DJI tries to bill me for repair on a drone that is still on the river bottom..

Here's a trick I use when returning anything for repair to any company. I make a small mark, not visible to anyone else, (only I know this). Whether you burn it in, or scribe it. Only you know. Send the product in and when it is repaired and comes back, check to see if that mark is still there!

This wasn't my idea, got it from a friend who uses this technique to catch crooked companies.

Just at thought!
What's crooked? They specifically point out in their after sales policy that they may send a different part/drone back After-Sales Service Policies - DJI
AND these type of issues with dji CS and the fact they totally ditched on the P3 line just after XMas, is the reason I went to Autal.

Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk

it matters not
keep flying
keep enjoying what you DO have
you can still do everything you could the day you bought!!!!

every 6 months to a year DJI disco previous years product

in 2014 the main line product they sold was The Phantom 2 Vision Plus..

they still are flying, and can be bought still today!

good luck and have fun flying
Here's a trick I use when returning anything for repair to any company. I make a small mark, not visible to anyone else, (only I know this). Whether you burn it in, or scribe it. Only you know. Send the product in and when it is repaired and comes back, check to see if that mark is still there!

This wasn't my idea, got it from a friend who uses this technique to catch crooked companies.

Just at thought!

replacement with a refurb is often done by tech companies to facilitate timeliness

not criminal or crooked... in anyway
when Apple does that do you say the same?
Ok... just a quick spout off about how incompetent DJI customer service is..

Last month, lost P4 in the river.... sank... from "MY" position and from what I know at the moment of loss it was a loss of power in flight and fell.

Submitted that info and flight record for the last flight to DJI for analysis... Their response was NOT what I was hoping for but to tell you the truth I was expecting JUST that answer....

Yesterday afternoon I get home from work and find an email from DJI in my inbox, now I was not expecting to hear anymore from them so I was obviously intrigued...

This is the email....

On Feb 17, 2017, at 6:46 PM, DJI Support <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear Customer,

DJI kindly remind you that you still have a repair invoice for your Phantom 4 with an amount of 934.15. Your case No. is:


Please use the link below to submit your payment. ... 3-9455-aedd14def5fc

This is an automated message. Any replies to this message will not be monitored.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact DJI North America Technical Support, Mon-Fri 9:00AM ~ 5:00PM (PST) via the following three channels:

Tel: +1 (818) 235 0789
Email: [email protected]
Online Support: Online Support

Thank you for choosing DJI

Best Regards,
DJI Support


You can bet I called the California help desk and actually got thru in under 5 minutes.... after explaining how they could not have possibly repaired my P4, unless maybe they sent a scuba search team to West Virginia and recover my P4 from the river, transport it to wherever and fix it!, The young gal put me on hold for about 15 minutes while she tried to figure out THIS little problem...

Answer???? She could not come up with one.... once again I heard that catch phrase "I will Follow Up". She also went on to say, "Just Disregard that email invoice"


This morning I woke up to a DJI email that wanted me to complete a survey on their support (or actually after I got done with the survey it was LACK of support)

I doubt very seriously that THEY take any feedback on their customer service seriously so all I did was make "ME" feel better once I was done.

I've about had it with DJI.... I do believe that I will be selling the controller, 2 batteries (should have 12 or less charges on them), props, DJI Lanyard, iPad sun shield, home charger as well as the car charger (all DJI branded)

Somebody make me a reasonable offer for the whole package... Oh and the foam case is also part of it.
Here's my three cents. Everybody on this forum knows the DJI has the absolute worst customer service. Equal in magnitude to the very high quality of their product, although in the wrong direction.

Furthermore, taking your time, and it looks like it took some of your time, to recount these episodes, all of you, is just a further increase to the insult that DJI has already imposed upon you.

Forget about it. Move on, accept the inevitable when dealing with DJI, and don't let DJI steal more of your time or energy. It's just the way it is.
Ask for an itemised breakdown of the bill. Might make for interesting reading. Maybe it was a hell of a long phone call you had!
Thanks for that constructive feedback, really think personal insult is the way to go? only your view is ok right?

- Phantom P3A & P3P -
Sent from my iPad Pro using PhantomPilots App
I support your opinion... my experience with DJI is awesome... my P3 4K crashed only 2 weeks after i got her... my fault totally - they had me send it to their facility in CA - had it back the next week - repair bill was $158 (or there about) - new shell, new gimbal, one new motor, new GPS... I have nothing but praise from them... when you consider the number of phantoms sold and the number of crashes (must be huge) it is no wonder you hear of service problems... happens with every business... when things go right you never hear about it... this is why I want to put my part in to balance the negative comments. DJI did right b y me... that's why I bought another two Phantoms... Love my P4Pro... awesome bird.
I decided that even after the experience that I had with DJI customer service, that I would get another P4... however a used and proven one... Found on on eBay that had an extra battery, controller cover, full set of Polar Pro filters, a 64gb micro card and some other small items ALONG with a Zeiss VR one headset.... This drone had 12 flights on it... got it all for 920.00 with free shipping. Can't use the VR One as it's made for smaller smartphones and I have an iPhone 6s Plus so that might go up for sale... along with my original controller.
After a few flights I find that this drone controls easier and is faster than the one I lost... The Barometer altimeter stays MUCH closer on the take off to landing altitudes as the lost one does. So far a better aircraft so I'm back in the air so to speak.
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From what I have seen from DJI customer service, it only exists as long as DJI profits from it. My theory in their "repair" service is that they don't repair your drone. If you send it in and YOU have proof it is a warranty issue, then they might repair or replace it with a refurbished drone and you might pay for one way shipping but that's all. If you send it in and it is admitted that it is your fault, or DJI claims it is pilot error then again they "repair or replace" depending upon how compelling a claim you make. Then the dispute escalates until one party breaks and pays. The other party wins. Now exactly where does DJI get these "refurbished " drone's? Think about it awhile before reading further--------

