Should I update my phanton 3 advanced to the latest firmware 1.50030

Your government may or may not want to reduce your flying freedom but I still haven't seen anything to indicate that DJI are "removing features we currently enjoy".
My Phantom still flies as far and as fast as when they first released the P3 and despite hearing this many times in forums, I'm not aware of any features that have been removed.
Correct me if im wrong... Is it not true that we can not increase more than 500 meters height since the P3 came out?
Not meaning to demean the AMA as a group of RC airplane flyers, nor portray them as villains in any way. However, the primary reason P3 flyers are encouraged to join the AMA is for the free AMA insurance, which is worthless for a drone flyer, unless already flying by 333 exemption restrictions, and even then it won't cover you, if you are flying commercially. Many veteran AMA members here have confirmed the disdain many of the local AMA clubs have for drone flyers. I'm taking them at their word. Their interests and ours are quite different. I have no desire to follow or be bound by AMA Rules, other than no reckless flying, and I certainly don't support the AMA lobbying Congress to impose their AMA Rules upon us!:eek:

Actually I think the AMA is mostly about camaraderie. And also about education and pooling resources.

We have sanctioned safe fields with local support. These are great places to learn and try out new techniques. And yes as long as you fly by the rules you are covered by liability insurance.

Crashing models happen all the time, and very few pilots try to collect from the manufacturers because it is almost always pilot error or maintenance problems that cause crashes. MRs are no different.

I think everyone who is new to this hobby needs to be mentored by experienced RC pilots. Relying on technology with no redundant systems flying out of line of sight is foolish at best, certainly dangerous in populated areas. Just read these boards and you hear about all the crashes and fly aways and how surprised the pilots are. These are toys, not military grade drones with multiple redundant systems and modes of communication. And IMHO they should be flown like all RC aircraft and obey by the same rules.

If you are versed in the RC hobby you will know that there are lots of hardware,Lipo and radio communication failures all the time, this is why you only should fly RC aircraft in safe locations. Never close to the general public.

And yes the AMA insurance does not cover commercial flights. But if you have a 333 exemption you would be a fool not to have commercial liability as well. I have a $2,000,000.00 liability policy for my video business and equipment writers for $50,000.00 in the field. Not cheap but part of the cost of running a production company.

No doubt these systems will get better and the rules will change as autonomous flight gets safer but as of now I think it is advisable to stay line of sight, in my case my max is about 1,400 feet and 400' AGL and I don't ever fly beyond that. There is no reason to. My big S800 I fly about that max distance as well even though it is much easier to see.
Your government may or may not want to reduce your flying freedom but I still haven't seen anything to indicate that DJI are "removing features we currently enjoy".
My Phantom still flies as far and as fast as when they first released the P3 and despite hearing this many times in forums, I'm not aware of any features that have been removed.
Certainly forced updating of the DJI GO app and making it impossible to downgrade the firmware would qualify? They are setting the stage for anything they want to do to protect their business interests, and who can blame them? They reduced our available channels from 32 to 8 which limits range over urban areas. They also removed the ability to cancel forced Autoland at 10% battery, which will lead to more crashes. There are others. It isn't a conspiracy, but DJI will do whatever they have to, to protect their future business interests, even if it directly conflicts with the intersts of their existing owners. Their interests and ours are at odds.
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I understand what you are saying, but not all AMA clubs disdain drone flyers,-- not any that I know of-- we fly our drones at the Fly- in events in the air and flying FPV along with the planes. There are spotters required for every flight and drones are kept in line of sight. It is not many clubs-- . The AMA is concerned with flying safely and that is stressed in all clubs. That is a message that they try to covey to the FAA in the lobbying activities and they do have good communications with the FAA.
No argument with anything you have stated. Safety is paramount with multiple aircraft flying in the same air space, and everywhere else. However, the AMA lobbyists would like the FAA to adopt all the AMA Rules, as the FAA Rules under which we are to fly! I vehemently oppose that! The AMA doesn't speak for me in that regard, and I doubt they speak for most of the drone flyers here, if they fully understood the AMA Rules they are lobbying for: handcatching would be illegal, handlaunching would be illegal, flying beyond VLOS would be illegal, flying at night would be illegal, flying over 400 feet AGL would be illegal, flying without a spotter would be illegal. Need I go on? Drones are not RC Airplanes, which comprise the craft the vast majority of AMA members are flying at AMA flying fields. Our P3's are aerial photography platforms first, and drones second.
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Correct me if im wrong... Is it not true that we can not increase more than 500 meters height since the P3 came out?
With Litche you could go higher than 500 meters before version 1.5. This new firmware disables that ability. This is a huge deprivation that many are pissed about because they like to fly up mountains, which is really awesome to do. This major limitation is an example of features removed, just like 32 channels being reduced to 8.
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Our P3's are aerial photography platforms first, and drones second.

