flying in manual dangerous

I had two Holy Stones that was my joy. I loved flying them and got very proficient with them. My demise was flying beyond my signal strength. The other was lost to strong interference at my dad’s house. He has a problem with things working at his house because of that.
I never thought I would get something as expensive as a DJI drone. It was a gamble that I’m glad I took. I tell people it’s not flying, it’s just putting it in a position in the sky where you want it.
Well dont fly it at your dads.. unless you wanna watch it fly off in the sunset.. lol jk
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The full manual mode would be like ATTI with no altitude assistance. That is really fun. I had one for $90 and I managed to keep it in the air for more than one min once. That was achievment.
I think they won't be selling much P4Ps having only that mode LOL.
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Yeah I had a couple small FPV racers that had acro mode and can do flips it was definitely interesting to say the least I definitely wrecked them a few times before I got the hang of it is well my P3P did Atti mode on me a few times and it kind of scared me for a second but after I got the hang of it I was fine
Listen, 30 yeas ago as a kid I flew my rc planes in manual mode all the time haha. Crashed quite a few too. This was pre flight sims, pre buddy box computer radios...

I learned airplanes this way, by the time I got into helicopters there were flight simulators and I still crashed those.

Anyhow, some flight simulators has drones where you can fly in manual. Might be cheaper to practice that way..,
The full manual mode would be like ATTI with no altitude assistance. That is really fun. I had one for $90 and I managed to keep it in the air for more than one min once. That was achievment.
I think they won't be selling much P4Ps having only that mode LOL.

No - it's like ATTI without the ATTI. It has no attitude or altitude assistance. It sounds like you tried it though. One minute is pretty good going.
I would suggest going short flights. Like walking your dog. Keep it in front of you low and slow. Practice making turns fly it in circles around you and then try to keep camera pointed at you as you make circles.
Such practice is OK but don't walk thru the woods hehe.
A bit off topic but related to flying skills - manual flying like an automated POI mode is something everybody should learn. It's much more fast and practical than switching to the POI mode unless you want to have an ideal complete circle.
. Practice making turns fly it in circles around you and then try to keep camera pointed at you as you make circles.
If you can do that in manual mode with a Phantom
then you are good. You should be flying racing drones.
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If you can do that in manual mode with a Phantom
then you are good. You should be flying racing drones.
It depends on a wind. In a strong wind I would siggest to do circles in GPS mode.
Must be aware of surrounding objects as the cam can't see to the left or the right side..
As the cam is pointing directly into the circle and in manual you would most likely do elipses rather than circles. So the visual check is madatory prior to begin circling. Otherwise you'll be surprized how easy is to hit something that way.
It happened to me once. I was circling around one house in let say near 30m radius watching the screen and suddenly I hit the tree around 60m from the center point. Pretty surprized and angry of course.
I fly fine in ATTI as it was how I practiced all the time before I got rid of the phantoms it was just trying to fly in manual that I could not do it. I could get it up but was all over the place and would switch back to ATTI quick .:p
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I don't think most people fully understand what full MANUAL mode is.... there are no training wheels, no stabilization, no dampers.... it's all on you and it's HARD! Very hard indeed.
When I flew acro for the first time in my fpv racer it went ⤵️ straight down... its like balancing the drone on a ball.. the slightest bump on the right stick without any throttle from the left causes it to mayday. Full control from both sticks is constantly needed. At least thats the way i explains it. Lol But gosh once you get the hang of it.. ?? so much fun!
When I flew acro for the first time in my fpv racer it went ⤵ straight down... its like balancing the drone on a ball.. the slightest bump on the right stick without any throttle from the left causes it to mayday. Full control from both sticks is constantly needed. At least thats the way i explains it. Lol But gosh once you get the hang of it.. ?? so much fun!


It makes you a better flyer even when using the "Easy Modes". Plus if something goes wrong your more likely to be able to react and "handle it" better than otherwise.
Hv flown in attitude mode...the fc 40 is flyable but you hv to control the stick inputs to counter drift caused by no gps .just spolied my s1 switch,ordered a replacement...after that plan to try manual once
hi..please tell me what to do to fly in the manual mode..that is the 3rd mode apart from gps and att..thinking of attempting that once

I flip it in Atti mode when I’m distance flying ( 4+ miles) and I have a tailwind on the way back to help get the free ride out of it , you can easily cruise along at 50, 60,70 mph and use hardly any juice compared to your outbound flight, be safe , fly in open spaces till you gain your confidence but don’t get cocky about it or things can go sour at a blink of an eye at those speeds , slow down first then put it in P mode for landing if your a little nervous about landing in Atti mode
Hv flown in attitude mode...the fc 40 is flyable but you hv to control the stick inputs to counter drift caused by no gps .just spolied my s1 switch,ordered a replacement...after that plan to try manual once
The drift must be corrected manually. If you're far away and high you might not notice the drift at the beginning. Pay attention on the strenght and direction of the wind.

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