For those of you who wonder how much the P4P can handle

Pretty good flying.

The guy with the wheels is the one with real talent. :p
WOW! Nice work!. I was just out this morning try to follow cars on a road that travels along the edge of an open area. I never tried Sport mode and I never came close to footage like this in Program. I tried some of the intelligent modes with no luck. Very nice work. Great edit too. Did you dampen the wheel for the gimbal angle at all? I'm having trouble getting a smooth motion out of it. I thought maybe slowing it down may help.

I wish there was a setting to have the Phantom travel a straight line and rotate to keep the subject centered. Just like Point of Interest but in a straight line.
I put it to the test this weekend, and pushed it to the limits, not bad, considering...
It struggles with sharp turns, then the gimbal flips out, other than that, not much to say.

Yikes - great job of "by hand" flying n filming and in sport mode to boot - great job and the music despite not being what I listen to fits perfectly!
That looks like a lot of fun driving on that ice track - is that for anyone to join in? I suppose it is limited to the amount of vehicles at one time.
Everything is flown in Sport mode :)
If the birds could be put in some mode to do the kind of flying you did I would gladly pay a hefty price. I love how you turn the bird in different arcs than the cars are making yet keep the camera on the car. I can't even begin to think of the mental gymnastics it would take me to keep track of what motion I had to make. Great work!
Quick update to my last post...In Draw Mode Free the UAV will fly the outline path and allow you to pan and use the gimbal!
Awesome job with the video and great choice in the music!
Sport mode with that control is bad ***, and massively deserves METAL!!!

Awesome flying dude! Even better camera control!!
Awesome shooting!! I wish I could fly mine like that. Is that you standing by the side in a few of the shots? Brave as well as skilled… :)
Awesome video!
I put it to the test this weekend, and pushed it to the limits, not bad, considering...
It struggles with sharp turns, then the gimbal flips out, other than that, not much to say.

Christer, question regarding shifting horizon. Did you do any post corrections for the famous horizon tilt or is this right out from the gimbal? My experience is that in sport mode the horizon shift is even worse than gps mode. Any comments...? No calibration helped so far.

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