Trusting My Phantom

Feb 22, 2017
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I'm new at this, maybe only a month in but I get a little nervous when my drone is out of my line of sight. Is this normal?
Not at all! It's not a cheap gadget to send somewhere that you can't see it!! Read, practice and read and practice some more and your comfort will grow as your nervousness fades!

EDIT: Sorry, I think you can tell by the rest of my post that my intention was to say it not at all "ABNORMAL"... it's perfectly normal to feel nervousness!
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I fly beyond LOS most of the time due to the area where I live, and I'm not fussed at all. As jwmcgrath stated, read and practice, particularly the use of RTH. I use it fairly regularly, and you will too at some stage.
I don't think he's experienced signal loss due to distance yet, only loss of not being able to see it such as behind a tree, 500 feet or more away and blinked, etc. I'm getting used to FPV myself even during bright days as I've found shady spots I can plant myself where I can reasonably see the screen.
Now losing LOS and signal, THATS nerve racking. But losing sight but still have signal? Yeah I was nervous initially as I was used to flying a Syma where LOS was necessary and constant attention to the controls. With the Phantom, you can let go of the controls and think it through for a few seconds. Only issue might be if you are really close to something where GPS drift or inertia will cause trouble.
I don't think he's experienced signal loss due to distance yet, only loss of not being able to see it such as behind a tree, 500 feet or more away and blinked, etc. I'm getting used to FPV myself even during bright days as I've found shady spots I can plant myself where I can reasonably see the screen.
Now losing LOS and signal, THATS nerve racking. But losing sight but still have signal? Yeah I was nervous initially as I was used to flying a Syma where LOS was necessary and constant attention to the controls. With the Phantom, you can let go of the controls and think it through for a few seconds. Only issue might be if you are really close to something where GPS drift or inertia will cause trouble.
Yeah, but it will happen for whatever reason and as you say, sweat starts running down your face the first time it happens and the joy that follows when you hear that familiar whining noise coming your way. I've lost video and still have a connection so you just take a breath and bring it back (home lock) and even managed to drop my device from the tablet holder, dig around the leaves trying to find it and find that I have no signal. Sit down in the chair and simply wait for it to come back. RTH is my biggest friend where I fly.
The more you know about the telemetry data from the display the more comfortable you'll get with losing LOS.

If you haven't studied the radar screen data, it can tell you:
1. What direction the craft is flying in relation to home.
2. Which direction the craft is located from home (if the craft is at 12 oclock, the craft is in front of the RC.)
3. How far away the craft is, I believe each circle from center-point home is 500' away. Telemetry data tells you exactly how far in feet for distance.

The RC and HD signal bars at the top are important to keep an eye on, so you know when you're running the risk of signal loss.

Sometimes when the sun is low you cannot see how to get back to home because the sun is washing out the view, or the sun is in your LOS view. In these situations the radar data is important to utilize, so you can confirm you are headed directly back to home. In those cases when you can't see well due to the sun glare, make sure to fly with OA enabled for extra collision insurance.
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That's good to know as well, I've been studying the display but I'm not at a point where I totally understand it. Thanks
Well, actually it is normal. Or at least it was for me and I've heard others mention it too.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious fact that I mis-typed my intention... that yes it IS perfectly normal to feel nervous!

Head was still spinning from all the physics convo earlier in the evening...
Thanks for pointing out the obvious fact that I mis-typed my intention... that yes it IS perfectly normal to feel nervous!

Head was still spinning from all the physics convo earlier in the evening...
I just couldn't resist. I knew what you did, but what the hey? It was a freebee.I just couldn't pass up. Thanks ;)
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Thanks guys, I needed that..
What actually helped me was I would send mine out a short way, then hit the Return to home and watch it come home without my help and land. Then I would send it away again and TURN OFF my Remote control to simulate a disaster. And watch it come home.

Then I would send mine almost out of sight, then turn away and look at the ground and do a RTH and wait for that familiar zzzzz overhead.
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I've just ordered mine and I'll be nervous even when it's still on the ground. [emoji23]
Coming Friday so still plenty of YouTube videos to watch.

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