Beware your P4P 2.0 could be a dangerous good

Jun 4, 2017
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Perth, Australia
DJI stamped my order for my P4P 2.0 as a dangerous good. So it sat in an airport in Sydney for 8 days! Yes fpr 8 days.
DJI said I would have it in 3 days, well it took 11 days.
DLH blamed DJI and DJI blamed DHL. Then DJI said well we did say it could be up to 15 days.

I said I did not want an apology or explanation from either of them but some sort of compensation. Guess what I got from both for this pathetic service by both of them?
An apology.
So be warned if you are going to order your P4P 2.0, once they have your money they do not care a dam.
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Or so it would be handled much more carefully.
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Wud I win ?? :cool:
DJI guarantee within 15 days. I am sure somewhere DHL specify some time limit. But that is not the point. The point is it sat in and airport for 8 days!
Of course it was because of the Lipo. But so what? Millions are transported every day or even hour and on time.
Don't give these scoundrels excuses for poor service.
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DJI stamped my order for my P4P 2.0 as a dangerous good. So it sat in an airport in Sydney for 8 days! Yes fpr 8 days.
DJI said I would have it in 3 days, well it took 11 days.
DLH blamed DJI and DJI blamed DHL. Then DJI said well we did say it could be up to 15 days.

I said I did not want an apology or explanation from either of them but some sort of compensation. Guess what I got from both for this pathetic service by both of them?
An apology.
So be warned if you are going to order your P4P 2.0, once they have your money they do not care a dam.
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DJI can not control customs. They are required to mark the package properly according to law.

Did you get your new awesome bird? Yes. Talk about first world problems.....
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Oh sorry FL_Mike so 8 days in an airport is ok or normal? I didn't know that. Now I am happy.
After all my hopes of getting it on the 17th of May when DJI said I would get it. I got it on the 25th.
Maybe you would be ok about that but I am not. Yes I did get the bird and a very pretty bird it is.
DJI should have got off their big bag of money and stepped on some DHL toes and moved it on. I can bet you if they would have made more money out of it they would have kicked some DHL **** so hard it would have been here a lot faster.
Anyway thanks for making me feel better knowing that 8 days is ok or normal or justifiable.
I am sorry if I sound somewhat p*****.
And 5% of my salary has gone to 3rd world liberation movements for 40+ years and a lot more time and effort.
Oh sorry FL_Mike so 8 days in an airport is ok or normal? I didn't know that. Now I am happy.
After all my hopes of getting it on the 17th of May when DJI said I would get it. I got it on the 25th.
Maybe you would be ok about that but I am not. Yes I did get the bird and a very pretty bird it is.
DJI should have got off their big bag of money and stepped on some DHL toes and moved it on. I can bet you if they would have made more money out of it they would have kicked some DHL **** so hard it would have been here a lot faster.
Anyway thanks for making me feel better knowing that 8 days is ok or normal or justifiable.
I am sorry if I sound somewhat p*****.
And 5% of my salary has gone to 3rd world liberation movements for 40+ years and a lot more time and effort.

I work in shipping and do a fair bit of it internationally. 8 days stuck in customs is moving fast. I've seen packages stuck for months with no recourse available.

You got a new bird that is top of the line. Hopefully you get years if service out if it and the extra few days you had to wait for it will have been worth it.

Remember the days before the internet, before shipping companies had private fleets of planes to carry your toys to you in just a couple of weeks?
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8 days, months both are rubbish service. I have never had to wait that long for a product before. And yes Lipo batteries included, many times.
Hey it wasn't you FL_Mike that sat on my bird for 8 days was it? I bet it was you and now you are trying to cover your tracks. You rascal you.
Enough, you think its ok I don't.
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8 days, months both are rubbish service. I have never had to wait that long for a product before. And yes Lipo batteries included, many times.
Hey it wasn't you FL_Mike that sat on my bird for 8 days was it? I bet it was you and now you are trying to cover your tracks. You rascal you.
Enough, you think its ok I don't.

