H3-3D just looks straight down

Apr 9, 2014
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I installed the new gimbal tonight and I cannot get it to look up. I recall seeing a post on here, but I'll be damned if I can find it. Help?
What have you calibrated?

Start there. You will figure it out and in the process gain a better understanding of the variables so next time you can trouble shoot on your own vs. just posting up a question
I upgraded the firmware, but now the video signal isn't working either. Everything was working fine before I swapped out the gimbals. I tried searching, but haven't been able to find the answer so I figured I'd throw out the question.
I had the same problem. All is good now after reading this thread from QYV, Thank you to him/her for posting this. Hopefully this is a more useful post to others with the same issue.


"you guys with the problem, have you updated your RC firmware? a lot of us around here had the same issue, upgrading the firmware on the P2 before the RC causes the exact issue described by OP and some of the others.
If you get into that jam, first off run the RC assistant software and any upgrade necessary. then do a calibration. it doesn't specifically tell you mess with the X1 lever, but do it.
Once it seems fine in the RC assistant software, go back to the Phantom Assistant software and again do a stick calibration including moving the X1 lever.
After that you should be able to see in the PA software that the X1 level moves normally. I actually had to do the calibrations multiple times before the X1 lever got really smooth"
I will check this out. Thank you!! It would be cool is some of these very informativ eposts were stickied somewhere. Maybe they are? Seems like many people all have the same common issues / problems.

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