Official DJI Hardshell fit

That strap is looking like its cranked down good. Maybe a little tight. Foam seems deformed, especially close to the remote.

That is not from the strap being tight. It was shaped like that from the start so not sure if the foam was molded like that or some kind of defect.

Mine I've always done like this and I can see the aerials being damaged if put other way around. I can see the metal hitting and other stuff getting in the way.

It's only tight when I have the holder not fully retracted.
Pleae Do Not cross the antenna like that when you close the lid. They should lie flat beside one another at a slight angle. ;-)

While we are discussing the hard shell... What is the cut out behind the batteries really intended for?

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That's where I place my @dji neck strap... ;-)

Then, there is even more room, uncompressed, if uncrossed, correct?

I get a kick out of the guys who want to debate suggestions, like it's a cod liver oil mix. Hahaha
Drink it, it's good for you. Have another glass...

Then, there is even more room, uncompressed, if uncrossed, correct?

I get a kick out of the guys who want to debate suggestions, like it's a cod liver oil mix. Hahaha
Drink it, it's good for you. Have another glass...


I agree with all your recommendations. The strap over top, no strap, cross antennas all seem crazy to me....but each to their own....

For the upside down, the cutout on the top seems perfect for the antennas and only in one position, so I think RC up was the design plan...
I just tried it. Upside down works well, for me. The metal stand sits against a small ledge so there is actually space beneath the antennae. I was able to fit the foam padding (for the camera) and still had no resistance. Well done, whoever suggested this.

tried it but felt it sat up too high for my taste...felt a little awkward to get it in upside down like that. that's how i feel that this wasn't designed or planned to go like that.. could be wrong....
.my remote goes in one way with no resistance.... if my sticks are not stuck out to timbukktuu, it slips in almost on its own just gotta rememner antenna up , run the strap, antenna down and parallel to each other and as flat as u can get it across the top of rc. and strap down.


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Then, there is even more room, uncompressed, if uncrossed, correct?

I get a kick out of the guys who want to debate suggestions, like it's a cod liver oil mix. Hahaha
Drink it, it's good for you. Have another glass...
I didn't know what you meant, and when you said flat beside each other couldn't picture it. Then looked at the other photos and saw what you mean, will try that next time. Still not convinced of the upside down part though, I tend to leave the lid open. So less pressure on the antenna when they are sitting up than down.
Yes, it's not a coincidence that they swivel some, to allow that obvious "parallel universe". Hehe

Glad that you were able to get that part, and hopefully will follow suit?

I agree with all your recommendations. The strap over top, no strap, cross antennas all seem crazy to me....but each to their own....

For the upside down, the cutout on the top seems perfect for the antennas and only in one position, so I think RC up was the design plan...
As I finally got a reply back from a mod on the @dji forum, and I quote:

RedHotPoker Posted at 2016-2-12 07:44
What say yee, kind Sir?
The safety strap, Over the top, or Underneath??

"I put mine under so there's no pressure on the antennas. No one said how it's supposed to be done I just thought it's safer that way.
I also put my iPad Air and Hoodivision sunshade between the foam and top shell.
I love the back pack."

So I stand by my thoughts, which were never written in stone. ;-)

Assuming OP has this case?


If so, it is the same one I have and must admit the transmitter does seem to be an unnecessarily tight fit.

The rubbers of the transmitter have also worn ridges into the foam on mine... I do see that as a minor issue and I suppose it won't get any worse now it 'fits' but find it more frustrating how little room there is for the sticks, they just fit in when they're in stock position but if you extend them even slightly then they will catch on the foam and be forced into the full up position.

I don't want to have to adjust my sticks every time I fly so will have to cut out some of the foam, not a massive deal but a bit annoying when there is no need for such a tight fit around the sticks.

Again, assuming this is the case you have... I use one of the side pockets for tablet and the other side for props so don't have a problem there.
You are placing the remote in the reverse manner that I use. I place mine in with the metal stand and antennas down and it fits fine. I even have room for my RC harness above the metal stand.
The pic shows the antenna up.My RC slides in and out with no problems with the antenna facing down. Try that and see how it fits.
I think upside down is the best fit having played around with it today, thanks for the suggestion!
Yep, I tried the upside down thing and thought it looked like it was going to be to tall. Closed the lid and it looked good, it's even notched out along the side for the antenna's to fit in first. It's upside down from now on.
Here is mine, It's a little tight. Plus I'm now putting the strap under the antennas because of what people posted here, I initially had it like the picture I saw where the strap was over them. Those little feet are what's damaging my foam. The picture shows the foam damage.



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