You got that backwards.

These are flying models first, with cameras second, and as such should obey the safety rules all RC aircraft fly by.

If we don't abide voluntarily it will become very strict legislation and soon, actually it is already happening. Personally I think it is too late because of all the idiotic incidents these MRs have caused.

The AMA is fighting to let the AMA members keep the freedoms we now have, and the new MRs (don't get me wrong I love them) with inexperienced pilots are ruining it for the rest of us.

You will see more and more State and local government regulation as well as Federal. There is no way to stop it now. The better we behave the less restrictive the rules will become, so please be responsible to keep the freedoms we now have. It is totally reasonable to follow the AMA rules.
Actually I think the AMA is mostly about camaraderie. And also about education and pooling resources.

We have sanctioned safe fields with local support. These are great places to learn and try out new techniques. And yes as long as you fly by the rules you are covered by liability insurance.

Crashing models happen all the time, and very few pilots try to collect from the manufacturers because it is almost always pilot error or maintenance problems that cause crashes. MRs are no different.

I think everyone who is new to this hobby needs to be mentored by experienced RC pilots. Relying on technology with no redundant systems flying out of line of sight is foolish at best, certainly dangerous in populated areas. Just read these boards and you hear about all the crashes and fly aways and how surprised the pilots are. These are toys, not military grade drones with multiple redundant systems and modes of communication. And IMHO they should be flown like all RC aircraft and obey by the same rules.

If you are versed in the RC hobby you will know that there are lots of hardware,Lipo and radio communication failures all the time, this is why you only should fly RC aircraft in safe locations. Never close to the general public.

And yes the AMA insurance does not cover commercial flights. But if you have a 333 exemption you would be a fool not to have commercial liability as well. I have a $2,000,000.00 liability policy for my video business and equipment writers for $50,000.00 in the field. Not cheap but part of the cost of running a production company.

No doubt these systems will get better and the rules will change as autonomous flight gets safer but as of now I think it is advisable to stay line of sight, in my case my max is about 1,400 feet and 400' AGL and I don't ever fly beyond that. There is no reason to. My big S800 I fly about that max distance as well even though it is much easier to see.
You have just proven my point. You and I will never agree, nor do I wish to abide by your personal preferences for what you deem "advisable" that the AMA and their AMA lobbyists wish to cram down every drone flyers throat as the new FAA Rules! :rolleyes: I am not looking for camaraderie. I have plenty of friends. I just want to be able to fly my aerial camera in a safe and nonreckless manner, without a bunch of fear mongers and yellow journalists grossly exaggerating the risk, and telling me what they deem "safe." There has yet to be a single drone related fatality. Hundreds of people die in car accidents daily, but I don't see the DMV restricting driving cars to empty parking lots, and away from all other cars and pedestrians as the solution, just because it's "safer!"
Certainly forced updating of the DJI GO app and making it impossible to downgrade the firmware would qualify? They are setting the stage for anything they want to do to protect their business interests, and who can blame them? They reduced our available channels from 32 to 8 which limits range over urban areas. They also removed the ability to cancel forced Autoland at 10% battery, which will lead to more crashes. There are others. It isn't a conspiracy, but DJI will do whatever they have to, to protect their future business interests, even if it directly conflicts with the intersts of their existing owners. Their interests and ours are at odds.
Forced updating of firmware?
No-one is forcing you to update firmware.
You can stay on whatever old firmware you want to use.

Impossible to downgrade firmware?
Early on, it was not possible to downgrade but later DJI offered the ability to downgrade.
They still do but only to the previous version.
For all I know there may be valid technical reasons they can't offer unlimited downgrading ability.

