New to flying phantom

Nov 20, 2018
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Helo, I jus got my phantom 3 2 weeks ago. I have been flying syma drones for a couple of years now. I was flying the other day, it was breezy, and i lost control of the drone, it was going away I could recover it. I thought that it was imposible for that to hapen because of the GPS, and i think a GPS in a drone is like an outopilot. Could it be that the wind overides the GPS in some manner? Is it beter tu switch the flight mode to ATTI in this situation ?I would like to have some feedback on this subject.
Thank you.
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Could it be that the wind overides the GPS in some manner?
Wind doesn't override the GPS, but it's possible your Phantom was flying in ATTI mode (where the GPS data is not used to hold its position) or the wind was so strong that your Phantom was unable to make forward progress.
Is it beter tu switch the flight mode to ATTI in this situation ?I would like to have some feedback on this subject.
You should never manually switch to ATTI mode without practicing with it first ( Unless in a dire emergency of some sort ). In ATTI mode, it will fly basically the same manner as the Syma, except that it will attempt to maintain altitude but can easily drift with the wind without GPS being active. GPS will hold position quite well in most cases even with a bit of a strong wind, but it will struggle a bit with that.
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Helo, I jus got my phantom 3 2 weeks ago. I have been flying syma drones for a couple of years now. I was flying the other day, it was breezy, and i lost control of the drone, it was going away I could recover it. I thought that it was imposible for that to hapen because of the GPS, and i think a GPS in a drone is like an outopilot. Could it be that the wind overides the GPS in some manner?
With GPS, your Phantom has very good position holding ability and should be able to maintain position in winds to 20 knots and more.
If your Phantom was being blown around by the wind, either the wind was very strong or the Phantom did not have good GPS signal or it was switched to atti mode and was ignoring GPS.
To find out what really happened, go to DJI Flight Log Viewer - Phantom Help
Follow the instructions there to upload your flight record from your phone or tablet.
Come back and post a link to the report it gives you and someone will be able to analyse the data and show you what was going on.
Is it beter tu switch the flight mode to ATTI in this situation ?
Switching to Atti mode is not what you want in that situation.
It will ignore GPS and allow the drone to be blown around.
Welcome................... my syma x25 pro a light weight quad when calibrated will hold position it gets moved around a bit as it is very light but always struggles back unless it blowing hard the phantom is a flying brick you must be in atti

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