Parachute System for a Phantom 4

Dec 25, 2018
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Florida, USA
Has anyone purchased the parachute system for their Phantom 4? If you did, what is the quality, reliability, price you paid and manufacture. I'd like to have one that I can switch from one Phantom to the others. Thoughts please.

Happy New Year Friends!

There have been previous 3rd party designs on the market and they just don't seem to have caught on... unless I'm missing their discussion(s) here.

Reduced performance, marginal benefit???, sounds better than it is.
There have been previous 3rd party designs on the market and they just don't seem to have caught on... unless I'm missing their discussion(s) here.

Reduced performance, marginal benefit???, sounds better than it is.
Thank you for you're thoughts. I've looked at a few, however do not know the reliability factor. If you hear of anything please let me know. Thank you for responding..

I seem to remember having read somewhere that there is a system being developed which fits on top of the Phantom and deploys when control is lost. I read that money deposits have been taken from some customers but no one has yet received a model. I think this was mentioned on an post some time ago. Good idea if it works.
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I seem to remember having read somewhere that there is a system being developed which fits on top of the Phantom and deploys when control is lost. I read that money deposits have been taken from some customers but no one has yet received a model. I think this was mentioned on an post some time ago. Good idea if it works.
I seem to remember having read somewhere that there is a system being developed which fits on top of the Phantom and deploys when control is lost. I read that money deposits have been taken from some customers but no one has yet received a model. I think this was mentioned on an post some time ago. Good idea if it works.
How can you mount a parashute on the top of a phantom that's only 10mill space under the props
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I have been reading that this company is having a hard time bringing this to market? I like the idea, however, the string to keep it secured seems very inadequate as well as the tensioning device. These the first thing I would modify.

Second, in the video, as the top comes off, what are the chances of finding the pieces if deployed at say 300'?

I know its easy to be an armchair quarterback, however as an engineer myself, I believe they are better ways. Good product, more R&D might be need for the next generation.

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FAA waiver to fly over people? Wow!

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We have them in stock and are shipping them now.

ParaZero SafeAir Phantom

We are also planning multiple intentional deployments of them this coming week. We are happy to share the results and findings - as well as invite some pilots out to witness the testing live.

Let us know if you would like to join us.....
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Yes - we deployed one on an M200 and are deploying them on Phantoms at least twice this week. We plan to deploy at between 300 and 400 feet.
Wow, lots of deploys! Doing demos?
Yes - and proving to ourselves that they perform as advertised before we sell them to public safety and all of our clients who are looking for the added safety or as part of an operations over people waiver request. We are inviting people to join us to see them in action (Fort Myers, FL).
Yes - and proving to ourselves that they perform as advertised before we sell them to public safety and all of our clients who are looking for the added safety or as part of an operations over people waiver request. We are inviting people to join us to see them in action (Fort Myers, FL).

Hey FDS, I’m interested in going to your demo. I’ve sent you a PM with my contact information. Thanks
Hi Gregg. You are not too far from us. We are in Fort Myers and will be doing the test in Buckingham - its about 10 minutes east of I-75. I'll get you the address and send it your way. As of now, I think we are going to do the first one tomorrow afternoon (too windy today) and do another one on Sunday.
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Hi Gregg. You are not too far from us. We are in Fort Myers and will be doing the test in Buckingham - its about 10 minutes east of I-75. I'll get you the address and send it your way. As of now, I think we are going to do the first one tomorrow afternoon (too windy today) and do another one on Sunday.

Please keep me informed. Thank you,

Update: still very windy today. Can you please advise the location date and time of the next attempted trial. I would like to be there.

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