Confusing dji article

Yes, you can opt not to fly under any rules or software/firmware limitations at all, and might get away with it in out of the way, sparsely populated (non-sensitive) areas too.
But just maybe, somebody flying under these "I can do anything I want" delusions, might find themselves in an area that some hypothetical "Someone" does consider to be "sensitive". Then picture this scenario. A unmarked vehicle quietly drives up behind you, a couple of plainclothes types gets, out orders you to land your "Drone" (they may have already taken care of that task for you btw), and then you are "asked" to accompany them... If you think this can't happen, think again.

Under the current shstem actually tracking where a drone is coming drom and who it belongs too is actually quite difficult so I wouldn't be overly comcerned anout that, with this new system? Who knows.

I think a part of the problem people are having is that they fundamentally do not trust the intentions or competancy of the government, or DJI for that matter. There are people out there that want to ban drones, or at least restrict them in completely ridiculous ways that will effectively make them useless or no more than cheap toys (just look at Canada) based off of a lack of understanding and media driven paranoia (coming from the gun world I am very familiar with this), you know it, and I know it, we encounter these people all the time; many of us do not trust the government not to pander to those morons, or for some unelected unaccountable bureaucrat from just enacting restrictions on his own (again, just look at Canada) so the thought of such idiocy instantly being enforced on us by our own drones via DJI fills us with rage. Without this update we can at least theoretically decide to risk it, with this update we can't.

Again, I'll use Canada as an example, under the most literal interpretation of their new drone rules it is illegal for them to fly anywhere in the entire country (we have already thoroughly hashed this out), what if, when interpreting those new rules, DJI decided that that was indeed the correct interpretation? The whole of Canada would instantly become a no fly zone which cannot be overridden and all DJI drone users in the entire country would suddenly, without notice, warning, or consent, find that their drones, which they paid lots of money for, are now completely useless, they would just be expensive sculptures, nothing more. What is to stop something like that from happening? Nothing. What is to prevent it from happening in any other country? Nothing. For that matter, what is to stop China from deciding that drones are a threat to their national security and simply ordering DJI to enact global restrictions? Nothing. What about some international convention where the hard left anti freedom nations of the world decide that "for the common good" there needs to be global restrictions? In the US we would not be obligated to obey that if we did not ratify it, but what's to stop DJI, an international corporation, from complying? Nothing. Some of us look at possibilities like that and just assume that these dynamic NFZs are going to screw us over someday, there is a fundamental distrust of the sustem and its intentions, that is all. If NFZ updates were not automatic we would simply see the hundreds of posts from people saying that the new firmware has crippled or disabled their drone and elect not to install it, but with automatic updates we would not have that option.
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Basically the worry is unintended consequences, sure, there are no problems with the NFZs now, but with dynamic updates there is simply no guarantee that that will be the case in the future.
The distrust is real

I had someone on YouTube telling me that by using the dji eco system DJI were able to view our 4k footage LIVE and in 4k from China, via the app

He qualified this by saying the app even caches video

I explained that I'd see a huge data upload spike of on average 16gb (based on my flying) of the files streaming to dji

"ah but dji have a way of viewing your 4k footage on a tiny rate like 4kb per gb "

OK, silly me, I said

" but my tablet doesn't have a data connection AT ALL "

He's vanished now, but the point is, without pure and proper communication from DJI stuff like this is allowed to take a hold of people, just like with this new FW, I'm not sure we DJI have even spoken out yet, properly I mean, about the intentions they have, so I assume not and that's all part of the problem here
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The problem is in order to do that I have to disable ALL my apps from updating automatically and having to manually update them all is a pain, it also means I will ne unable to use warranty or repair services as they would update the firmware. It also means that should the old version of Go be made unavailable I will be stuck permanently using whatever device it is on, so I will ne unable to upgrade my device and will have to pay full price for a new device and if something happens to my old device I won't be able to ise the drone at all. I also will not get any firmware fixes or improvements. Kindof a ****** move on DJI's part.

Then you should be complaining about the poor control of software versions on your mobile device instead. And if a warranty repair updates the firmware, there is nothing to prevent you from reverting it when you get it back. And again - that argument also fails because it is true of any firmware update that contains NFZs that you don't like, but that you state you have no problem with.

You can't have it both ways - as with any device that gets updates from time to time. Either you go with the updates, for the improvements and benefits, or you don't, whether because an update actually includes features that you dislike or because, as in this case, you have some irrational fear that this update might, at some time in the future, result in some kind of change that you wouldn't like.