Reduced our available channels from 32 to 8 which limits range over urban areas?
Not a feature I'm familiar with and I don't know why they did, but I don't see this as taking away your flying freedom. There might have been a valid technical reason for it.

Removed the ability to cancel forced Autoland at 10% battery?
The wording on Critical Low Battery Warning in the manual hasn't changed since the first edition of the manual.

Any minor changes would be DJI tweaking their programming rather than taking away your flying freedom.

These features are all minor things and it takes quite a stretch to see them as DJI removing your flying freedom to please governments.
I don't see any evidence at all that are actively removing your flying freedoms and when you look at major features such as:
The P3 that will still fly unmodified many kilometres and well out of visual range or
What DJI are proposing with their soon-to-come GEO feature which will add to your flying freedom - not reduce it.​

I don't see any of these showing that DJI doing whatever they have to, to protect their future business interests, even if it directly conflicts with the interests of their existing owners.
The evidence just isn't there to back that up.
You got that backwards.

These are flying models first, with cameras second, and as such should obey the safety rules all RC aircraft fly by.

If we don't abide voluntarily it will become very strict legislation and soon, actually it is already happening. Personally I think it is too late because of all the idiotic incidents these MRs have caused.

The AMA is fighting to let the AMA members keep the freedoms we now have, and the new MRs (don't get me wrong I love them) with inexperienced pilots are ruining it for the rest of us.

You will see more and more State and local government regulation as well as Federal. There is no way to stop it now. The better we behave the less restrictive the rules will become, so please be responsible to keep the freedoms we now have. It is totally reasonable to follow the AMA rules.
No, the primary purpose of the P3P is photography. The medium is aerial. The primary purpose of RC Aircraft is not photography, but flying for fun, and the photography, if any is incidental, not primary. Two different objectives with different goals and objectives. We may not be able to stop the freight train of regulation headed our way, but I sure am not going to ever voluntarily support or adopt the onerous AMA Rules, as much as you and your fellow AMA members may love and cherish them. You and your AMA Rules don't speak for me! Clearly, you want us regulated because you know you are next on the chopping block of the paranoid fearmongers, who are currently focused on drones.
Forced updating of firmware?
No-one is forcing you to update firmware.
You can stay on whatever old firmware you want to use.

Impossible to downgrade firmware?
Early on, it was not possible to downgrade but later DJI offered the ability to downgrade.
They still do but only to the previous version.
For all I know there may be valid technical reasons they can't offer unlimited downgrading ability.

Reduced our available channels from 32 to 8 which limits range over urban areas?
Not a feature I'm familiar with and I don't know why they did, but I don't see this as taking away your flying freedom. There might have been a valid technical reason for it.

Removed the ability to cancel forced Autoland at 10% battery?
The wording on Critical Low Battery Warning in the manual hasn't changed since the first edition of the manual.

Any minor changes would be DJI tweaking their programming rather than taking away your flying freedom.

These features are all minor things and it takes quite a stretch to see them as DJI removing your flying freedom to please governments.
I don't see any evidence at all that are actively removing your flying freedoms and when you look at major features such as:
The P3 that will still fly unmodified many kilometres and well out of visual range or
What DJI are proposing with their soon-to-come GEO feature which will add to your flying freedom​

I don't see any of these showing that DJI doing whatever they have to, to protect their future business interests, even if it directly conflicts with the interests of their existing owners.
The evidence just isn't there to back that up.
Taking Away Features that Affect My Ability to Fly and My Control Over It
1. Forced updating of the DJI GO app was what I stated, not forced firmware updates.
2. Valid technical or business reasons doesn't change the fact of the restriction, and you asserted no knowledge of any
3. See 2. above
4. Autoland cannot now be lowered below 10%. It could before.
This is a major safety restriction, as you yourself have stated, as the pilot can always choise a safer location to land than automatic descent in place!
Tweaking programming doesn't change the fact of the new restriction, locking down many previously customizable features of the app.

Your definition of "evidence" and mine are clearly different!

