Phantom2 and Lightbridge, what is the simplest Transmitter?

Aug 5, 2014
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I have a Phantom2, H3-3D gimbal, GoPro, and a LightBridge I want to connect together, and I am totally new to this. I have a specific task I want to perform and the faster I get to the field the better.

As yall know the transmitter for the P2 doesn't work with LightBridge because it doesn't have a training cable. I am looking for a simple (and secondarily least expensive) transmitter to use. It is clear the favored choice is the Futaba 14SG, but setting it up looks like a pain - it is difficult to program and it looks like it is even hard to load pre-programmed models. It looks like it would take a couple of hours just to get it running with the P2, and then I have to start hooking it to the LightBridge. Then there appears to be some modification of receiver on the P2 which may or may not be needed.

A couple of other models listed as supported are the Spectrum DX6i and family. I couldn't find anything about how to get them working with the LightBridge, only that some say the DX6i doesn't actually work but the DX8 does.

I am looking for the simplest solution - I doubt I can get a 'plug it in' solution, but is there one that won't take me all night (as a noob) to get running?

Thanks for any suggestions,
Re: Phantom2 and Lightbridge, what is the simplest Transmitt

stevejluke said:
I have a Phantom2, H3-3D gimbal, GoPro, and a LightBridge I want to connect together, and I am totally new to this. I have a specific task I want to perform and the faster I get to the field the better.

As yall know the transmitter for the P2 doesn't work with LightBridge because it doesn't have a training cable. I am looking for a simple (and secondarily least expensive) transmitter to use. It is clear the favored choice is the Futaba 14SG, but setting it up looks like a pain - it is difficult to program and it looks like it is even hard to load pre-programmed models. It looks like it would take a couple of hours just to get it running with the P2, and then I have to start hooking it to the LightBridge. Then there appears to be some modification of receiver on the P2 which may or may not be needed.

A couple of other models listed as supported are the Spectrum DX6i and family. I couldn't find anything about how to get them working with the LightBridge, only that some say the DX6i doesn't actually work but the DX8 does.

I am looking for the simplest solution - I doubt I can get a 'plug it in' solution, but is there one that won't take me all night (as a noob) to get running?

Thanks for any suggestions,

in my Mind the best transmitter IS the Futaba 14sg mode 2

go to this page

Follow his steps and download the profile and load it into the futaba and presto chango it works. Loading a profile into the futaba is like 1 min of work. sd card and load profile button lol

I have used other transmitters and they suck to the 14sg in my mind, I have just ordered another p2 lightbridge and another Futaba 14sg, Cause of how good it is, But i recommend getting the self leveling throttle kit from a dealer for the futaba (u need to install it yourself crack open futaba and easy install just copy the right stick install by looking at it) I was noob before may on the futaba and i figured it out pretty quick although i still dont know the programming that much the profile got me to what i need for now.
Re: Phantom2 and Lightbridge, what is the simplest Transmitt

Following your advice, I bought a 14SG, and have spent the last 6 hours trying to get it to work.

I followed the advice as described in the thread you pointed me to but:
1) When I used the model from the download in that thread, nothing but the basic 4 axis worked.
-- I had to reprogram everything else as described in the post myself.
-- I also had to reset some of the end points because they didn't hit the correct spots.
2) Nothing moves in the LightBridge Assistant (when either the ground or air unit is plugged in)
3) In Phantom2 Assistant, everything moves
4) With the Phantom away from the computer I was able to trigger the compass calibration from the 14SG
So it took about 6.5 hours and it seemed to be finally over. Not something I would consider easy.

