My First Flight

Fly over the lake nextime water always make for great shots...
It's a good thing that your first flight was a cautious one. It's better to get a feel for the Phantom before flying off without experience. Even though the RTH safeguards are pretty robust, you want to learn the in's and out's of navigating and flying first. Test the RTH feature, test ATTI mode, and test flying in different orientations a few times, and then by all means fly that thing above the frozen lake (which looks like a great subject to film).
My first was yesterday as well - nothing as scenic as yours, went out to the playground of the school behind my place and took it up. Got away from me once (not in Beginner mode, I thought I knew what I was doing well enough LOL!) - got too far away for me to see the orientation so hit the RTH and it came back on its own - have to thank DJI for that feature (i could have panicked less too!)
I agree though - keeping it close and playing with the controls seems to be the best way to get to know the aircraft.
Yes take your time to get comfortable and try RTH a few times so you can learn to trust the feature...

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