks who clearly are on the "list", they are defending Keri's proposal.

Then we have some people who feel confident that they placed their order so late that they had no anticipation of receiving the product anytime soon so they don't care one way or the other.

Then there are the folks in the middle (Me) who religiously watched the thread, refreshed and refreshed the order screen and anxiously committed their hard earned cash with an early order. They thought they had a good shot of making the first releases of orders. Then the announcement of this secret list and Keri's idea... clearly one of these groups would feel more slighted than the others. :?

Cancellation request sent via email... Dispute pending with VISA if no timely response from ROTORPIXEL. :roll:

I'm very sad to see this launch handled in such a non-professional and IMO borderline unethical fashion. I'll order elsewhere or after ROTORPIXEL has inventory and an advertised order ship time. Good day all! :(
Brew said:
I sincerely believe what we have is a few folks who clearly are on the "list", they are defending Keri's proposal.

Then we have some people who feel confident that they placed their order so late that they had no anticipation of receiving the product anytime soon so they don't care one way or the other.

Then there are the folks in the middle (Me) who religiously watched the thread, refreshed and refreshed the order screen and anxiously committed their hard earned cash with an early order. They thought they had a good shot of making the first releases of orders. Then the announcement of this secret list and Keri's idea... clearly one of these groups would feel more slighted than the others. :?

Cancellation request sent via email... Dispute pending with VISA if no timely response from ROTORPIXEL. :roll:

I'm very sad to see this launch handled in such a non-professional and IMO borderline unethical fashion. I'll order elsewhere or after there ROTORPIXEL has inventory and an advertised order ship time. Good day all! :(

for the record I am not on the list
mcurrier said:
GMANNZ said:
I have seen children at Xmas wanting to open presents early behave with more logic, calm and rationality than some of you people ..... never more a great example have I seen of how well progressed the feeling of entitlement above others, some have .... I really feel sorry for some of you that your entire existence in life is thrown into tragedy & upheaval because you have to wait a week or so for something that is not even built yet ... poor ole diddums, go see mummy she'll make the bad go away .... seriously have never laughed so much in my life. :lol:


dkatz42 said:
Take a step back and look what folks are saying: "Mommy, it isn't FAIR!".


I agree too and the whole way this thread has spiraled from excitement to people getting angry is appalling. A little patience will go a long way. There are some on here behaving like spoiled little brats like on those STUPID reality TV shows. Check your drama at the door and get a frickin' grip. These are laughable First World problems.
mcurrier said:
I've been on this thread since day one and am just as anxious as anyone.

HaHa moaning about people getting anxious you have a lot to say about people on here !! "been here since day one" didn't join the forum untill thread had been running for 3 days !!!! mcurrier What are you on about we don't need bull **** !
Name one legitimate company, other than rotorpixel, that handles business like this and I will personally buy you a rotorpixel gimbal. Hell, illegitimate businesses don't even pull stunts like this and if they did, they didn't stay in business for long. Not Pablo, your neighborhood weedman nor little Sally down the street who runs the lemonade stand would give the staff to paying customers like this. Businesses would use "expressed interest" lists as gauges of POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS and use the payment invoices from paying customers and list them as SECURED CUSTOMERS.. not the other way around. So, there you have it. Name one company and you have a free gimbal coming your way.. There's no telling when you will get it though because any Joe Blow who farts in the direction of rotorpixel gets put on the "expressed interest" list and is queued in FRONT of me and you receiving your gimbal.
The first group will be the beta testers. It was not so long ago that we had the screeching and dying Zenmuse thread.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's quite sad where this thread has gone. 1st world problems for sure. Although, I really think it's just a couple people who are completely disgruntled over the "list" thing.

At this point I think I am just going to wait a month or so. If I order now, I'm sure it will take longer than a month for me to get my gimbal anyway. That way I can keep my $409 in my "pocket" until then, videos and feedback will be in abundance, Rotorpixel will have perfected their assembly process after 300 practice rounds, and the design will possibly be improved.
of course these are "first world problems".. that cliché is old and tired. just because they are doesn't mean our concerns shouldn't be voiced.. we spend good money on these products -sight unseen, mind you, which is fine with me..i know what I signed up for. I signed up for "I understand that this is a PRE-ORDER only, and due to an overwhelming number of sales, it may take several weeks to receive my order, depending on where in the order queue I fall." Key words here "depending on where in the order queue I fall." ORDER QUEUE.
It's a cliche for a reason. The world is suffocating with people getting upset about things that don't really matter in the grand scheme of things. Not so long ago we had to wait a couple of weeks to order a book from the library to get the information we need. Now we have it instantly on Google and that has become the norm of expectation. At some point, there has to be perspective. Companies can't produce equipment as fast as people are "demanding". When they do, something gets compromised. I understand the whole first in line concept so I don't need a lecture on that but it's just juvenile and selfish to think you are entitled to any kind of special treatment. That's just my opinion and I don't care to defend it with those that are disgruntled.
Brew said:
I sincerely believe what we have is a few folks who clearly are on the "list", they are defending Keri's proposal.