With the most recent firmware update preventing any rollback, and cram down updating of the DJI GO app, despite iOS settings to the contrary, and the stage is now fully set for DJI to control exactly what I can and cannot do with the aircraft I purchased from them. They are doing this because they see the handwriting on the wall, too! They know major regulation is coming, and they want to be able to proactively enforce whatever those regulations are through future firmware and app feature downgrades and restrictions. They started with the "forced update" of 25 mile NFZ over the White House, and imposing cones of flight around all other NFZ's. Like them or not, they restricted our ability to fly further. DJI is in the business of making money, not keeping us happy. Their financial future in the U.S. depends upon their ability to sell drones that will be FAA compliant after the hammer drops. The 1.5 firmware update limitations are their "backdoor" to our future flying ability. It's a Trojan Horse.

The first question after every new update, now, is not what did they add or fix, but what else did they take away this time! I have already provided numerous examples, which you choose to discount, but they are all important to some of us! The app and the firmware are both being locked down further and further with each successive update. No reason to expect that to change. Now they will have full control over both. The only way to prevent DJI GO from updating is to take your flying tablet completely offline. Once you are on firmware 1.5, you can't go back. I no longer "own" my drone. I own a DJI controlled device, that they apparently have the right to cripple at will. I love my P3P. It already does everything I need and want it to do. It doesn't need any more "fixing" by DJI. I won't be updating to 1.5 ever. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
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Taking Away Features that Affect My Ability to Fly and My Control Over It
1. Forced updating of the DJI GO app was what I stated, not forced firmware updates.
2. Valid technical or business reasons doesn't change the fact of the restriction, and you asserted no knowledge of any
3. See 2. above
4. Autoland cannot now be lowered below 10%. It could before.
This is a major safety restriction, as you yourself have stated, as the pilot can always choise a safer location to land than automatic descent in place!
Tweaking programming doesn't change the fact of the new restriction, locking down many previously customizable features of the app.
No-one forced you to update the app.
If you allow your device to auto-update, that's not DJI forcing anything.
I don't know what's happened to yours but mine is still on the previous app as I haven't got around to updating. No-one is forcing mine to update.

If DJI won't let you adjust your critical battery level below 10%, that's going to help you keep your Phantom longer. If I was DJI I'd probably do the same.
If they allowed anyone to turn the critical battery level down below 10% they'd have lots of users complaining that their Phantom fell from the sky at 3%. Flying beyond 10% is not safe and not in your interests.

DJI is in the business of making money, not keeping us happy. Their financial future in the U.S. depends upon their ability to sell drones that will be FAA compliant after the hammer drops. The 1.5 firmware update limitations are their "backdoor" to our future flying ability. It's a Trojan Horse.
No .. like most successful manufacturers, DJI makes money by having lots of happy customers.
I've read what you wrote but it doesn't match the evidence I see out there.
You've got an ideological view and you are making things match that.

The first question after every new update, now, is not what did they add or fix, but what else did they take away this time! I have already provided numerous examples, which you choose to discount, but they are all important to some of us! The app and the firmware are both being locked down further and further with each successive update. No reason to expect that to change. Now they will have full control over both.
That sounds like a classic conspiracy mindset.
Despite evidence to the contrary, you see what you want to see, what fits your viewpoint.
You "know" what DJI are trying to engineer.
No comments on the coming GEO which would appear to be exactly the opposite of what your version of DJI would introduce?

I'll try not to respond any more to this.
I've stated what I see and still haven't seen anything convincing in what you're saying.
The latest firmware is stable and runs smoothly. No issues at all. Just do it [emoji4]
You got that backwards.

These are flying models first, with cameras second, and as such should obey the safety rules all RC aircraft fly by.

If we don't abide voluntarily it will become very strict legislation and soon, actually it is already happening. Personally I think it is too late because of all the idiotic incidents these MRs have caused.

The AMA is fighting to let the AMA members keep the freedoms we now have, and the new MRs (don't get me wrong I love them) with inexperienced pilots are ruining it for the rest of us.

You will see more and more State and local government regulation as well as Federal. There is no way to stop it now. The better we behave the less restrictive the rules will become, so please be responsible to keep the freedoms we now have. It is totally reasonable to follow the AMA rules.
I for one won't follow AMA rules. I am certainly not going to fly with a spotter, how stupid is that? Also I don't need to fly VLOS, that's why the P3 have fpv.
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No-one forced you to update the app.
If you allow your device to auto-update, that's not DJI forcing anything.
I don't know what's happened to yours but mine is still on the previous app as I haven't got around to updating. No-one is forcing mine to update.