So, now that I understand your concerns, I still think that they are untenable. We'll just have to disagree on this. I'll update, as always, and expect to have no problems. I don't know what you will do but I suspect that you will complain some more and then quietly update once you realize that no one has been grounded, hacked, or otherwise prevented from flying lawfully.
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I'll give you an example of updates that are bad. The last two updates for Go IOS has crippled my video feed on the mini 4. I have to manually lower the bandwidth. In the case of DJI and QC they aren't the greatest.
Under the current shstem actually tracking where a drone is coming drom and who it belongs too is actually quite difficult so I wouldn't be overly comcerned anout that, with this new system? Who knows.

I think a part of the problem people are having is that they fundamentally do not trust the intentions or competancy of the government, or DJI for that matter. There are people out there that want to ban drones, or at least restrict them in completely ridiculous ways that will effectively make them useless or no more than cheap toys (just look at Canada) based off of a lack of understanding and media driven paranoia (coming from the gun world I am very familiar with this), you know it, and I know it, we encounter these people all the time; many of us do not trust the government not to pander to those morons, or for some unelected unaccountable bureaucrat from just enacting restrictions on his own (again, just look at Canada) so the thought of such idiocy instantly being enforced on us by our own drones via DJI fills us with rage. Without this update we can at least theoretically decide to risk it, with this update we can't.

Again, I'll use Canada as an example, under the most literal interpretation of their new drone rules it is illegal for them to fly anywhere in the entire country (we have already thoroughly hashed this out), what if, when interpreting those new rules, DJI decided that that was indeed the correct interpretation? The whole of Canada would instantly become a no fly zone which cannot be overridden and all DJI drone users in the entire country would suddenly, without notice, warning, or consent, find that their drones, which they paid lots of money for, are now completely useless, they would just be expensive sculptures, nothing more. What is to stop something like that from happening? Nothing. What is to prevent it from happening in any other country? Nothing. For that matter, what is to stop China from deciding that drones are a threat to their national security and simply ordering DJI to enact global restrictions? Nothing. What about some international convention where the hard left anti freedom nations of the world decide that "for the common good" there needs to be global restrictions? In the US we would not be obligated to obey that if we did not ratify it, but what's to stop DJI, an international corporation, from complying? Nothing. Some of us look at possibilities like that and just assume that these dynamic NFZs are going to screw us over someday, there is a fundamental distrust of the sustem and its intentions, that is all. If NFZ updates were not automatic we would simply see the hundreds of posts from people saying that the new firmware has crippled or disabled their drone and elect not to install it, but with automatic updates we would not have that option.

Now you have completely gone off the deep end. Try to get a grip of yourself.
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Under the current shstem actually tracking where a drone is coming drom and who it belongs too is actually quite difficult so I wouldn't be overly comcerned anout that, with this new system? Who knows.

I think a part of the problem people are having is that they fundamentally do not trust the intentions or competancy of the government, or DJI for that matter. There are people out there that want to ban drones, or at least restrict them in completely ridiculous ways that will effectively make them useless or no more than cheap toys (just look at Canada) based off of a lack of understanding and media driven paranoia (coming from the gun world I am very familiar with this), you know it, and I know it, we encounter these people all the time; many of us do not trust the government not to pander to those morons, or for some unelected unaccountable bureaucrat from just enacting restrictions on his own (again, just look at Canada) so the thought of such idiocy instantly being enforced on us by our own drones via DJI fills us with rage. Without this update we can at least theoretically decide to risk it, with this update we can't.

Again, I'll use Canada as an example, under the most literal interpretation of their new drone rules it is illegal for them to fly anywhere in the entire country (we have already thoroughly hashed this out), what if, when interpreting those new rules, DJI decided that that was indeed the correct interpretation? The whole of Canada would instantly become a no fly zone which cannot be overridden and all DJI drone users in the entire country would suddenly, without notice, warning, or consent, find that their drones, which they paid lots of money for, are now completely useless, they would just be expensive sculptures, nothing more. What is to stop something like that from happening? Nothing. What is to prevent it from happening in any other country? Nothing. For that matter, what is to stop China from deciding that drones are a threat to their national security and simply ordering DJI to enact global restrictions? Nothing. What about some international convention where the hard left anti freedom nations of the world decide that "for the common good" there needs to be global restrictions? In the US we would not be obligated to obey that if we did not ratify it, but what's to stop DJI, an international corporation, from complying? Nothing. Some of us look at possibilities like that and just assume that these dynamic NFZs are going to screw us over someday, there is a fundamental distrust of the sustem and its intentions, that is all. If NFZ updates were not automatic we would simply see the hundreds of posts from people saying that the new firmware has crippled or disabled their drone and elect not to install it, but with automatic updates we would not have that option.
Relatively difficult, maybe, but systems are now being marketed by high end suppliers (and sold to military/government agencies) that will track your drone, bring it down or take over control, and also identify the operators current location....all in realtime. Are they going to devote resources to non-sensitive remote areas, I highly doubt it, but don't doubt the capability exists.
Then you should be complaining about the poor control of software versions on your mobile device instead. And if a warranty repair updates the firmware, there is nothing to prevent you from reverting it when you get it back. And again - that argument also fails because it is true of any firmware update that contains NFZs that you don't like, but that you state you have no problem with.