And yet, it isn't done: I seem to be having some communication problems:
5) On the Phantom2, the gimbal moves, and the lights appear to flash properly when switching GPS/ATTI/Fail Safe
6) I can't get the motors to start
7) I can't get any signals to my Android device
-- No video
-- --GoPro is set to 1080 30FPS which is one of the functioning settings according to the manual
-- --I get a red light on the video indicator on the lightbridge air unit
-- Shows 0 RC Signal (though I can still move the gimbal and the lights seems to change properly with different modes)
-- --I get a green light on the control indicator on the lightbridge air unit
-- Heading isn't correct and doesn't update when I move/reorient the Phantom

I would appreciate any help, thanks.
Re: Phantom2 and Lightbridge, what is the simplest Transmitt

LOL. And I mean literally! I had to reverse the throttle on the 14SG because it was showing up in the Assistant as Up==Slow, Down==Fast. So when I tried the CSC with the two sticks down and in, or down and out, it didn't work. But I tried with RS down and in, and LS up and in and the motors start... I think I will reverse the throttle using the 14SG instead of the Assistant software. Now it is just video I have to fix.
Re: Phantom2 and Lightbridge, what is the simplest Transmitt

Oh jesus....I wanted to ask the very same question as you have about the transmitter as I want to buy lightbridge too, but this bit has really put me off.....there must be a simple introduction to this and the "what ifs this doesnt work" etc

Will be watching this and see what the experts say lol

Re: Phantom2 and Lightbridge, what is the simplest Transmitt

pyrophantom said:
Oh jesus....I wanted to ask the very same question as you have about the transmitter as I want to buy lightbridge too, but this bit has really put me off.....there must be a simple introduction to this and the "what ifs this doesnt work" etc

Will be watching this and see what the experts say lol


the futaba 14sg worked right out of the profile for me, i did have to set 1 endpoint different as it was off but that took 2 min to figure out. Dont know how he has trouble 6hours worth of setting it up.. 14sg throttle for me was just fine and not reversed????

i setup the p2 with futaba with stock p2 board got it working then did lightbridge after dsont know if that makes a diffeence but i set the endpoints in the p2 assistant then when it was all working i moved into install lightbridge and it was good to go.

and i just download the profile and checked it and its not backwards for me, but 1 end point still needs a fix but that is done in the p2 assistant which takes no time.
Re: Phantom2 and Lightbridge, what is the simplest Transmitt

Well, I treated myself to Lightbridge today :)

I already had a Futaba 8FG, similar to the 14SG, and was using it before
with the profile mentioned. Reversing channels either within the Futaba TX
or in the Phantom assistant is quite normal, you can do it either way.

Depends how the profile was written if you need to or not, likewise
endpoints may need to be adjusted if needed, I did not have to with my
8FG, they all worked.

Don't think you need to be mapping channels in the Lightbridge assistant,
not necessary for the Phantom/GoPro Zenmuse H3-3D.

I am no expert with Lightbridge, but all was setup and working with a
Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 within about 2.5 hours, and also tested the
Zeiss Cinemizer goggles via HDMI, these also work,including the OSD,
but not at the same time for video on the tablet.

I had to enable USB debugging on the Galaxy Tab first, to let Lightbridge run
properly. GoPro is just set to 720p 50fps for the test, sadly had to go out this
evening, so not had a chance for a fly.

Not sure how much I can help, as you have various issues, but how far have you
now progressed ?


A few things:
Make sure you have turned off RF Power on the 14SG
What HDMI cable did you receive with the Lightbridge
(GoPro to Air Unit) ?
There are 2 versions, the latest is a flat printed cable,
the first version had lots of tiny cables.
The early version has had a few issues with connections
for video signals for some people.
Is your video source setting, HDMI/AV ?
Re: Phantom2 and Lightbridge, what is the simplest Transmitt

I have to agree with Haze - the 14SG worked pretty easily for me, using Ianwood's profile as a starting point. The only issue was altering the channel 7 end points for the LB so that the P2 was not stuck in FS.
Re: Phantom2 and Lightbridge, what is the simplest Transmitt

That's weird. For me, Axis 5 MODE is used to control the Gimbal - it was assigned to SA (a three position toggle) so I had to re-assign to RS (slider under the right stick), Axis 6 TILT which is used to control IOC was set to LS (the slider under the left stick) and had to be re-assigned to SA. Axis 7 PAN, used to control GPS/ATTI/FAILSAFE was not assigned so I assigned it to SD.

