Whats the final verdict?

May 30, 2015
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I am still running pilot app 1.01 (hope I got the right number here) and FW 1.19 on my P3P. It took me awhile to get it running really nicely and now that I have am a bit scared to start upgrading all over again. I use this for work so cant afford to have it down for days. The problem is it flashes in red that it requires a firmware upgrade even when the lights on the P3P are flashing green to say it is safe to fly and has GPS lock. I have been flying it with no problems but as this firmware upgrade warning has only recently started happening I'm hoping it wont eventually just lock me out and I get stranded while on a shoot.

What is the verdict? Have most been successful with all the latest updates? I would have to load the Go App and update the P3P and probably batteries, gimbal and remote as well? If I should do this can someone please direct me to links that have an "how to update for dummies guide?" :D

Cheers Jase
There have been many examples of problems updating firmware but these are very much in the minority. I have upgraded my firmware three times since I purchased my P3 and experienced no issues at all. The process is quite straightforward. Just one word of caution that I would offer. When upgrading the firmware on the UAV, a text file is generated as a report. It's advisable to delete this file when making a new update. The problem can occur if you use an Apple device. Sending the text file to the trash bin isn't enough to delete it. You need to empty the trash. If you don't, then the old file is written back to your card, giving you an old report.
If it's running fine now the only issue is it nagging about updates - which you can ignore.
There aren't yet any new features or fixes worth doing it for if you haven't got any problems to fix.

It's a pity you can't simply turn off firmware messages permanently, why do they feel they must pester you.
They already have an email address to inform you of any significant new options in latest offerings.
Updating the firmware is like getting a new wife... Some good features and possibly some bad. (Grin) Hmm could be said the same about a new husband or boyfriend.... Shut my mouth.
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Jase, all has been working well for me on the latest firmware. Here are detailed instructions on how to install it:

If you update and don't like it, you can follow the same set of instructions to roll back to firmware version 1.1.9. DJI provides a link to that firmware version on their downloads page too.
Can roll back the aircraft but not the remote controller, last I heard.

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