If DJI won't let you adjust your critical battery level below 10%, that's going to help you keep your Phantom longer. If I was DJI I'd probably do the same.
If they allowed anyone to turn the critical battery level down below 10% they'd have lots of users complaining that their Phantom fell from the sky at 3%. Flying beyond 10% is not safe and not in your interests.

No .. like most successful manufacturers, DJI makes money by having lots of happy customers.
I've read what you wrote but it doesn't match the evidence I see out there.
You've got an ideological view and you are making things match that.

That sounds like a classic conspiracy mindset.
Despite evidence to the contrary, you see what you want to see, what fits your viewpoint.
You "know" what DJI are trying to engineer.
No comments on the coming GEO which would appear to be exactly the opposite of what your version of DJI would introduce?

I'll try not to respond any more to this.
I've stated what I see and still haven't seen anything convincing in what you're saying.
I haven't updated to the latest version of the DJI GO app either, but I have been led to believe, perhaps wrongly so, that once you do, and have installed the 1.5 firmware, even if auto update is turned off in iOS settings, those settings will not prevent the app from being updated by DJI. Can we get some confirmation on that?

You stated "If DJI won't let you..." which confirms that now concede that they are, in fact, changing and locking down custom settings. The fact is that we used to be able to CANCEL the Autoland, when it reached the critical battery level setting, no matter what it was set at. They eliminated that safety factor, and simultaneously prevented setting it below 10%. It's the elimination of the CANCEL function that I was pointing out, like with RTH, leaving limited control through full throttle, instead of full control, while landing a bird at 10% or below, after getting that close to home.

"Flying beyond 10% is not safe and not in your interests."
Let me be the judge of that. Forced autoland at 10% into salt water when 100 feet away from a 1000 foot long pier you launched from is definitely far worse than letting me cancel that function and have full control, even if it runs the battery down to 8% or less. Better a destroyed battery than a destroyed bird and battery in salt water! Crippling the control in that situation is not a benefit. This crippling did not exist 3 months ago. I know when the battery reaches 10% because I can read the numbers. I don't need a "co-pilot" taking control away from me, when that happens, because DJI has decided it isn't good for me.

You concede that DJI does act in their best business interests, as you would, too, by taking features away that previously benefited some, for the good of others, to avoid complaints of the newbies. DJI is dumbing the bird down to the lowest common denominator, the newbie, instead of the experts who bought it for its feature set at that time that supported their needs.

Happy customers of the past are often sacrificed for the "greater good" of future sales, that require conformance with draconian limitations imposed by pending government regulation. The current drone registration debacle makes no distinction between existing and new drone purchasers. The new prospective purchasers have a choice not to buy with that requirement. Existing owners don't have a choice not to purchase. DJI will do whatever the government wants, and they need a platform with firmware that can't be rolled back to avoid any new restrictions or limitations. There is no other business reason for not allowing rollbacks, after the update to 1.5.

No idea what a "classic conspiracy mindset" is. Care to explain?
You have presented no evidence whatsoever, other than "they wouldn't do that."
You have had to retreat from stating that no features have been removed, to making excuses to justify each one brought to your attention.
GEO does nothing to refute the setting of the table by DJI for full DJI control of your bird's capabilities after the sale. Quite the contrary. To unlock GEO, you have to register with DJI. It's defacto registration.
There is no conspiracy here, but DJI is locking down and dumbing down the P3 with each successive update. They are only doing it for business reasons. Those include limiting their liability, making sure all sales comply with prospective future regulations, such as VLOS. Why else would they require flying your waypoints before using them, and why else are they now limit all Waypoints to a 500m radius from the home point, when the stock bird currently has a control range of up to 3 miles? Why else must you first fly directly over your POI before you can orbit it?

If you can't see the handwriting on the wall by now, nothing more I can say will convince you. However, the impending government regulations are coming. That is a fact. DJI is a very smart and forwardlooking company with a lot of clout and money behind them. That DJI wouldn't be doing everything in their power, in the interim, to hit the ground running, with whatever new regulations will be imposed upon all of us, by having firmware and software already in place, when the government regulations become law, would greatly surprise me, and everyone else on this forum.