I had to reverse Axis 2 ELE, 3 THR, 6 TILT, and 7 PAN.

I also had to reset the end points for 7 PAN (GPS/ATTI). I expected that because I saw other threads using the profile which said they changed it to 70, but I had better luck with 80.

There was a lot more to the profile which I don't see - starting timers, smooth yaw trim, etc... which didn't seem to make it when I loaded the profile. I might try to reprogram them later but I don't see them as necessary now.

I set the controller up using RX/TX first, using the Phantom 2 Assistant software, then switched to the lightbridge. I never did see anything move in the lightbridge assistant but didn't worry about it. However, when I took the Phantom out flying today, it acted poorly when going through the lightbridge. It just wasn't responding very well at all and once I got it in the air I couldn't control it, it crashed horribly 3 times. I then removed the lightbridge and the controller flew just fine (except one of the crashes broke the compass, so I couldn't use GPS mode).

I also never figured out the video. It was always red on the air unit. I didn't dwell on it because I wanted to get it in the air first, but that never happened. In the end I went to using the GoPro wireless and the Futaba 14SG without the lightbridge. This worked for short distances, but around 100m I would lose both the video feed and control. My conclusion was once the signal from the transmitter was weak enough the wifi interfered with it.

So all in all a failure. I am very frustrated with the LightBridge. The Futaba 14SG is a great transmitter, I can chalk the time it took me setting it up to some issue copying the file or the SD card or some other one-off issue. But once I realized I was going to have to program the missing pieces myself it isn't that hard (at least for the necessary bits). In fact, it probably would have been quicker making one from scratch rather than trying to fix the broken one (granted, if the one I had wasn't broken using it would have been much faster).
Re: Phantom2 and Lightbridge, what is the simplest Transmitt

stevejluke said:
That's weird. For me, Axis 5 MODE is used to control the Gimbal - it was assigned to SA (a three position toggle) so I had to re-assign to RS (slider under the right stick), Axis 6 TILT which is used to control IOC was set to LS (the slider under the left stick) and had to be re-assigned to SA. Axis 7 PAN, used to control GPS/ATTI/FAILSAFE was not assigned so I assigned it to SD.

I had to reverse Axis 2 ELE, 3 THR, 6 TILT, and 7 PAN.

I also had to reset the end points for 7 PAN (GPS/ATTI). I expected that because I saw other threads using the profile which said they changed it to 70, but I had better luck with 80.

There was a lot more to the profile which I don't see - starting timers, smooth yaw trim, etc... which didn't seem to make it when I loaded the profile. I might try to reprogram them later but I don't see them as necessary now.

I set the controller up using RX/TX first, using the Phantom 2 Assistant software, then switched to the lightbridge. I never did see anything move in the lightbridge assistant but didn't worry about it. However, when I took the Phantom out flying today, it acted poorly when going through the lightbridge. It just wasn't responding very well at all and once I got it in the air I couldn't control it, it crashed horribly 3 times. I then removed the lightbridge and the controller flew just fine (except one of the crashes broke the compass, so I couldn't use GPS mode).

I also never figured out the video. It was always red on the air unit. I didn't dwell on it because I wanted to get it in the air first, but that never happened. In the end I went to using the GoPro wireless and the Futaba 14SG without the lightbridge. This worked for short distances, but around 100m I would lose both the video feed and control. My conclusion was once the signal from the transmitter was weak enough the wifi interfered with it.

So all in all a failure. I am very frustrated with the LightBridge. The Futaba 14SG is a great transmitter, I can chalk the time it took me setting it up to some issue copying the file or the SD card or some other one-off issue. But once I realized I was going to have to program the missing pieces myself it isn't that hard (at least for the necessary bits). In fact, it probably would have been quicker making one from scratch rather than trying to fix the broken one (granted, if the one I had wasn't broken using it would have been much faster).

