DJI Hinting at a P4?


So besides Gimbal cracks, where might one look for other stress cracks. Just picked up the Phanthom 3 pro and just a back yard flight with nothing of noticeable wrong yet. If need to I'll cannibalize my vision2+
No just buy strong arms simple

So besides Gimbal cracks, where might one look for other stress cracks. Just picked up the Phanthom 3 pro and just a back yard flight with nothing of noticeable wrong yet. If need to I'll cannibalize my vision2+
It really only seems to be the back two motors but once the cracking starts it gets worse and in strong winds double it 20/25km there is a lot of stress on arms
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Scary future version of dangling the Phantom X in front of our noses: dji's end run on the imminent advent of more restrictive enforcement of the sport generally, and the P3 specifically, by Big Brother, prompted by grannies worldwide and a rabid media. Big Brother says we start with total registration, then tell manufacturers like dji thanks for the no-fly zone restrictive programming, now we want you to program out the capability of landing on the White House lawn from a distance, and flying over the Macy's Parade from a distance, etc. etc. The stock P3 can fly 1.2 miles away from its operator--well out of sight. If you curtail the madding crowd's cries of foul--"you're invading my privacy!" then you get to keep making and selling drones. Answer: the Phantom X concept, which appears to be a swell way to use a drone within close proximity of its operator, i.e. those snazzy Apple watch looking things they're wearing on their wrists, or the iPad/tablet seen controlling it, again within a close proximity of the operator.

If the loonies who insist on posting videos of their consumer level camera drone ever further beyond line of sight continues, the P3 will become obsolete by virtue of government restriction, be it local, state, or federal (foreign country pilots please substitute your various levels of government control). And please, those who would post a retort that they can't do that because of the Constitution, look around. We are a tiny sliver of the populace. The guys who got pulled out of the sheriff's jail and hung by a mob in those movies we used to watch could die content in the knowledge that it wasn't really legal to do so. We are simply no threat to those who would use our own evidence against us, the videos all over the internet showing P3's violating reams of laws.

So what does dji do to prepare for the future? Create a benign little low level camera drone with obstacle avoidance and cutsie control mechanisms to dazzle the public I can hardly wait to paint my own little smoke bomb drawings in the air with a drone that couldn't fly over 100 feet away if it's little life depended upon it. Meanwhile we jack up the prices on Inspire to make sure that generally more responsible people are buying it. Oh, and because we ploughed so much money into Inspire's camera we detach it and sell it separately.

Ah, but that's just a pessimist's view of the future. Couldn't happen, not in Amurrica.

Edit-Tuesday after Black Monday December 14, 2015: It's no longer scary future version, kids, the guv'mnt is knocking on the door. Mandatory drone registration, failure to comply carries not only civil penalty, but might get you 3 years in a federal slammer and a $250,000 fine. The guy over the FAA, Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx said "Registration gives us an opportunity to work with these users to operate their unmanned aircraft safely." Note the words "to work with . . ." Not good. Reregister every 3 years, or face the consequences. $5 after the first 30 days.

Now, you can bet that the FAA (and others) have already copied those Youtube videos of P3's flying irresponsibly (as the FAA sees it), and they will be Exhibit A when the new regs come out. Phantom X (or other low altitude, short distance drones), here we come.

And the kicker is we have only ourselves to blame. When you wave a red flag in front of a bull, it won't do to blame the bull when you get gored.

As a side note, consumer protection lawsuits just got gored too, this time by the Supreme Court, who seems to feel that we are all adequately protected by those arbitration clauses in nearly all the contracts the average consumer signs, that prevent you from filing a lawsuit and relegate you to a simpler dispute process in front of one or more arbitrators who may or may not be heavily influenced by corporate profiteering America. Oh, and there's no appeal to the courts when they gore you. Oh, and it doesn't matter that your state law says you can file a lawsuit instead, like if the contract is so heavily weighted in favor of the business that it would be unconscionable to enforce the arbitration clause. Tough tomatoes, says the DC 9, feds favor arbitration and so should you.

Okay, I'm way off topic now. I'll go back and work on my order form for the Phantom X. And my registration form--I'm allergic to federal prison.
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Drawing in the air, wow, I'm looking forward to that. Oh, and it must have follow me mode. The number 1 feature every one with zero drone experience is awed by. That way I can film myself skying down the mountain while my drone narrowly avoids ski lift cables or other people's heads. Hell, maybe they'll sell enough of them so that on any given ski day there are about a hundred flying on the mountain. For a week, of course, cause on the following week there would be a ban. Afterwards I can show the videos to my friends who are waiting in line to see, in video, what they see when they ski with me. Now that's awesome. But, it will stress crack sadly.
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