How to turn off smart go home

DJI Natalie on the DJI forums

I saw her statement. She said it was purposeful but she didn't say that they weren't going to reverse it. I think you might want to reach out to BladeStrike- he might have an update for you.
I saw her statement. She said it was purposeful but she didn't say that they weren't going to reverse it. I think you might want to reach out to BladeStrike- he might have an update for you.
So you can see my private messages with Natalia? In any even what does it matter, they are going to do what they want...
So you can see my private messages with Natalia? In any even what does it matter, they are going to do what they want...

I didn't know she said in private messages to you that they aren't going to restore it. That's why I was asking where it was stated in the forums. I think BladeStrike said something different though.
The counter argument to that is that we shouldn't be flying 1 mile out should we? VLOS and all that :) :)
Just because they can (in absolute ideal conditions) fly 4.1 miles out doesn't mean that they can do it every day - much like automobile fuel economy figures.

At 40 mph which is well within the P4P's capabilities even after it's been slowed down from it's original 50 mph (again, no reason was given for this was there?) it takes 1.5 minutes to travel a mile - 4.1 miles is a little over 6 minutes or something like 25% of battery life - in a test scenario it could easily match those specs.
There is no way you can fly at 40 mph with the P4P for 6 minutes and only use up 25% of the remaining battery...try closer to 50%!
DJI has confirmed the removal of the feature and the forced on status. No plans to reverse...Say goodbye to waypoint missions as well.

I've run about a hundred long distance Waypoint missions, with Smart RTH turned on for every single one of them. Only twice in that time, has it ever kicked in, and in one instance it may have saved the bird. Having Smart RTH forced on does not mean saying goodbye to waypoint missions. It does mean you will probably only get to use about 80% of the battery flight time for long range missions, which is about as far as I'd plan to stretch a mission anyway. I usually plan to land with 25 to 35% battery remaining because of uncertainties with wind, battery performance, energy needed for multiple altitude changes, etc.

The only significant impact Smart RTH has on waypoint missions is the one-way flight from A to B; landing far away from home.... something I've never desired to do, but I understand others do. In that case Smart RTH will cut your mission in half, and for that reason, I'm opposed to the DJI change that forces Smart RTH on. However, I suspect most users will never see any impact with this change at all, and they will continue to run waypoint missions just as they always have.
I've run about a hundred long distance Waypoint missions, with Smart RTH turned on for every single one of them. Only twice in that time, has it ever kicked in, and in one instance it may have saved the bird. Having Smart RTH forced on does not mean saying goodbye to waypoint missions. It does mean you will probably only get to use about 80% of the battery flight time for long range missions, which is about as far as I'd plan to stretch a mission anyway. I usually plan to land with 25 to 35% battery remaining because of uncertainties with wind, battery performance, energy needed for multiple altitude changes, etc.

The only significant impact Smart RTH has on waypoint missions is the one-way flight from A to B; landing far away from home.... something I've never desired to do, but I understand others do. In that case Smart RTH will cut your mission in half, and for that reason, I'm opposed to the DJI change that forces Smart RTH on. However, I suspect most users will never see any impact with this change at all, and they will continue to run waypoint missions just as they always have.
Totally false. There have already been many reports this greatly affecting waypoint missions.
There is no way you can fly at 40 mph with the P4P for 6 minutes and only use up 25% of the remaining battery...try closer to 50%!
we know that it won't work but....we were also talking manufacturer's claims. It is theoretically possible to fly the range advertised with the smart RTH enabled

I used the automotive industry as a comparison - they may claim your car will do 75mpg (mythical figure) but you will never achieve that in the real world.

Dji says their drones have a range and whilst that range may be achievable in ideal conditions it won't happen in the real world
Totally false. There have already been many reports this greatly affecting waypoint missions.

And now you have a report of zero impact on one hundred waypoint missions.

EDIT: Make that 101 missions.... I ran another long distance waypoint mission this morning. Ran just fine.
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we know that it won't work but....we were also talking manufacturer's claims. It is theoretically possible to fly the range advertised with the smart RTH enabled

I used the automotive industry as a comparison - they may claim your car will do 75mpg (mythical figure) but you will never achieve that in the real world.

Dji says their drones have a range and whilst that range may be achievable in ideal conditions it won't happen in the real world
DJI does not include the use of RTH or Smart Return Home in either their battery life or their range claims. Battery flight time is based upon flying at 30 mph max with Obstacle Avoidance on. Anything over 30mph will significantly reduce flight time.
I've run about a hundred long distance Waypoint missions, with Smart RTH turned on for every single one of them. Only twice in that time, has it ever kicked in, and in one instance it may have saved the bird. Having Smart RTH forced on does not mean saying goodbye to waypoint missions. It does mean you will probably only get to use about 80% of the battery flight time for long range missions, which is about as far as I'd plan to stretch a mission anyway. I usually plan to land with 25 to 35% battery remaining because of uncertainties with wind, battery performance, energy needed for multiple altitude changes, etc.