Difficult to know where to start having read all that. I will say that you should never, ever, use GoPro wifi with a 2.4 GHz control system - it will drown the control signal and you will likely lose the aircraft.

Beyond that, LB does not work without a functional video link, as you discovered. No idea what you did wrong. You might try asking Ed or Blade over on the LB forum on RCG. They are DJI support reps, and very helpful.
Re: Phantom2 and Lightbridge, what is the simplest Transmitt

stevejluke said:
That's weird. For me, Axis 5 MODE is used to control the Gimbal - it was assigned to SA (a three position toggle) so I had to re-assign to RS (slider under the right stick), Axis 6 TILT which is used to control IOC was set to LS (the slider under the left stick) and had to be re-assigned to SA. Axis 7 PAN, used to control GPS/ATTI/FAILSAFE was not assigned so I assigned it to SD.

I had to reverse Axis 2 ELE, 3 THR, 6 TILT, and 7 PAN.

I also had to reset the end points for 7 PAN (GPS/ATTI). I expected that because I saw other threads using the profile which said they changed it to 70, but I had better luck with 80.

There was a lot more to the profile which I don't see - starting timers, smooth yaw trim, etc... which didn't seem to make it when I loaded the profile. I might try to reprogram them later but I don't see them as necessary now.

I set the controller up using RX/TX first, using the Phantom 2 Assistant software, then switched to the lightbridge. I never did see anything move in the lightbridge assistant but didn't worry about it. However, when I took the Phantom out flying today, it acted poorly when going through the lightbridge. It just wasn't responding very well at all and once I got it in the air I couldn't control it, it crashed horribly 3 times. I then removed the lightbridge and the controller flew just fine (except one of the crashes broke the compass, so I couldn't use GPS mode).

I also never figured out the video. It was always red on the air unit. I didn't dwell on it because I wanted to get it in the air first, but that never happened. In the end I went to using the GoPro wireless and the Futaba 14SG without the lightbridge. This worked for short distances, but around 100m I would lose both the video feed and control. My conclusion was once the signal from the transmitter was weak enough the wifi interfered with it.

So all in all a failure. I am very frustrated with the LightBridge. The Futaba 14SG is a great transmitter, I can chalk the time it took me setting it up to some issue copying the file or the SD card or some other one-off issue. But once I realized I was going to have to program the missing pieces myself it isn't that hard (at least for the necessary bits). In fact, it probably would have been quicker making one from scratch rather than trying to fix the broken one (granted, if the one I had wasn't broken using it would have been much faster). ... 3&page=296

try here for another forum for help like Sar said Blade and tahoe will try to help
Re: Phantom2 and Lightbridge, what is the simplest Transmitt

stevejluke said:
Following your advice, I bought a 14SG, and have spent the last 6 hours trying to get it to work.

I followed the advice as described in the thread you pointed me to but:
1) When I used the model from the download in that thread, nothing but the basic 4 axis worked.
-- I had to reprogram everything else as described in the post myself.
-- I also had to reset some of the end points because they didn't hit the correct spots.
2) Nothing moves in the LightBridge Assistant (when either the ground or air unit is plugged in)
3) In Phantom2 Assistant, everything moves
4) With the Phantom away from the computer I was able to trigger the compass calibration from the 14SG
So it took about 6.5 hours and it seemed to be finally over. Not something I would consider easy.

And yet, it isn't done: I seem to be having some communication problems:
5) On the Phantom2, the gimbal moves, and the lights appear to flash properly when switching GPS/ATTI/Fail Safe
6) I can't get the motors to start
7) I can't get any signals to my Android device
-- No video
-- --GoPro is set to 1080 30FPS which is one of the functioning settings according to the manual
-- --I get a red light on the video indicator on the lightbridge air unit
-- Shows 0 RC Signal (though I can still move the gimbal and the lights seems to change properly with different modes)
-- --I get a green light on the control indicator on the lightbridge air unit
-- Heading isn't correct and doesn't update when I move/reorient the Phantom

I would appreciate any help, thanks.

for video on the android do you have it in debug mode so u can get video in on the USB.

are you plugged in with a trainer cord to the lightbridge with the futaba, as no RC signal goes from Futaba to LB its LB doing the signal.

