Rubbish video - but its a first with my new P3S

It may not be there now, but is certainly there in the picture.

Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk

I can send you the original 12MP photograph if you want and you can blow it up and see that the little bit of white you see and think is the clip - is the leg at the back appearing to LOOK LIKE your clip.
There was never any clip like you show on my P3S when I received it. I have not removed any clip like that. In fact when the box arrived - the Gimbal Locking plastic piece was half off and camera was moving about.

I have even removed everything from the box and turned all upside down in case it was dislodged and in the box unseen .......... nothing like it at all.

All the photos in earlier post showing different angles, sides etc. where all taken at same time with NO CHANGES to the Phantom apart from removing the clear plastic gimbal lock and the stick strip across the flat mount piece.
NO OTHER items were removed.
NO OTHER items were there to be removed.

Has anyone else had the Clip that "bfips" is highlightiing ?

First thought for me was he does say on the P3 Advanced ... does that have a different setup here ?

Good luck to you sir. Hopefully your attitude will not get you into trouble while flying your phantom.

Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk

I really do not believe this.

You basically call me a liar by drawing on one of my photos and say I have a clip when all photos show it has no clip.

If I was to 'show' attitude - you most certainly would know it. I have just stayed with plain posting and information. No waffle, no attitude ... just plain posts.

If that is taken as bad attitude - then maybe I should just unsubscribe and leave ? I don't have to be here. When I read through listings on this site - I found them more friendly than others I looked through. Oh well ... I made a mistake then.
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Good luck to you sir. Hopefully your attitude will not get you into trouble while flying your phantom.
Yes it appears he is mad, you can tell he is stressed, on these forums wording gets taking differently. Also language differences are a cause. Should kept that to yourself, It didn't help anything. ;)

Smiles Help
Rod :)
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I really do not believe this.

You basically call me a liar by drawing on one of my photos and say I have a clip when all photos show it has no clip.

If I was to 'show' attitude - you most certainly would know it. I have just stayed with plain posting and information. No waffle, no attitude ... just plain posts.

If that is taken as bad attitude - then maybe I should just unsubscribe and leave ? I don't have to be here. When I read through listings on this site - I found them more friendly than others I looked through. Oh well ... I made a mistake then.
Let that one go,
Lets get your bird to go instead.

Lets turn the frown :(, upside down:)


I don't like being called a Liar nor am I mad.

OK - back to video ... another guy posted that they tightened the little black grubscrew securing the vertical camera arm. I went back to this as mine was already tight from factory.
While rotating the model - I detected a very slight movement of the arm indicating it was not seated right. i could actually rock the arm a tiny amount which to a camera would be huge !! I also saw a rubbing arc mark on the gimbal base shwoing the arm was not correct ...

I slackened the screw ...

made the arm seat fully DOWN and then tightened up ... all noise now dissapeared from gimbal - its silent now ! The arm does not move except as it should. All I need now is weather to improve so I can go out and test.

Many thanks to that guy and also to forum for bearing with my questions.

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"all noise now dissapeared from gimbal - its silent now !"
First statement on noise ;)

Hope it works

To All: If this fixes it, then a short video clip of the Phantom like this.
(Which Is Related to this post)
No signal after update

Would have been beneficial.

5X to calibrate the camera? That is kind of wake up call now.:rolleyes:

The bit about noise is actually from another thread where I mentioned excessive noise from day one ... Moment it came out of box it made strange noises like grating servos.
if I picked up the model - noise would stop - put it back level on ground and noise would restart. I calibrated camera ... everything just in case ... still made noise.

Now I sorted the mount - all is fine and I certainly don't have my camera doing acrobatics like you show !! WOW - that's terrible !! What happened there ?

My camera just does the normal twist and turn before locking in ...

The bit about noise is actually from another thread where I mentioned excessive noise from day one ... Moment it came out of box it made strange noises like grating servos.
if I picked up the model - noise would stop - put it back level on ground and noise would restart. I calibrated camera ... everything just in case ... still made noise.

Now I sorted the mount - all is fine and I certainly don't have my camera doing acrobatics like you show !! WOW - that's terrible !! What happened there ?

My camera just does the normal twist and turn before locking in ...


Yeah, I had just found it, and was typing a post, when you replied.

You were involved in another thread going on at the same time, that is why you said nothing about noise on this thread. Please don't do that.

For the rest of the followers, here is the thread.
Controller battery charging / Lot of noise from drone

@msinger , asked him to upload a video of his camera noise and motions. :rolleyes:
I made a video as he asked - but it was rubbish and with all other things going on like trying to organise my guys in Egypt, Italy and Russia - things got left aside.


and the later fly-away video

The "jello" I put down to the blustery wind pushing the P3S around ...


Hi,. I have just come back from a trip to Andalusia in Spain filming for my sister and I have to say, my footage is fantastic. I can see the jello effect in both videos which I have never experienced. The only problem I occasionally get are what some call zebra lines horizontally on the screen. I read that this will happen when flying towards the sun and is actually caused by the rotor blades. Seems to make sense and if your turn away from the sun, it does disappear. As for the revised home point, this has happened a few times to me normally when there has been some electrical interference. If the drone is coming home using the RTH feature and I don't like where it is going to land, I simply toggle the S1 switch a couple of times which cancels the action and if you flick the switch back to the GPS position at the top, it will just hover. I the bring the drone home manually to where I am comfortable landing it.
Definitely nothing there, no packing, nothing! Bound to get a momentary jello when craft accellerates in any direction, due to inertia of the camera mass, but mine settles down when that initial inertia passes.
Definitely nothing there, no packing, nothing! Bound to get a momentary jello when craft accellerates in any direction, due to inertia of the camera mass, but mine settles down when that initial inertia passes.

Look back at my post where I show where my camera vertical arm was not seated properly. If you can move the camera slightly on the arm - then slack the black grub screw ... push down so it seats properly on the bearing ... then tighten the screw again. That arm and camera should now feel secure with no free movement ... basically what happens is the dampers provide good but the arm not seated properly means it gives that little bit of movement as you mention.

Its a 2 minute job to fix ...

Here's my latest and you see ... no jello at all ...

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Good luck to you sir. Hopefully your attitude will not get you into trouble while flying your phantom.

Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
"Hopefully your attitude... " He has an attitude? Ha Ha. He could of easily asked you to get a better prescription for your glasses, but took the high road instead.

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