Then we have some people who feel confident that they placed their order so late that they had no anticipation of receiving the product anytime soon so they don't care one way or the other.

Then there are the folks in the middle (Me) who religiously watched the thread, refreshed and refreshed the order screen and anxiously committed their hard earned cash with an early order. They thought they had a good shot of making the first releases of orders. Then the announcement of this secret list and Keri's idea... clearly one of these groups would feel more slighted than the others. :?

Cancellation request sent via email... Dispute pending with VISA if no timely response from ROTORPIXEL. :roll:

I'm very sad to see this launch handled in such a non-professional and IMO borderline unethical fashion. I'll order elsewhere or after ROTORPIXEL has inventory and an advertised order ship time. Good day all! :(

I'm sorry to say I agree partially with what you've said. I know unfortunately from previous experience of someone making a "pre-order" scam where they took my money out IMMEDIATELY upon ordering instead of upon shipment with my VISA. After 60 days and no receipt of the product (also around $400) I called them. No response. I emailed them. No response. I contacted my bank and went in person. They told me I was SOL. Let me be clear here...

Caveat Emptor! Let the buyer beware. I was out $400 with ABSOLUTELY NO RECOURSE! I was told by my bank that if I do not receive a product within 30 days of being charged and I do not submit a complaint within that time there is nothing they can do. I have heard good things about rotorpixel so hopefully that's not the case but if I don't receive it within 30 days I will unfortunately have to submit a dispute and re-order later. Just covering my own ***...I refuse to get screwed over again.

P.S. If I had not been charged until shipment I wouldn't even bat an eye.
I would hope that if Keri is following this inane banter (which I hope he isn't) he simply says " NO SOUP FOR YOU" to the whiners. Let them build their own gimbals.
Guys, what list????
Is there one officially posted???? Where?
NO! There is NO list so please stop refering to one!
That is confusing everyone for no reason...

for the record I am not on the list[/quote]
brushlesheaven said:
Guys, what list????
Is there one officially posted???? Where?
NO! There is NO list so please stop refering to one!
That is confusing everyone for no reason...

for the record I am not on the list

Just a refresher

Rotorpixel said:

As many of you have seen already, we've updated, including a flamboyant pre-order button, which many have noticed is not an active link yet... sorry for the tease, everyone! I'm working on the actual product page right now, so hopefully it'll finally be up tomorrow.

We're trying to be extra careful that people understand the timeline that we're working with. While we'll be receiving metal parts from the CNC shop next week, we are setting up an assembly facility where they can be put together as quickly as possible. While we're setting up a new facility, we'll be slogging through the assembly process ourselves until proper production is up to speed. While we're making them ourselves by hand, there will be a finite number of units that we're able to ship each week, so until we're up to speed, there will some delay in orders shipping. We've got a list of over 300 people who have expressed interest in purchasing this gimbal, so some patience will be required... but, as they say, good things come to those who wait! :D

And, to answer the nagging questions about FPV range and the placement of the motor... We haven't conducted proper tests with/without the gimbal, so we don't have conclusive information yet, hence the lack of responses about it. However, I can tell you that yesterday I sent one up almost 400 feet, and still had perfect video signal. There have been a few times when the video freezes temporarily, but all other information is still being sent/received by wi-fi (including starting/stopping recording, taking photos, tilting the camera, and all telemetry info), which indicates to me that it may be an inherent problem with the camera, rather than as a result of wi-fi interruption. I've had this happen with the camera in its standard mount as well. But, in any case, these hiccups are a very minor inconvenience, as they can be almost immediately rectified by touching the "back" button, then clicking back on the camera icon.... everything then works perfectly again.

