Phantom 4 pro + screen turned off

Mar 24, 2019
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Yesterday while flying, the screen on my p4 pro +froze, then the whole app shut down leaving me with a blank screen. Surprisingly, the drone did not return to home, but stayed where is was. Luckily I was in visual range and was able to fly my drone back and land. I’ve flown RC since a kid and that helped. Anybody ever have this happen? After I landed, I rebooted both the controller and drone and flew the rest of that battery no problem. This was the first mishap I’ve had in the year I owned this drone...
Nobody? It said the application stopped working and needed to close. Is there a way I could have restarted the app with the drone in the air?
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Yesterday while flying, the screen on my p4 pro +froze, then the whole app shut down leaving me with a blank screen. Surprisingly, the drone did not return to home... I was in visual range and was able to fly my drone back and land.
No reason for RTH to initiate since you still had control. That is expected behavior.

Is there a way I could have restarted the app with the drone in the air?
Did you try rebooting the screen with the button on the top?
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I’m surprised I still had control was my point, and no I did not think to press the screen button to see if the app would reboot. Since the app shut down, I’m surprised the drone maintained communication with the controller. Apparently, the drone still had its GPS, compass, IMU and everything else working even though the application shut down and my screen turned off. I just flew the drone back and manually landed... didn’t want anything bad to happen.
Since the app shut down, I’m surprised the drone maintained communication with the controller.
The app is not related to the control signal. If the RC is connected to the AC, you would normally still have control and RTH will not automatically initiate. You could also still manually activate RTH.
A suggestion would be to read about the RTH functionality and practice different scenarios so you understand what to expect when it happens. :)
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I’m familiar with RTH and use it frequently. My question was/ is... why would the application **** down? Never had that happen in the year I’ve owned this drone. Is there something I should be watching out for now? I was just recently prompted to update the “no fly” database or whatever it was and had to hook the drone to my pc to download something. Otherwise it updates over my WiFi system...
Yesterday while flying, the screen on my p4 pro +froze, then the whole app shut down leaving me with a blank screen. Surprisingly, the drone did not return to home, but stayed where is was. Luckily I was in visual range and was able to fly my drone back and land. I’ve flown RC since a kid and that helped. Anybody ever have this happen? After I landed, I rebooted both the controller and drone and flew the rest of that battery no problem. This was the first mishap I’ve had in the year I owned this drone...

Its going on two years now with our plus controller and we have never had it shut down yet, so something to look into.

I would be looking for some other third party app you might have downloaded , possibly running in the background.
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I have been flying mine for about 2 years also never had this problem. I use dgi go 4 and litchi. I have current updates. Wished i had an answer for you.
No 3rd party apps on my system. Weird to say the least. I did get a warning that I was receiving WiFi interference... could that have affected the application?
Just wanted to add that I was flying from my front porch just like I’ve done a couple dozen times before. I didn’t hit RTH because I wasn’t sure if I was far enough away for it to not just land where it was... over neighbors cow field full of cows. The video feed froze, then I got the message that the app was closing. I’ll have to play around with it, but this was the first flight since the update I mentioned before.
No big mystery here. Applications do shut down or freeze sometimes. Nothing can be done to prevent this. Luckily it happen very rarely.
You can fly AC without the application without the mobile device. Of course you won't have all parameters and adjustments and no picture too. But you still have the basic flight commands. And even if you don't see the AC at that moment you can always hit RTH button - until you have green light on your remote.
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Ok thanks. I did notice upon playback of the micro SD card, the filming stopped when the app shut down. Good to know that RTH still will work if need be
Yesterday while flying, the screen on my p4 pro +froze, then the whole app shut down leaving me with a blank screen. Surprisingly, the drone did not return to home, but stayed where is was. Luckily I was in visual range and was able to fly my drone back and land. I’ve flown RC since a kid and that helped. Anybody ever have this happen? After I landed, I rebooted both the controller and drone and flew the rest of that battery no problem. This was the first mishap I’ve had in the year I owned this drone...
That happens all the time. I don't like relying on RTH. Just stop, leave the drone hovering where it is as long as it is in a safe place and restart the App.
On my P4P+ the screen is attached and the way I start the app is by powering on the controller. I see a button on the screen, I guess that would turn the screen back on and restart the app???. I’ll have to play around with this when I have time. Thanks
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The corruption of the apps cache can be a common problem with all Android apps. On the P4P+ Controller from the main screen, go to Settings/Application Settings/Clear Cache, and clear all available. This will allow the app to rebuild the caches with fresh un-corrupt ones. I hope this helps you out, and happy flying!
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Did it again today.... Today, after hitting continue or whatever to shut screen off, I couldn’t get the screen to start again, no matter what I did to the power button on the screen. Had to fly it back to me and land old school RC pilot again! Then when I shut everything down and rebooted, the camera gimbal stopped working. Hung there like something dead. Did the gimbal calibrate and after about 10 minutes of watching the drone do nothing (on a real estate job no less) I just had to turn it off and on couple times and then it started working again. WTF??? Got my last couple of shots but I’m getting really concerned...

I’ll try to reset the cache like posted above. I’ve cleared the cache before but not sure I did all available.

Today it did this at a new place, never was at this place before... in case any of you were thinking to ask
Something very similar happened to me about a week ago with my P4P + v2. The app just quit, and I lost all control. The phantom was simply hovering about 8 feet off the ground. I walked out and jumped up to grab the legs and pull it down. The props were still spinning and I had no way to stop them other than simply yanking out the battery. I suffered a little prop rash on my hands. That part was not fun. I rebooted, and flew again just fine.
Mine started just after I downloaded a no fly database update. I might try and reset it. Have some reading to do...

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