Left/Right obstacle sensing

Mar 13, 2017
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Since last firmware update on my P4P I’ve started getting a warning about left/right obstacle sensing failed (see screen shot), anyone else getting this or found a cure?

From memory side sensors only work in tripod mode anyway unless it’s changed and I missed it??


Also, video feed on latest firmware/Go 4 suffers terrible breakup even when drone close by, anyone else seeing this?
Not sure, but I've had issues with the front sensors that I never had before on this new firmware.
I had to restore previous firmware because of video feed warnings and glitches. It was bad on my IPad mini4. All is good now.
I forgot to mention that I also had abrupt stopping in flight due to the fwd sensors.
I have had similar problems with my P4P;but all has changed thanks to the blog contributors on this site.I recently upgraded my Go4 app and my iPad Mini4 to the latest version and everything has finally cleared up.Thanks again to all who contributed on this site.There are many folks on here who are extremely knowledgeable about these DJI drones and different programs and how to repair and or replace anything that may be giving one a problem.Again there are to many of these folks to be specific,but I would be in a world of %&#* if it were not for the members of this blog.
I’ve been getting the side sensor errors (today) as well since latest update. I updated in attempt to fix my Gimbal violently rocking side to side. Alas, the update did not fix it!
For awhile, I have been getting warnings to calibrate my vision sensors and recently loosing my side sensors as well. Still having trouble calibrating, can’t get pass the third step in tutorial, keeps asking me to reboot the aircraft. What’s with that?
For awhile, I have been getting warnings to calibrate my vision sensors and recently loosing my side sensors as well. Still having trouble calibrating, can’t get pass the third step in tutorial, keeps asking me to reboot the aircraft. What’s with that?

From memory are the side sensors on the P4P only active in Tripod mode or fix this change at some stage? That’s how I understood it so surprised to see the error as I was in normal flight?
I have since rolled back to the prev. FW. .300 had serious issues for me. ios 11.2.2 ipad pro 9.7. Im still getting lots of strangeness. Here are some:
>side sensors, like all of you
>cpu over load error
>cam not connecting in AutoPilot, drone deploy and ground station pro.
>aircraft not connecting in AutoPilot, drone deploy and ground station pro
>drone deploy not able to perform the checklist: test pict fail, obstacle avoidance not working.
>Go 4: max altitude set to 0 randomly.
>Go 4: RTN altitude set to 0 randomly.
>Go 4 advanced settings: Exp, Sensitivity, gain settings randomly resetting or taking many seconds to update to my personal settings.
>Go 4: Various settings not being remembered. Quit and relaunch Go 4 sometimes brings my settings back.
>AutoPilot: auto flight not happening after engaging the auto flight.

I have briefly tested my ipad air, ios 10.3.2 with an older set of apps. Things seemed to work much better. Unfortunately the ipad air suffers pretty badly from computing power and is not appropriate to fly with.
I wish i could roll back my ipad pro to ios 10, but it doesnt seem possible now that apple is not signing that ios version.

I did see an article of how to delete the dji go 4 app cache and app thoroughly but cannot find it again! arhg!!!! Not to say that would help.....

Just delete the App. Hold down on the icon until it wiggles and then delete it. Then redowload it. Try that. I know that their updates turns to screw the existing app up. I always delete them download again.
Just delete the App. Hold down on the icon until it wiggles and then delete it. Then redowload it. Try that. I know that their updates turns to screw the existing app up. I always delete them download again.

Yup, good idea. Done it and get same results.
thanks for the help Rav
Hope everybody's situation has improved since my last post. As mentioned in my last post everything cleared up once I removed the Go4 app, then reinstalled the latest version Apple update and reinstalled the new version Go4 app. I still get some video quirks occasionally but that could be due to 2.4 interference in this area which is fairly populated with WIFI. So all in all things are much better.I'm also getting my P4 Controller back due to battery charging issues.No charge from the seller and hopefully they've cured the problem.Good luck to everybody and happy and safe flying.
Hope everybody's situation has improved since my last post. As mentioned in my last post everything cleared up once I removed the Go4 app, then reinstalled the latest version Apple update and reinstalled the new version Go4 app. I still get some video quirks occasionally but that could be due to 2.4 interference in this area which is fairly populated with WIFI. So all in all things are much better.I'm also getting my P4 Controller back due to battery charging issues.No charge from the seller and hopefully they've cured the problem.Good luck to everybody and happy and safe flying.

Hey Hawk,
could you tell me what version of ios, what device you're on?

I reinstalled go4. ios 11.2.2. got some weird things at first, just worked flukee, cant even describe. but after a bunch of app launching it seems to be working better. havnt test flown yet.... i do notice sometimes go4 doesnt report im on the previous FW version and sometimes it reports there's the update avail (.300). I still get the max alt. set to 0 sometimes on launch. quiting and relaunching will mostly fix. Before I was also trying "unplug" cable from RC and replug. Which seemed to work.
Trying to think, did i see some reports that the issues could be with the RC?

Q: After deleting and reinstalling apps (in general) I notice some prefs and settings that i would think would be gone are still there. i would think that some of the prefs that are stored within the ios system dont get purged. yes? (like on mac).
Q: After deleting and reinstalling apps (in general) I notice some prefs and settings that i would think would be gone are still there. i would think that some of the prefs that are stored within the ios system dont get purged. yes? (like on mac).

iOS is different than MacOS in that all the documents and prefs for an app are stored within the app itself, not in the system. When you delete an app on iOS you delete everything about that app. Unless the app uses some sort of cloud to store things like settings or data then you will lose it all.

You’re noticing that some settings are still persist after a deletion could be s couple things: one that they stored prefs in iCloud (or their own cloud) or the prefs have a default or in the case of DJI, some prefs are stored in the hardware.

Hope this helps.
Also part of the crazy you’re experiencing is just poor QC on the part of DJI. They tend to break things frequently on updates leaving us in this continuous guessing game of troubleshooting.

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