Ok so where does this supply of drone's that has been refurbished come from? Then consider what happened to me! My drone was sent in for gimbal repair and top shell replacement. I was given a web site so I could watch repair work progress. I was even gives a DETAILED list of parts needed plus two hours repair time, which I immediately paid in hopes of getting my drone back sooner. I closely watched the repair steps down to flight testing and certification all still showing MY SERIAL NUMBER! I was especially happy since my drone was repaired and shipped back to me in less than a week!!! YES, that fast! Be aware that this was my drone as verified by the serial number. This drone was FLOWN AND TESTED as per written information that was sent to me. However, a different serial number appeared on the paperwork of drone being shipped! I immediately phoned DJI and got no where. I emailed "April" who verified I had a new drone being shipped back because my drone "was not repairable"! This is after it was flown and analyzed. Bear in mind, all the drone needed was to fix the gimbal partially binding AND replace the top half of the shell!!!! It flew and performed perfectly!! Plus the invoice I paid listed ONLY the items needed to repair those items!!! Wonder why a new drone was shipped to me?? Hmmm, I wonder, was it to so please me that I would take it, shut up, and just go away?? Well, that might have worked except DJI refused to tell me why the drone flipped over and crashed and therefore made it "pilot error" and the $239.00 I had already paid un-refundable!

So the question still remains for those still reading. Where do the new and refurbished drone's come from? Is the new one just one that they ripped open a box and took the drone out, leaving the controller and battery and propellers and charger? I don't think so! And is the refurbished one just a spare they just happened to have because they actually repaired one??? I think not! So is it like this: DJI gets my drone in for minor repair. They see it will cost maybe $50 to repair and take an hour tops. They bill me for a total of $239.00 which I pay, then they call up a similar drone some customers ago and ship me theirs, having hopefully repaired it. I get it back and it looks and flies OK so I shut up and go away. Then later as needed they take a few minutes, fix mine and put it in the warehouse to wait on the next gullible DJI customer just hoping his drone is repairable and he can afford it. Not correct? Then substitute your information for mine and see if it fits, then read some others similar to yours and see if they compare! I bet they do!


Lol you do understand what refurbished means? It means a used device that has been repaired and is essentially new but technically can't be called new. No conspiracy here. Look at it this way when you open the box on your drone originally it's value went down, then you flew it further putting wear and tear. Sending you a new one is actually a plus on your side, a refurbished model would be a push, as opposed to getting it repaired. It's time and money. Nothing wrong at all by dji. You pay a repair cost and they send you a drone that flies.

It’s interesting reading some of these replies to your post. I have a P4A, which they did replace for me due to the battery not being completely connected or properly. This happened less than one month after I purchased it new. I expected they would either repair mine or replace it with a new one, also. Why? Because I, like OMinWVa also was going only by the communication DJI was having with me in what seemed like “real time”. Some of you guys aren’t listening to what he’s saying here and I’m going to bring it to the forefront - that their communication with you while in the process of being “serviced” is an outright lie. To tell you the steps of repair it’s in (I had the same thing and was fooled by it too) and later find out that it was all BS is very unnerving and talk about immediately change one’s perception of the ethics within a company - pulling crap like that will do it. For those of you who defend this behavior are you serious? And then to actually say “oh nothing at all wrong with that no dishonesty there”. If you cannot see that plain and clear take off your future of possible sunglasses and look again. And to tell anyone - yep, DJI’s service stinks - just accept it. That’s preposterous. These forums provide a venue - often at times the only venue where one of us can vent to our “peers” who know drones and even DJI and they seek out people who can relate. Well, brother OMan...I relate to your story. My replacement refurb came back to me filthy and in a styrofoam case that had been apparently been used as a dog’s chew toy. It has always performed less than perfect and I’ve never trusted it. I called and spoke with customer service and all I got was “uh huh, uh huh wait a moment. Ok you want to send us that case back and if it’s as you say we will send another to you. They refused to pay to have it shipped to them and said if it was replaceable they would send a new one (I said “or refurbished too, probably”) and would give me DJI store credit for the amount of the postage. I never bothered I was so disgusted with them. OM and I (making assumption here) prob wouldn’t be bothered by this treatment had they been honest about it to begin with. They lie - outright lie to you while they have your bird they make you think one thing is happening while the truth is that’s not at all what’s happening. If that’s not crooked I don’t know what is. Sometimes how you handle your customers after the sale is more important than the product itself. Toyota proved that almost thirty years ago when they introduced their luxury brand, Lexus. It built unrivaled loyalty. There’s the real problem anyway - they can do whatever they want because for now, they have no competition. They monopolize the market and are seemingly allowed to do so. If it weren’t for my experience I had last summer I would have bought a Mavic Pro Platinum or a Mavic Air, but I’m super hesitant with this company for what they do to us / you, all of us. I don’t like being lied to I don’t care how “good” the product is just be honest and fair. That is also something DJI Is good at. I guess they’re proud of that company virtue as it continues still today.
He's just venting AND I would also bet DJI monitors these sites. Just maybe the right individual will be looking!
YES....we have people here with different names then on Dji's site and they are the same ones as on the forum they just dont answer many things But yes.....they are here ! reading and watching US.
YES....we have people here with different names then on Dji's site and they are the same ones as on the forum they just dont answer many things But yes.....they are here ! reading and watching US.
No .. DJI doesn't have people here monitoring anything.
They can't even manage their own forum properly.

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