
Jan 9, 2015
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If I switch fail safe to manual, and uncheck IOC. Is there no chance of a flyaway?
I'm hiking into a gorge and wont be able to get satellite. Thanks
I don't see what IOC has to do with a flyaway. If you have no sattelites, failsafe won't work. If you lose signal with drone, nothing will work. If you have no sats, you can fly in atti mode. You have no gps but still have the gyros working. In manual, you have no help at all and must fly it yourself. Not easy to do.
OK, thanks. I will leave IOC on, and change failsafe to atti.
low&slow said:
and change failsafe to atti.
The bottom S1 switch position can only be set to manual or fail safe. The middle S1 switch position will always be ATTI if you're in Naza-M mode.

If you do not have 6+ satellites at takeoff, you'll automatically be in ATTI mode (even if you don't set it on your S1 switch). If you're not used to flying in manual mode, your Phantom will probably end up in the gorge. ATTI is your best option.
Note...IOC is a great tool if you understand it and know how to use it. First get your gps fix at startup. Using home lock will bring quad back to home point using right stick pulled back. When it gets within about 30 feet of home position it will automatically go to course lock. Now depending on which direction your quad was pointing when you first powered up and got home lock and course fix will determine the direction it will go when pulling back on right stick once it switches from home lock to course when it gets within the 10 meter range. I am sure some have not understood this and thought they had lost control because the quad didn't respond to their stick commands as they thought it should.

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