replacement by dji after flyaway

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Dear Bruce K
After having our data analysis team take a look at the flight log from the flight in question, we were unable to determine the cause of this unfortunate event.

There does not seem to be any user error, but without the craft, to analyze the flight records there is no way to be 100% sure.

With that being said we have decided to cover your unit by warranty, and offer the craft only at no cost to you
Please reply with your return shipping address.

Once this information is obtained I will be able to move forward with your case.

Thank you for your understanding
Great! You are the unlikely winner! :cool:
But what "flight records" did they analyze, since the .DAT files were never analyzed, because the aircraft was not recovered?
Also, they never characterized it as a flyaway. That was your characterization, with which most of us would disagree, so this was really a warranty replacement based upon no apparent evidence of pilot error for an unrecovered aircraft. I'm sure it helps that the Standard is the cheapest aircraft with no Lightbridge on board, and they likely have many left over with very little demand for sales, and they are only replacing the aircraft.
dji looked at the flight data recorded on my android phone, flyaway was not caused by pilot error,they were able to determine that evidently by examining the flight log. i had over 150 flights with out so much as a scratch on copter, still had original props on without a scratch on them as well
Unfortunately whenever someone reports a flyaway it is another way of saying... I flew my Phantom and it never came back. DJI has probably one of the best failsafe technologies in the Phantom 3 & 4 drones. If the Phantom can not communicate with the controller it will return to home. It will not suddenly develop an intelligent AI and become self aware and fly off to a secret drone hideout. If a drone doesn't come back it's either because the RTH was not recorded, the battery ran out or it crashed into something. All of which DJI will say is user error.

There is such a place...really there is. It's called the "Drone-away" It is located in Never Never Land....;)
Real fly aways were due to an incorrect home point setting. The aircraft has an incorrect home point setting that may be 1,000's of miles away. When signal is lost, the aircraft then flies towards that home point, as far as it can, until it autolands, when the battery finally dies. How an incorrect home point can be recorded is a matter of debate, but I can attest to having flight points recorded in my flight logs on three occasions that were in another state! Had that occurred when the home point was being set, and had I used RTH, it could have been ugly. However, the first thing the new DJI GO app tells you is, "Home Point set. PLEASE CHECK IT ON THE MAP!" If you do, and it is correct, you won't have a true flyaway today.
good tip,i will be sure to confrim on map that the home point is correct
So who is the wizard who officially defined "flayaway"?
If something on-board fails, and the quad flys away, I'd accept that as being a flyaway.
Lack of DJI not actually saying it was a flyaway, does not prove it wasn't a flyaway either.

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Not sure why you are being so argumentative. Just because the pilot who joined the forum today characterized it a flyaway doesn't make it a flyaway, and his OP relates specifically as to whether or not DJI will replace a flyaway, so the definition matters. If the replacement was not called a flyaway by DJI, then the question posed by the OP remains unanswered.:rolleyes: They replaced it because they couldn't positively confirm pilot error, and gave him the benefit of the doubt, given his experience of 150 flights.
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Not sure why you are being so argumentative. Just because the inexperienced pilot who joined the forum today calls it a flyaway doesn't make it a flyaway, and his OP realtes specifically to whether or not DJI will replace a flyaway, so the definition matters. If the replacement was not called a flyaway by DJI, then the question posed by the OP remains unanswered.:rolleyes:
what makes you think i did not have a flyaway?,and by the way i have been flying quads for over 4 years. i have over 150 flights on phantom
what makes you think i did not have a flyaway?,and by the way i have been flying quads for over 4 years. i have over 150 flights on phantom
I assumed from your joining today that you were an inexperienced pilot. I stand corrected in that assumption. However, with absolutely no data other than your characterizing it as a flyaway, I am naturally suspicious. Please tell us more about what happened and supply your flight log, so we can make our own determination, as DJI obviously did not characterize it as such.
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dji looked at the flight data recorded on my android phone, flyaway was not caused by pilot error,they were able to determine that evidently by examining the flight log. i had over 150 flights with out so much as a scratch on copter, still had original props on without a scratch on them as well
That's not what the email says. It said they could not determine the cause "of the unfortunate event" and gave you the benefit of the doubt. The term "flyaway" was never used by DJI. That was your characterization,

"we were unable to determine the cause of this unfortunate event."

"There does not seem to be any user error, but without the craft, to analyze the flight records there is no way to be 100% sure."
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You hit a 400' tall, tree?!

I live in an area with hills and valleys. I took off with the drone in the valley and the hill + the tree was greater than 400', the tree itself was only about 60'. I've increased the max height to 500' and at that height I'll only be about 150 above the ground on the top of the hill.
I live in an area with hills and valleys. I took off with the drone in the valley and the hill + the tree was greater than 400', the tree itself was only about 60'. I've increased the max height to 500' and at that height I'll only be about 150 above the ground on the top of the hill.
Increase the maximum height to 500 meters, and you'll be golden!:cool:
I assumed from your joining today that you were an inexperienced pilot. I stand corrected in that assumption. However, with absolutely no data other than your characterizing it as a flyaway, I am naturally suspicious. Please tell us more about what happened and supply your flight log, so we can make our own determination, as DJI obviously did not characterize it as such.
here is a link to my last flight log - Innovative flight data analysis that matters
Home point looks to be recorded just fine.