Compass should never be calibrated indoors, it really should be done in a n empty field or something like it without any metal or wires or Phones around.
you can shoot in any format on the gopro it doesnt seem to effect my LB at all from 720 all the way up to 2.7k works for me in all frame rates. Lb just transmits signal in the720 or 1080 signal that it does right now im not sure if it send 720 or 1080 actually from the updates.

You should have only 1 endpoint to configure with the 14sg as i just got my new 14sg and it worked same as first one, i dont know what is happening for you.

Really just look at the end points of all the settings in p2 assistant and make sure they correspond to the right levels, ( sorry i dont have my p2 here right now to get the levels they should be for each switch and lever. for failsafe endpoints i was just able to move the levels in the direction that moved the failsafe atti and gps into the correct box and not leaving them in failsafe

AND DONT USE WIFI on the gopro it will mess up your signal for VIDEO and Control and you are bound to lose your bird.
Re: Phantom2 and Lightbridge, what is the simplest Transmitt

mitchsden said:
Well, I treated myself to Lightbridge today :)

I already had a Futaba 8FG, similar to the 14SG, and was using it before
with the profile mentioned. Reversing channels either within the Futaba TX
or in the Phantom assistant is quite normal, you can do it either way.

Depends how the profile was written if you need to or not, likewise
endpoints may need to be adjusted if needed, I did not have to with my
8FG, they all worked.

Don't think you need to be mapping channels in the Lightbridge assistant,
not necessary for the Phantom/GoPro Zenmuse H3-3D.

I am no expert with Lightbridge, but all was setup and working with a
Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 within about 2.5 hours, and also tested the
Zeiss Cinemizer goggles via HDMI, these also work,including the OSD,
but not at the same time for video on the tablet.

I had to enable USB debugging on the Galaxy Tab first, to let Lightbridge run
properly. GoPro is just set to 720p 50fps for the test, sadly had to go out this
evening, so not had a chance for a fly.

Not sure how much I can help, as you have various issues, but how far have you
now progressed ?


A few things:
Make sure you have turned off RF Power on the 14SG
What HDMI cable did you receive with the Lightbridge
(GoPro to Air Unit) ?
There are 2 versions, the latest is a flat printed cable,
the first version had lots of tiny cables.
The early version has had a few issues with connections
for video signals for some people.
Is your video source setting, HDMI/AV ?

Ahhh that is the setup I wanted as i have also just got the new Tab S - so the Futaba 8FG works fine ?? Its a little cheaper than the 14SG. Bet the images are lovely on the Tab S ??
Re: Phantom2 and Lightbridge, what is the simplest Transmitt

pyrophantom said:
mitchsden said:
Well, I treated myself to Lightbridge today :)

I already had a Futaba 8FG, similar to the 14SG, and was using it before
with the profile mentioned. Reversing channels either within the Futaba TX
or in the Phantom assistant is quite normal, you can do it either way.

Depends how the profile was written if you need to or not, likewise
endpoints may need to be adjusted if needed, I did not have to with my
8FG, they all worked.

Don't think you need to be mapping channels in the Lightbridge assistant,
not necessary for the Phantom/GoPro Zenmuse H3-3D.

I am no expert with Lightbridge, but all was setup and working with a
Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 within about 2.5 hours, and also tested the
Zeiss Cinemizer goggles via HDMI, these also work,including the OSD,
but not at the same time for video on the tablet.

I had to enable USB debugging on the Galaxy Tab first, to let Lightbridge run
properly. GoPro is just set to 720p 50fps for the test, sadly had to go out this
evening, so not had a chance for a fly.

Not sure how much I can help, as you have various issues, but how far have you
now progressed ?