Also, the ABS is not a concern of ours at all. The metal motor with magnets are more of a concern, but even still, we haven't noticed a difference i transmission distance, but we haven't done proper tests yet to claim this with certainty.

brushlesheaven said:
why do I see my town name ( Toronto ) on the top left corner of the page with your new gimbal for P2V?

I live in Mississauga! Hooray for locals! Come check one of the gimbals out in person, if you'd like!


Read that 2nd paragraph again......that list over 300.......

1)YES there is a list
2) there is a rough number of people on that list Feb 6ish

You can figure where your name is on said list based on when you joined the list post feb 6 timeframe ..Also gives no list people like me an idea of what we are dealing with here

not my words fella just ensuring we all play on the same info
Its just his expression of how big the interest in the product is
before any money come to play and untill such a list is published there is no reason to panic...

streetcreep said:
brushlesheaven said:
Guys, what list????
Is there one officially posted???? Where?
NO! There is NO list so please stop refering to one!
That is confusing everyone for no reason...

for the record I am not on the list

Just a refresher

Rotorpixel said:

As many of you have seen already, we've updated, including a flamboyant pre-order button, which many have noticed is not an active link yet... sorry for the tease, everyone! I'm working on the actual product page right now, so hopefully it'll finally be up tomorrow.

We're trying to be extra careful that people understand the timeline that we're working with. While we'll be receiving metal parts from the CNC shop next week, we are setting up an assembly facility where they can be put together as quickly as possible. While we're setting up a new facility, we'll be slogging through the assembly process ourselves until proper production is up to speed. While we're making them ourselves by hand, there will be a finite number of units that we're able to ship each week, so until we're up to speed, there will some delay in orders shipping. We've got a list of over 300 people who have expressed interest in purchasing this gimbal, so some patience will be required... but, as they say, good things come to those who wait! :D

And, to answer the nagging questions about FPV range and the placement of the motor... We haven't conducted proper tests with/without the gimbal, so we don't have conclusive information yet, hence the lack of responses about it. However, I can tell you that yesterday I sent one up almost 400 feet, and still had perfect video signal. There have been a few times when the video freezes temporarily, but all other information is still being sent/received by wi-fi (including starting/stopping recording, taking photos, tilting the camera, and all telemetry info), which indicates to me that it may be an inherent problem with the camera, rather than as a result of wi-fi interruption. I've had this happen with the camera in its standard mount as well. But, in any case, these hiccups are a very minor inconvenience, as they can be almost immediately rectified by touching the "back" button, then clicking back on the camera icon.... everything then works perfectly again.

Also, the ABS is not a concern of ours at all. The metal motor with magnets are more of a concern, but even still, we haven't noticed a difference i transmission distance, but we haven't done proper tests yet to claim this with certainty.

brushlesheaven said:
why do I see my town name ( Toronto ) on the top left corner of the page with your new gimbal for P2V?

I live in Mississauga! Hooray for locals! Come check one of the gimbals out in person, if you'd like!


Read that 2nd paragraph again......that list over 300.......

1)YES there is a list
2) there is a rough number of people on that list Feb 6ish

You can figure where your name is on said list based on when you joined the list post feb 6 timeframe ..Also gives no list people like me an idea of what we are dealing with here

not my words fella just ensuring we all play on the same info
brushlesheaven really

Here is another read about how distribution is happening

Rotorpixel said:
ResevorDG said:
I know I agreed to wait and I will. But just so I can make plans, do you have delivery date in mind for the people like me who ordered on day one?

We're hoping to have all materials ready to start assembling and shipping units out next week.

However, please understand that within the first 8 hours alone, there were over 150 orders... and now, 54 hours later, that number has approximately doubled. To the best of our ability, we're going to be shipping orders out in the order in which customers indicated that they were interested. So, the first person that placed their order is not going to necessarily receive theirs first. It's just not fair to those who have been patiently waiting for pre-orders to begin for months.

It's sort of like if you're in a painfully long line at a grocery store, and you need to step out of line because you forgot to get an apple, then, when you get back to the line, no one will let you back in. That's just not fair. The line needs to let the person back in where they've been patiently waiting, rather than screwing them over because of a small amount of time away from the line.

(Alright, maybe analogies are not my strong suit)

We're compiling a list of order numbers in the order that we plan on fulfilling them, which we'll make publicly available, so customers can check to see where in the line-up they stand, and when they can roughly expect to receive them. Although there are still lots of unknowns in the assembly process... namely, how many we can realistically assemble per day/week/month. There will be more accurate info next week.


Lets just keep facts facts here ...

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