In RTH, after heading in the wrong direction due east, it then reverses and meanders back towards the correct homepoint, but then after getting real close it takes off due north for some reason.

A mystery is where is point K? It's in the log but doesn't show on the map.

Looks to me like a bad compass, but what do I know?
Not sure why you are being so argumentative.
I suppose it's because from the start it seemed from your first post that you were dogging the OP.....IMHO
Additionally, I think the pot is calling the kettle black here. All the OP did was start a thread, explaining his experience, and you seemed to want to tell him that he was wrong.

Just because the pilot who joined the forum today characterized it a flyaway doesn't make it a flyaway, and his OP relates specifically as to whether or not DJI will replace a flyaway, so the definition matters.
So please enlighten us as to the actual one and only definition of a flyaway, since what I'd call a flyaway (something went wrong, not wind, not pilot error and the quad flys away = flyaway) is not correct.
The apparently experienced OP was flying his quad and something went wrong, his quad flew away, and he called it a flyaway.....nothing wrong with that.

If the replacement was not called a flyaway by DJI, then the question posed by the OP remains unanswered.:rolleyes: They replaced it because they couldn't positively confirm pilot error, and gave him the benefit of the doubt, given his experience of 150 flights.
And they also did not say that it wasn't a flyaway.
And do they actually have a class of incident that they call a "flyaway" that has only one exact set of circumstances or definition?

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what makes you think i did not have a flyaway?,and by the way i have been flying quads for over 4 years. i have over 150 flights on phantom

I assumed from your joining today that you were an inexperienced pilot. I stand corrected in that assumption. However, with absolutely no data other than your characterizing it as a flyaway, I am naturally suspicious. Please tell us more about what happened and supply your flight log, so we can make our own determination, as DJI obviously did not characterize it as such.
The OP seems to be on trial here.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
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Home point looks to be recorded just fine.

In RTH, after heading in the wrong direction due east, it then reverses and meanders back towards the correct homepoint, but then after getting real close it takes off due north for some reason.

A mystery is where is point K? It's in the log but doesn't show on the map.

Looks to me like a bad compass, but what do I know?

I looked at the data at the link and I can't withdraw any info from that... unless of course this is an episode of CSI, then anything is possible. :)

DJI obviously listened to the OPs story and little data that was provided and determined that they could not determine anything and decided it was a great day to give away a drone. I'm being a bit silly here as anyone with common sense who doesn't live in fantasy land knows a company can not survive if it's giving away stuff for free. DJI must have found something, that we'll never be privy to, that made them come to their positive conclusion. Perhaps there is a known issue that DJI is keeping hush hush about and somehow from the Ops account of what happened and the minimal data provided DJI felt it best to decide in favour of the OP.

Just think, if it was as simple as we see here from the info in this thread, then there is nothing stopping anyone from performing a flight pattern which provides "similar" results as shown here & putting in a claim for a replacement drone. For every person who claims a DJI Drone flyaway, and gets a replacement drone from DJI, there are probably another thousand who do not.

From a business perspective, DJI should NEVER admit to a flyaway. Who in their right mind would purchase a product that has the potential to go crazy and fly on it's own into people or property. Would the FAA allow such a device in the hands of people... I think not.
I looked at the data at the link and I can't withdraw any info from that...

What? It's right there in plain sight.

It shows the aircraft in RTH mode and it's flying away from home point.

If the aircraft is engaged in RTH and it's flying away from the established and correct home point, I'd say that's an error in the RTH. The pilot is innocent.
What? It's right there in plain sight.

It shows the aircraft in RTH mode and it's flying away from home point.

If the aircraft is engaged in RTH and it's flying away from the established and correct home point, I'd say that's an error in the RTH. The pilot is innocent.
I know I replied to your comment but I was not stating you were wrong, I was stating that the info is insufficient to hand out free drones, in my opinion. But in DJI's opinion I am assuming they have more info then what we have in this thread (they have the entire history of accidents from all submissions & techs on hand with further inside info).

Also... please don't say someone is innocent because it makes it sound like the poor OP was considered guilty. Guilty of what? Buying and flying a drone?

In 2 years of flying Phantoms this is only the first case I have heard of where DJI replaced a drone without having the actual drone to examine. All other cases I have heard of involved the drone being recovered in a broken state & sent to DJI for their review. Those cases did not end as positively as this one.

Bottom line is that I'm pleased to see the OP was successful in his submission to DJI. It gives the rest of us hope should we encounter a similar situation.
it took forever but finally getting my replacement phantom delivered on monday april 18 2016

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