FS =/= to RTH?

Mar 21, 2014
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
I thought failsafe was the same as RTH, at least by what the naza assistant states.

It shows a diagram of the phantom rising up 20m and then coming back to the home location to land.
I was just outside getting accustomed to the modes since I don't use them that much (CL/HL/RTH) and noticed that when I hit failsafe, it slowly moved to me, never rising, never landing.

In fact, it started going passed the home point until I regained control.
Tried RTH a few times from different distances an that worked fine.

Was I wrong in thinking FS was the same as RTH?
Failsafe is a state, that can be invoked by turning off your transmitter or putting S1 in the bottom position (if Failsafe is the selected behavior for that switch).

RTH is a behavior, one of the two that Failsafe might use...the other is just landing. You specify which behavior Failsafe uses in via the Assistant software.

However, from what you describe it sounds like you switched to either ATTI or Manual mode instead of Failsafe. Have you checked in the Assistant Software to choose that option for S1?
i should have been clearer.

For my RTH testing, I turned off the transmitter. The quad acted as it should have. Climbed about 20m, came back to me nd hovered until I took control again.

F\s, I have set in the software to (what I thought) was climb and come back, then hover.
I used the IOC switch on my transmitter.

After all the testing (and modelling for some guy who wanted a pic of the phantom flying ;p), I connected the phantom to my pc and checked the settings.

The failsafe is indeed set to rise and come towards me when invoked via the switch.
dragonash said:
I used the IOC switch on my transmitter.

The IOC switch (top left on the controller) isn't the one that invokes Failsafe, it's the flight mode switch (top right).

When you have the Assitant software connected and the Tx on, do you see the switches moving the sliders in to the labeled positions?

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