You can't have it both ways - as with any device that gets updates from time to time. Either you go with the updates, for the improvements and benefits, or you don't, whether because an update actually includes features that you dislike or because, as in this case, you have some irrational fear that this update might, at some time in the future, result in some kind of change that you wouldn't like.

So, now that I understand your concerns, I still think that they are untenable. We'll just have to disagree on this. I'll update, as always, and expect to have no problems. I don't know what you will do but I suspect that you will complain some more and then quietly update once you realize that no one has been grounded, hacked, or otherwise prevented from flying lawfully.

I am not concerned about my phone being remotely disabled.

I have already stated that the current firmware NFZs are not a problem for me so habing them is not an issue, firmware NFZs are a known quantity, you know what they are and you know that unless you update the firmware they will not change. The new dynamic NFZs are an unknown as they can change at anytime, yes they may be fine now, but there is no gaurantee that they will stay that way. Under the current system I know that if I take my drone out it will fly, because I know I am not in an NFZ, but with the new ststem I will not know that. Again, what is to stop something like the Canada scenario I mentioned from happening?

I don't see concern over a very real possibility as being an irrational fear.

Downgrading the firmware or the Go app is only possible while DJI continues to allow it, how long do you think they will keep the old version available?
Now you have completely gone off the deep end. Try to get a grip of yourself.

What part of what I said is "off the deep end?" I was just pointing out possible scenarios, come up with your own if you like, my point is that there is nothing keeping DJI from remotely restricting our drones at anytime with this update.

As for my scenarios, do you really think China getting paranoid is that unrealistic? It's what started this afterall. Is a future overly restrictive reactionary law based on fear and misinformation really that difficult to imagine? It has already happened in Canada. Is DJI interpreting a law like Canada's as a total ban and grounding every drone in Canada to comply with it really that far fetched? Many here reached the same conclusion. Is a trade treaty regarding drones that far fetched? They already do it for other things.
Relatively difficult, maybe, but systems are now being marketed by high end suppliers (and sold to military/government agencies) that will track your drone, bring it down or take over control, and also identify the operators current location....all in realtime. Are they going to devote resources to non-sensitive remote areas, I highly doubt it, but don't doubt the capability exists.

I didn't say they couldn't, I just said it would be difficult. Will they use a shstem like that over a military base? Maybe. Will they load up the trucks and look for someone flying in the middle of nowhere, and get there in time to catch them? Probably not, it's impossible to track down every drone, they will have to prioritize.
I am not concerned about my phone being remotely disabled.

Why are you not concerned about your phone being remotely disabled? Your paranoia should be consistent, and universal. Think bigger...

I have already stated that the current firmware NFZs are not a problem for me so habing them is not an issue, firmware NFZs are a known quantity, you know what they are and you know that unless you update the firmware they will not change. The new dynamic NFZs are an unknown as they can change at anytime, yes they may be fine now, but there is no gaurantee that they will stay that way. Under the current system I know that if I take my drone out it will fly, because I know I am not in an NFZ, but with the new ststem I will not know that. Again, what is to stop something like the Canada scenario I mentioned from happening?

I no longer have the strength to counter your wildly proliferating fantasy scenarios. You seem to have no clue how business or politics works. Can you point to a single historical example of similar outcomes actually happening?

Downgrading the firmware or the Go app is only possible while DJI continues to allow it, how long do you think they will keep the old version available?

You could always download and save versions of the firmware that you like, just in case one of your end of the world scenarios comes to pass.
What part of what I said is "off the deep end?" I was just pointing out possible scenarios, come up with your own if you like, my point is that there is nothing keeping DJI from remotely restricting our drones at anytime with this update.