A few things:
Make sure you have turned off RF Power on the 14SG
What HDMI cable did you receive with the Lightbridge
(GoPro to Air Unit) ?
There are 2 versions, the latest is a flat printed cable,
the first version had lots of tiny cables.
The early version has had a few issues with connections
for video signals for some people.
Is your video source setting, HDMI/AV ?

Ahhh that is the setup I wanted as i have also just got the new Tab S - so the Futaba 8FG works fine ?? Its a little cheaper than the 14SG. Bet the images are lovely on the Tab S ??

Yes the 8FG is supported and works fine, image from the Galaxy Tab S looks amazing,
going out to test fly soon, will let you know how it goes.
Re: Phantom2 and Lightbridge, what is the simplest Transmitt

Thanks to all for the suggestions, I will go to the other forum to ask specifically about the video problem.

Yes, I agree that using the GoPro WiFi is not a good idea, I tried it because I needed the video but not something that actually works (even if it appears to at first). I had seen conflicting information so I gave it a try, but the answer is emphatically no.

A couple questions came up:
for video on the android do you have it in debug mode so u can get video in on the USB.
Yes, I normally have the device in developer mode, and have USB debugging on (I actually write Android software so this is my default state). I did double check after the things weren't working.

Compass should never be calibrated indoors,
That I did. The compass broke with one of the LightBridge crashes - the cable pulled out of the compass, taking some of the pins with it. I don't have the tools and knowhow to be comfortable putting them back in, so I will be ordering a replacement. It flew fine in Manual mode without the compass, but not something I will want to keep doing.

you can shoot in any format on the gopro ...
The LightBridge User Manual has a table of supported formats (similar to the one on this page but it spells out each mode on the camera with a Y/N for support), so I was just switching between the ones it said were supported (yes, power cycling between each change).

You should have only 1 endpoint to configure with the 14sg as i just got my new 14sg and it worked same as first one, i dont know what is happening for you.
I think I know why my 14SG model had to be re-made. It looks like the original model's Model Type is defined as an Airplane, and the one I have on the transmitter is a Multirotor. I am sure I must have switched it. Replaying the configuration it looks like changing the Model Type erases all other settings. So user error. (p.s. a sign that mine was using a different type was the names of the Axis, the Airplane type had different names for axis 5-8 than the multirotor. The ones I quoted were for the multirotor type). When I compared what I had done with the original profile (in airplane mode) it looks like I did pretty much the same thing - all the correct axis were reversed except:
1) The original profile used SB and SC (tallest toggle switches) for IOC and Mode respectively, and I used SA and SD (outermost switches)
2) The original had extra things which I am assuming where the smooth trim and timers
3) The original did not have trim assigned to three of the four main axis and I left all trim assigned
4) The original had the following End Points for Axis 7: 78 100 100 78 (or something like that) and I used: 135 80 80 135. I used 135 because that is what was there by default, and the 80s pushed the last two settings into the correct positions.
5) I also set the End Points for Axis 8 (I think, whichever controls the IOC) because it was hitting the extreme edges for the 1st and 3rd point, and I felt more comfortable hitting slightly off-edge (probably not needed).
Re: Phantom2 and Lightbridge, what is the simplest Transmitt

stevejluke said:
Thanks to all for the suggestions, I will go to the other forum to ask specifically about the video problem.

Yes, I agree that using the GoPro WiFi is not a good idea, I tried it because I needed the video but not something that actually works (even if it appears to at first). I had seen conflicting information so I gave it a try, but the answer is emphatically no.

A couple questions came up:
for video on the android do you have it in debug mode so u can get video in on the USB.
Yes, I normally have the device in developer mode, and have USB debugging on (I actually write Android software so this is my default state). I did double check after the things weren't working.

Compass should never be calibrated indoors,
That I did. The compass broke with one of the LightBridge crashes - the cable pulled out of the compass, taking some of the pins with it. I don't have the tools and knowhow to be comfortable putting them back in, so I will be ordering a replacement. It flew fine in Manual mode without the compass, but not something I will want to keep doing.

you can shoot in any format on the gopro ...
The LightBridge User Manual has a table of supported formats (similar to the one on this page but it spells out each mode on the camera with a Y/N for support), so I was just switching between the ones it said were supported (yes, power cycling between each change).