We can just agree to disagree in the interim. The future will reveal itself, and will completely settle this friendly academic discussion on future further DJI lockdowns of our existing flying freedoms. In the mean time, I'm flying the heck out of my P3P on 1.4, and enjoying the freedom of the Wild West for as long as it lasts. It's one heck of a ride! After that, get used to being limited to flying all P3P's at AMA approved flying fields. It will be quite boring photographically, but at least the world will be safe from the threat of all hobbyist drones, as all the new AMA drone members (with their AMA insurance) share camaraderie with all the RC Airplane members, waxing philosophically, about what it used to be like "back in the glory days" of drone flying! By the way, that's now! Let's all get out there and fly, while we still can! :cool:
I've really got to stop responding to this ....
But it's just bizarre the way some people frame everything to fit a fear of future restrictions despite no rational evidence that it's coming.
I won't bother to address your new points but they seem even further out on a limb than the earlier ones.
The more I read, the more unbelievable it seems to me.
If DJI was acting to reduce your flying freedom, the first thing they would have done would be to reduce the P3's ability to fly so far and they would never give you the ability to fly in a NFZ if you choose to.
Those big points get ignored and the argument is about what DJI might do in the future or that DJI made changes to critical low battery settings - things that matter not and are do not fit the theory that DJI are reducing flying freedom because they are anti-flyer and in bed with governments.
Sorry .. the whole idea just doesn't hold water.
The P3 is a great flying machine - still despite all the "restrictions" you see,I can't see anything there that's reduced the ability of mine to fly far and do whatever I want it to.
I've really got to stop responding to this ....
But it's just bizarre the way some people frame everything to fit a fear of future restrictions despite no rational evidence that it's coming.
I won't bother to address your new points but they seem even further out on a limb than the earlier ones.
The more I read, the more unbelievable it seems to me.
If DJI was acting to reduce your flying freedom, the first thing they would have done would be to reduce the P3's ability to fly so far and they would never give you the ability to fly in a NFZ if you choose to.
Those big points get ignored and the argument is about what DJI might do in the future or that DJI made changes to critical low battery settings - things that matter not and are do not fit the theory that DJI are reducing flying freedom because they are anti-flyer and in bed with governments.
Sorry .. the whole idea just doesn't hold water.
The P3 is a great flying machine - still despite all the "restrictions" you see,I can't see anything there that's reduced the ability of mine to fly far and do whatever I want it to.
The restrictions are coming from the government. DJI is just getting ready for them by locking down firmware updates, now preventing rollbacks. DJI is acting to control our flying freedom, and be fully in charge of it, should it become necessary at any time. You are confusing two discussions. First you said you were not aware of any flying restrictions that have been imposed by DJI with firmware or app updates. I provided a litany of them. They don't prove anything other than they are refining the platform as they see fit, not as we would want it. It's being dumbed down. Waypoints from the P2 must now first be flown on the P3P. Waypoints now must be less than 500m away. The elimination of rollbacks, and the forced updating of DJI GO, if true, despite Auto Updates turned off in iOS, is simply preparing the way for future changes that will severely restrict all of our abilities to fly, as dictated by coming government regulations. I'm not going to "trust" DJI to not do that, by updating to 1.5. That would be naive IMHO. My P3P currently works as I want it to, and I have accepted the current new flying restrictions DJI rolled out in the "restrictions" you now are aware of, but I certainly don't want any more! Back to more "illegal" night flying, that even the 333 Exemption holders can't fly any more, despite having a real licensed pilot at the controls! :D Night flying is still legal for all us hobbyists! The Wild West rocks! Long may it live! :cool:
I'm done upgrading. I think I'm still safe at 1.5 firmware. As for the GO apps, I have copied all the previous versions apk. I'm not going to allow DJI or anybody to limit my freedom to fly.
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The latest round of downloads made my devise more stable than ever and believe it or not for what ever reason I also improved my range a little. I test the same route and distance with at least 1 of my batteries all the time and most I've been able to get before the update was 9600 ft after the updates did the exact same route and was able to get 13000 may be other factors involved but I've made that same route prob 30x.
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