Skypixel ??


Premium Pilot
Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score
Anyone noticed the new "competition" on Skypixel?
Skypixel has been getting hopes up telling us a competition was coming.
Think you have a great piece of work? Prove it.
A contest between members, with members deciding the winner.
The victor goes up against an ‘Expert’ for a chance to win an Inspire 1

Sounds great .. bring it on.
Get ready to go head-to-head with another Skypixel member to determine who's the aerial imaging master.
I'm ready - what do I do?

It came out yesterday and looks to be a long way short of the publicity.
Three (3) images from three (3) different SkyPixel accounts will be chosen at random
Two members will compete against each other each week [for a total of three (3) weeks]
The member whose photo receives the most votes will be deemed the winner of that week’s contest

Where's the competition? How do I enter?
Where do members who think they have great work get a chance to prove it?
Where do members get a chance to do anything?
Sorry Skypixel but that's not a competition. That's a lottery.

Skypixel .. how about proving you are worthy?
Skypixel is a long way short of doing what they say on the website:
Inspiration from around the world. Picture perfect images at your fingertips.

How about displaying large images properly so they don't look like crap?
How about doing something to feature good images amongst the large volume of very mediocre pics you are attracting so far?
How about revising the scoring system so it makes sense.
And what's with some of those "Experts" with hundreds of followers but no evidence that they are expert at all in the photos they have submitted?
I get more embeds from a Mexican knitting and crocheting site than I do from and appear to have some regular traffic. Don't really know of any others.
I looked at it for the first time over the weekend. What turned me away was the rating system. Some outstanding footage only rated a 93, while the worse aerial footage I've ever seen rated 91.5. Huh? That system need some serious recalibration (and someone supposedly reviews each and every submission).

Not for me either.
Well, i tried to put some videos and pictures up on there, but now it's saying I never uploaded anything. Navigating the site can be a pain as well. I think I'm just going to stick to youtube videos for now.

Edit: nevermind, not sure what happened, but I think I might have 2 accounts on there. :?

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