International shipping is what it is. You could have called DJI and offered them $1000 to get them to move heaven and earth to get your package moving and they would have laughed. Once it leaves their facility nothing can be done.

There are hundreds here on this board sitting with envy toward the p4pv2. Many will never be able to get one, or when they do there will already be 3 or 4 newer generations out there.

Also, I looked at the tracking you posted above. You could have had your bird on the 22nd, but you couldn't be bothered enough to he home to sign for the package. I imagine your calendar looks the same as mine and you were basically delayed for a weekend. You chose to delay it an extra 3 days as well, so DJI and DHL are not the only delay.

. that dot is a symphony of tiny violins playing their greatest achievement just for you and your first world problem of having to wait an extra weekend for your new toy.
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Ok FL_Mike I am going to help you my man. Now take it slowly. Read the list again, put it down have a little nap and read it again.
It was delivered to my house for signing on Friday the 25th. I was at work, I had already taken a day off for the Thursday a week before when DJI said I would receive it. And I had no sick pay days left, so I lost a days pay.
When I got in the car to go home on the Friday 25th I saw the message saying it was delivered but no one was home. So I phoned DHL at Perth Airport and said could they deliver it again. They said no so I said will the driver be coming back to the DHL HQ at Perth Airport, they said yes but it would not be till about 5.30 pm. This was at 3.15pm. So I asked if they would mind if I waited till the driver came back they said yes. So I drove to the Airport and yes picked up the bird at 5.30pm. Yes the same day. Yes Friday 25th.
Next week little FL_Mike we will be looking at numbers 1-25.
And we are going to understand the difference between an event number and a date.
That is your homework. And if you get it wrong this time I am going to cane you young man.
In fact you deserve the cane now. Now bend over.
The week after that we are going to do English. Your homework for that will be the words Sydney and Perth. Then we will do geography and specifically Sydney and Perth we are going to learn that they are 3,933.7 km apart.
Now let that be a lesson to you. Repeat "I will read the instructions before I open my mouth." Now write that on the board a hundred times.
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I am going to apologise FL_Mike. I was mean to you. I am sorry. I will not be mean to you again.

Fly safe and have fun.
Yes, I did take traking event 22 as the date. That was my mistake.

No offense taken. I deal with whiny people regarding shipping every day.

Enjoy your new AC and post the results. Safe flying and remember you'll be the envy of many here and abroad. No need to be a whiny about having to wait a whole extra week.
And what sort of compensation had you hoped for?

This happens occasionally. Not just with DJI obviously.

I’m any case to the extent DHL breached some guaranteed service standard they would be making good with DJI, their customer.

Enjoy your new toy and move on, worrying about this won’t achieve anything.
I have moved on With The Birds. I love the bird, I was able to fly it for an hours window in a short gap that occurred in a storm here.
A battery would have been nice from DJI. I hope someone somewhere is a little more aware and carful and do more to move these things along and not sit on them for days on end. It would have been simple to do something on the first day rather than a week later and my emails, messages and phone calls.
How would you feel knowing it is sitting at an airport because someone or some people did not say "..lets get this package to the customer ASAP."
If I mess up at work I am held accountable for that and that is how it should be.

BTW both DHL and DJI have acknowledged that it should have arrived earlier and both have apologised.

I flew the p4p v2 indoors last night and played with the P, S and A toggle. I had left it on A and when I flew it over a lake it seemed to fly very different to the MA and MP. In a better way I mean, I cant describe it.
Anyway I will fly when the weather is better and compare the P and A modes. I have read about the different modes and I think I understand, but not totally sure.
DJI stamped my order for my P4P 2.0 as a dangerous good. So it sat in an airport in Sydney for 8 days! Yes for 8 days.
It's marked dangerous goods as it should be.
That's quite normal and packages don't get left lying around because they are marked dangerous goods.
Eight days at Sydney airport?
Which 8 days would that be from just before midnight Thursday 17th to 11am Tuesday 22nd which included a weekend?
According to my calendar it didn't sit around at Sydney airport for 8 days at all.

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