Phantom 3 Pro - Backpack ?


I found a local seller for that backpack on eBay. It seems like the Vanguard is a bit taller. How's the fitting of the v+ considering the motors are going against your back and the p3 is a bit taller. Also how is being held down. Does it have a padded velcro strap that goes across the Phantom to keep it down? . Thanks. I have the Vanguard on order but I'll return it if this one is good enough.

Dont need straps as it fits snuggly in the backpack. I had the p2v2 in it as it has slightly taller motors. It pokes into the laptop compartment padding. If you keep the laptop compartment free it should be fine. I do think the p3 will fit as it is just a little taller. I do believe the p3 is taller when the props are attached. This is due to the angled motors. When there is no props, i think it should be almost similar in height. Worst case would be to remove the 4 rubber landing pads.
Hi GB Phantom,

Would it be possible to take a photo of your Phantom in that bag please as I'm curious to see how it all fits in? At £40 I'm very tempted to buy it. Nice though the DJI hard case looks, I bet it'll be at a crazy price point.

Also where did you buy it from?

i got it ebay, i had this one last year then sold it along with my phantom at the end of last summer, now i have just ordered a whole new setup inc Phantom 2 h4-3d, go pro 4 Black and long rang fpv equipment and will be able to take a picture next week. i think this is the best cheap backpack, plenty of padding and looks great, also looks like it cost a lot more than £40 squid!
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Found some pictures of the Fancier KingKong 40 backpack....

That looks amazing for the money, I have a Lowpro bag for my SLR, looks very similar on the inside but is about half the size..... but twice the price.

If Dji don't release details of their backpack soon (if ever) this is definitely a contender.....:)

Take a look at the other photo's of the backpack. I have used many other of their bags and backpacks. They are comfortable and I think they would work on a aggressive hike into the wilderness.


Nice, but not really a backpack, more like a suitcase, and only if you are going a short distance, no good for hiking 10 miles up into the mountains to get some footage. Great for the airport or hotel or to the local park, but I live in the foothills with 8000' mountains close by, not practicable.

Take a look at the other photo's of the backpack. I have used many other of their bags and backpacks. They are comfortable and I think they would work on a aggressive hike into the wilderness.

I didn't see those photos, looks much better than in the one photo, does all the loose open spaces cause any issue, I have a camera bag with that type of storage and am not a fan, seems stuff gets jiggled around if the straps or dividers are not tight. I myself much prefer custom cut foam for my expensive camera kit.
I didn't see those photos, looks much better than in the one photo, does all the loose open spaces cause any issue, I have a camera bag with that type of storage and am not a fan, seems stuff gets jiggled around if the straps or dividers are not tight. I myself much prefer custom cut foam for my expensive camera kit.


I've ordered one and will report back here with an assessment and photos of at least a P2v+ and other items stuffed into it.
Viewing this thread makes me want a set of those vinyl caps for my motor shafts. Anybody know of a good place to order them? I'm Phantomless right now so can't measure to order some.
Viewing this thread makes me want a set of those vinyl caps for my motor shafts. Anybody know of a good place to order them? I'm Phantomless right now so can't measure to order some.

Home Depot and Lowes used to carry end caps. They were in the tray/bins in the hardware section. I'm not sure what purpose they would serve on the Phantom.
I'm not sure what purpose they would serve on the Phantom.
If you notice some of these backpacks have the motor shafts up against the inner material. It would seem to me that it'd be a cheap insurance against rubbing a hole in the backpack. And they look cool.

If you notice some of these backpacks have the motor shafts up against the inner material. It would seem to me that it'd be a cheap insurance against rubbing a hole in the backpack. And they look cool.

Well after exhaustive measures of trying to prevent my shaft wearing a hole and poking through the material i now where kevlar jeans :)

Well after exhaustive measures of trying to prevent my shaft wearing a hole and poking through the material i now where kevlar jeans :)
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Take a look at the other photo's of the backpack. I have used many other of their bags and backpacks. They are comfortable and I think they would work on a aggressive hike into the wilderness.

Wait, I'm confused now . . . which pack is this?
As I think someone mentioned, those caps are off-the-shelf items. They are called "screw protectors." I think a "#8 screw protector" will fit the Phantom's motor shafts. You should be able to find them at a local store like Home Depot or online.

Rather than having to remove, replace, and store the little caps, I would recommend adding something to the backpack where the shafts are if wear from them is a concern.

-- Roger

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