You should have only 1 endpoint to configure with the 14sg as i just got my new 14sg and it worked same as first one, i dont know what is happening for you.
I think I know why my 14SG model had to be re-made. It looks like the original model's Model Type is defined as an Airplane, and the one I have on the transmitter is a Multirotor. I am sure I must have switched it. Replaying the configuration it looks like changing the Model Type erases all other settings. So user error. (p.s. a sign that mine was using a different type was the names of the Axis, the Airplane type had different names for axis 5-8 than the multirotor. The ones I quoted were for the multirotor type). When I compared what I had done with the original profile (in airplane mode) it looks like I did pretty much the same thing - all the correct axis were reversed except:
1) The original profile used SB and SC (tallest toggle switches) for IOC and Mode respectively, and I used SA and SD (outermost switches)
2) The original had extra things which I am assuming where the smooth trim and timers
3) The original did not have trim assigned to three of the four main axis and I left all trim assigned
4) The original had the following End Points for Axis 7: 78 100 100 78 (or something like that) and I used: 135 80 80 135. I used 135 because that is what was there by default, and the 80s pushed the last two settings into the correct positions.
5) I also set the End Points for Axis 8 (I think, whichever controls the IOC) because it was hitting the extreme edges for the 1st and 3rd point, and I felt more comfortable hitting slightly off-edge (probably not needed).

on my 14sg my profile is under the airplane mode not quadcopter setting and not on heli setting ( my 14sg firmware 4.0 gave me the 3 settings if u have multirotor setting i believe you have the 4.0 update as well. Switch your profile to airplane or try new profile with airplane
Re: Phantom2 and Lightbridge, what is the simplest Transmitt

Does setting up LB with 14sg require installation of Futaba receiver in phantom 2. ( noob?...this guy!)
Re: Phantom2 and Lightbridge, what is the simplest Transmitt

Avos said:
Does setting up LB with 14sg require installation of Futaba receiver in phantom 2. ( noob?...this guy!)

No the Futaba does not send any RF to the phantom so no you dont, you can even remove the stock transmitter to lighten weight. i did. The Lightbridge handles all the control signal transmission.
Re: Phantom2 and Lightbridge, what is the simplest Transmitt

I installed LB air unit on new phantom 2 w/ zen 3 gim, using Futaba 14sg.
Looking for help assigning switches for IOC , GPS/atti/FS and gimbal tilt
At this time using trainer cord and RF off I only have the 2 Joysticks, throttle was set in reverse.

I removed 2.4 controller receiver,

installed Zen filter board, connected Zen 3axis Gim w/ gopro 3+ and hdmi cable

attached LB Air unit w/ gim cable as per dji video.

Connected LB ground unit to 14sg w/ trainer cable

USB to galaxy s4 w/ app

So far have video, telem, and can see and calibrate sticks in Phantom software ( is switched to NAZA )

Looks like last thing I need help getting squared away is switch assignments.

Thanks much
Re: Phantom2 and Lightbridge, what is the simplest Transmitt

Avos said:
I installed LB air unit on new phantom 2 w/ zen 3 gim, using Futaba 14sg.
Looking for help assigning switches for IOC , GPS/atti/FS and gimbal tilt
At this time using trainer cord and RF off I only have the 2 Joysticks, throttle was set in reverse.

I removed 2.4 controller receiver,

installed Zen filter board, connected Zen 3axis Gim w/ gopro 3+ and hdmi cable

attached LB Air unit w/ gim cable as per dji video.

Connected LB ground unit to 14sg w/ trainer cable

USB to galaxy s4 w/ app

So far have video, telem, and can see and calibrate sticks in Phantom software ( is switched to NAZA )

Looks like last thing I need help getting squared away is switch assignments.

Thanks much

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