I am considering updating my DJI GO app and I need your thoughts

Aug 21, 2017
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Lane County Oregon
Hello everyone, I'm hoping for some input on this.

I have multiple P3P birds and I've been running them all on FW V01.11.00200 without any issues.
I used Litchi for quite some time with good success years ago, but there was 1 issue that has provoked me to go back to DJI GO.
Downward vision position sensor; in DJI GO I am able to toggle this sensor on/off which is good for flying low over water. In Litchi, turning off this sensor is not an option. I've just dealt with this over the years, but I really wanted this option back.

So I've now went back to the last version of DJI GO that I ever used on any of my P3P birds (Version 3.1.11).
For locked 'authorization zones' I do the self unlock on DJI website prior to going to the flight location because there is rarely data service available where I am flying. I connect the RC & DJI GO app to the bird before I leave data service area (after unlocking the authorization zone on my computer) so that the DJI GO app can receive the unlock.

My problem is, with this old version of DJI GO (3.1.11) I'm unable to view/confirm the approved unlocked authorization zones before I leave data service, and once I get there (sometimes hours away from data service) sometimes it lets me fly and sometimes it tells me it is still locked.
I'm sure you all know, this can be extremely frustrating, especially when you know the airspace you are in is legal to fly.
It has become very obvious to me that dji puts these 'authorization zones' anywhere they please and they do not match other sources such as B4UFLY, Skyvector, Airmap, etc.
From what I understand, the newer versions of DJI GO have an option to view/confirm your unlocked authorization zones before you leave data service?

So the question is; to update or not to update?
Is it correct that with newer versions of DJI GO you can verify that a zone is in fact unlocked before leaving data service area?
What are the downfalls of updating?
What are the pro's besides being able to confirm unlocked authorization zones before leaving data service area?

When I first went back to DJI GO, I used apkpure to get the old version I had used before (3.1.11) and I honestly didn't think the 'authorization zones' would even be a factor since I'm on old FW and this old 3.1.11 DJI GO app, but it is! Authorization zones are still implemented even with birds on old FW and old software. I've never updated any of my P3P birds above FW V01.11.00200 and I've never installed a newer version of DJI GO than 3.1.11 on my device. I use android with Huawei m5 mediapad.

Anyways, all thoughts, advice, and comments are appreciated.
I suggest you search for "phantom 3 parameter modifications" on YouTube and try turning off the GEO support in the craft firmware. With old firmware it's pretty easy to modify the craft flight parameters, if it's old enough, June 2017 vintage or older.
Have you considered updating from GO to GO4? It may have more options to use than GO. Use it on my P4’s but it works on P3P’s as well.
Use it on my P4’s but it works on P3P’s as well.
Go4 works with a p3p?

Hmmm... need to look into giving that a try.
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I have been going back trying to find the info, but having no luck. I was sure there was an update that allowed it to work on a p3p. Hope I didn't get your hopes up for nothing. Still looking.
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I was sure there was an update that allowed it to work on a p3p.
If not, no problemo ;)
Go3 is fine for checking/changing settings, Litchi's good for everything else.

I just like to play with new 'toys' LOL (an incurable tinker I am) :)
Thank you John Locke, I will experiment with those parameters on one of my experimental (aka half broken) p3p birds.
Can anyone confirm that with newer versions of DJI GO you can verify that an authorization zone is unlocked before leaving data/cell service area?
Hello everyone, I'm hoping for some input on this.

I have multiple P3P birds and I've been running them all on FW V01.11.00200 without any issues.
I used Litchi for quite some time with good success years ago, but there was 1 issue that has provoked me to go back to DJI GO.
Downward vision position sensor; in DJI GO I am able to toggle this sensor on/off which is good for flying low over water. In Litchi, turning off this sensor is not an option. I've just dealt with this over the years, but I really wanted this option back.

So I've now went back to the last version of DJI GO that I ever used on any of my P3P birds (Version 3.1.11).
For locked 'authorization zones' I do the self unlock on DJI website prior to going to the flight location because there is rarely data service available where I am flying. I connect the RC & DJI GO app to the bird before I leave data service area (after unlocking the authorization zone on my computer) so that the DJI GO app can receive the unlock.

My problem is, with this old version of DJI GO (3.1.11) I'm unable to view/confirm the approved unlocked authorization zones before I leave data service, and once I get there (sometimes hours away from data service) sometimes it lets me fly and sometimes it tells me it is still locked.
I'm sure you all know, this can be extremely frustrating, especially when you know the airspace you are in is legal to fly.
It has become very obvious to me that dji puts these 'authorization zones' anywhere they please and they do not match other sources such as B4UFLY, Skyvector, Airmap, etc.
From what I understand, the newer versions of DJI GO have an option to view/confirm your unlocked authorization zones before you leave data service?

So the question is; to update or not to update?
Is it correct that with newer versions of DJI GO you can verify that a zone is in fact unlocked before leaving data service area?
What are the downfalls of updating?
What are the pro's besides being able to confirm unlocked authorization zones before leaving data service area?

When I first went back to DJI GO, I used apkpure to get the old version I had used before (3.1.11) and I honestly didn't think the 'authorization zones' would even be a factor since I'm on old FW and this old 3.1.11 DJI GO app, but it is! Authorization zones are still implemented even with birds on old FW and old software. I've never updated any of my P3P birds above FW V01.11.00200 and I've never installed a newer version of DJI GO than 3.1.11 on my device. I use android with Huawei m5 mediapad.

Anyways, all thoughts, advice, and comments are appreciated.

Like most of the users here, I fully understand the NAS and I manage my own flights accordingly. When one allows DJI to manage one's flights, one must endure all manner of erroneous behavior, forced logins, tests, EULA changes, and even forced landings. I don't have time for that crap. So I run Go App v3.1.1. I couldn't be happier. I highly recommend you do the same.


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