As for my scenarios, do you really think China getting paranoid is that unrealistic? It's what started this afterall. Is a future overly restrictive reactionary law based on fear and misinformation really that difficult to imagine? It has already happened in Canada. Is DJI interpreting a law like Canada's as a total ban and grounding every drone in Canada to comply with it really that far fetched? Many here reached the same conclusion. Is a trade treaty regarding drones that far fetched? They already do it for other things.

What I don't understand is why you think that every fantastic scenario that you dream up is worth worrying about. You are genuinely, breathtakingly paranoid. You can't see it, and it is impossible to reason with you, because your only response is "well it could happen like that". You have no filter, and your wildest imaginings are, apparently, imminently about to happen. It's both fascinating and pathetic, and I'm afraid that I don't have the inclination to argue with you any more. I hope that you find something less stressful to occupy your time.
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what if DJI decided that that was indeed the correct interpretation?
What is to stop something like that from happening? Nothing.
What is to prevent it from happening in any other country? Nothing.
For that matter, what is to stop China from deciding that drones are a threat to their national security and simply ordering DJI to enact global restrictions? Nothing.
What about some international convention where the hard left anti freedom nations
What if .... what if ... what if ... ?
What's to stop this or that incredibly unlikely thing from happening?

What if that driver decides to ignore the red light?
What if there are snakes on the plane?
What if your car develops consciousness and wants to kill you?
What if your bank steals all your money? What's to stop them?
What if your government poisons the drinking water?
What if you think rationally and act in a reasonable way based on facts?

Sorry, that last one is just too unlikely to consider.
Most people get by by having an understanding of what's likely or unlikely or flat-out impossible and not worrying about crazy things that are never going to happen.
How do you function in modern society with that level of paranoia?
One would think that DJI concerns would be about the bottom of your list of things to be concerned about.
I don't see concern over a very real possibility as being an irrational fear.
The problem you have is the number of extremely unlikely scenarios you believe are a very real possibility.
What part of what I said is "off the deep end?" I was just pointing out possible scenarios, come up with your own if you like, my point is that there is nothing keeping DJI from remotely restricting our drones at anytime with this update.
Every part was out in deep water. Your scenarios are way past what could be described as possible.
DJI does well because they produce drones that work very well and allow users to do so much.
It's not in DJI's interests to cripple the functionality of their products.
They've never shown and hint of wanting to so why would they now or in the future?

As for my scenarios, do you really think China getting paranoid is that unrealistic?
Is a future overly restrictive reactionary law based on fear and misinformation really that difficult to imagine?
Is DJI interpreting a law like Canada's as a total ban and grounding every drone in Canada to comply with it really that far fetched?
Is a trade treaty regarding drones that far fetched?
Yes, yes & yes
The fear and misinformation is what's driving your irrational thoughts.
What if .... what if ... what if ... ?
What's to stop this or that incredibly unlikely thing from happening?

What if that driver decides to ignore the red light?
What if there are snakes on the plane?
What if your car develops consciousness and wants to kill you?
What if your bank steals all your money? What's to stop them?
What if your government poisons the drinking water?
What if you think rationally and act in a reasonable way based on facts?

Sorry, that last one is just too unlikely to consider.
Most people get by by having an understanding of what's likely or unlikely or flat-out impossible and not worrying about crazy things that are never going to happen.
How do you function in modern society with that level of paranoia?
One would think that DJI concerns would be about the bottom of your list of things to be concerned about.

The problem you have is the number of extremely unlikely scenarios you believe are a very real possibility.

Every part was out in deep water. Your scenarios are way past what could be described as possible.
DJI does well because they produce drones that work very well and allow users to do so much.
It's not in DJI's interests to cripple the functionality of their products.
They've never shown and hint of wanting to so why would they now or in the future?


Yes, yes & yes
The fear and misinformation is what's driving your irrational thoughts.
Yip agree I over it I'm just gonna continue flying ,Allgood was worried at first but like meta4 said without me taking sides why would dji cripple us ,we use the product and I still buy phantoms .I don't think it's the end yet ,,hang in there, :cool:.and for the record I got lot money tied up in my phantoms
Just to clarify, if you take off from outside one of these zones and then fly into a zone while in ATTI, you are still under control? Or does it RTH?
Just to clarify, if you take off from outside one of these zones and then fly into a zone while in ATTI, you are still under control? Or does it RTH?

From what I've read elsewhere, neither - it lands.

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