The only significant impact Smart RTH has on waypoint missions is the one-way flight from A to B; landing far away from home.... something I've never desired to do, but I understand others do. In that case Smart RTH will cut your mission in half, and for that reason, I'm opposed to the DJI change that forces Smart RTH on. However, I suspect most users will never see any impact with this change at all, and they will continue to run waypoint missions just as they always have.
You overlook the fact that Waypoint missions are used to fly where LOS is obstructed, and/or signal would otherwise be lost beause of range. Only if you intend to land with 35% remaining battery will Waypoint missions using Litchi be unaffected. You are in the very small minority, if that is you!
You overlook the fact that Waypoint missions are used to fly where LOS is obstructed, and/or signal would otherwise be lost beause of range. Only if you intend to land with 35% remaining battery will Waypoint missions using Litchi be unaffected. You are in the very small minority, if that is you!

I'm not overlooking anything. Of course that's the way long distance Litchi waypoint missions are used. Almost every one of my waypoint missions run that way. It opens the envelope for huge range improvements.

And yes, you cannot run down to 10% battery remaining. I said that earlier. You will need to plan on 25% to 30% of battery remaining, but I generally do that anyway. Who in their right mind would plan a mission that runs the battery down to 10% battery just to make it back home safely if nothing goes wrong. There are so many uncertainties with winds and the other factors I mentioned before that it is not wise to do that anyway.

So your argument boils down to a complaint that you can't use another 15% or 20% of battery because DJI is more conservative in RTH calculations than you are. I agree that there is a reduction in range, but it is a relatively small reduction, most of which I want in reserve anyway. That is a far cry from saying DJI has eliminated the ability to run waypoint missions.
why complain that the drone you bought will not let you break the law and fly beyond line of sight?
why complain that the drone you bought will not let you break the law and fly beyond line of sight?

It will let you fly beyond line of sight. Far beyond line of sight. With or without the DJI change. That isn't a problem.
Here's another example of issues with Smart RTH activated. I was out flying and filming today on the Delaware River. I'm in the middle of recording a clip and 1/2 way through Smart RTH kicks in...I've found it can't be canceled until the RTH activates then you can click the rth button and cancel but that kills the shot. bird stops flying...A mess!
Here's another example of issues with Smart RTH activated. I was out flying and filming today on the Delaware River. I'm in the middle of recording a clip and 1/2 way through Smart RTH kicks in...I've found it can't be canceled until the RTH activates then you can click the rth button and cancel but that kills the shot. bird stops flying...A mess!
Totally agree! The posters above are just saying it still works for them, but I don't care about them! I only care about how it affects me and you, and everyone else who used to be able to turn that annoying Stupid Return to Home "feature" OFF! :eek:
Here's a video, I was filming this barge and you can see the bird turn to begin RTH right in the middle of my clip, I canceled and turned back but shot was RUINED.

DJI 0012
Totally agree! The posters above are just saying it still works for them, but I don't care about them! I only care about how it affects me and you, and everyone else who used to be able to turn that annoying Stupid Return to Home "feature" OFF! :eek:

It works the same way for everyone. The only argument here is in the characterization of the change. If you believe that this change disables the ability to run waypoint missions, you are wrong. I have repeatedly said that I oppose the DJI change, because it compromises range to some degree, and I'm sure it has other negative consequences just as bkushner has pointed out. I'd prefer that DJI left the option to cancel Smart RTH alone, and let the pilot decide when to use it. But that doesn't mean I have to agree with all the hyperventilating about not being able to run waypoint missions anymore. That isn't true.
Surely the time to rant about this was in the beta forum/group when the changes were being made/tested not once the updates are 'out in the wild'
It works the same way for everyone. The only argument here is in the characterization of the change. If you believe that this change disables the ability to run waypoint missions, you are wrong. I have repeatedly said that I oppose the DJI change, because it compromises range to some degree, and I'm sure it has other negative consequences just as bkushner has pointed out. I'd prefer that DJI left the option to cancel Smart RTH alone, and let the pilot decide when to use it. But that doesn't mean I have to agree with all the hyperventilating about not being able to run waypoint missions anymore. That isn't true.
Saying it works the same for everyone simply isn't true. If your flights are unaffected by it, it still works for you. Great for you! However, for those of us who have ALWAYS turned off this "stupid/smart return home" feature, removing the option to turn it off is a BIG DEAL! Any waypoint mission that is long enough to cause the Smart Return Home will be adversely affected, as will any continuous video!
Surely the time to rant about this was in the beta forum/group when the changes were being made/tested not once the updates are 'out in the wild'
Not true. Not everyone has a chance to participate in the Beta. Our time is now! :eek:

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