Did the police lie to me?

Jay ,
Glade your doing it we need good PR if you do right and keep to your plans . No one said you where going to terrorize the island or wildlife but the first thing people say is what if based on all he bad press and not knowledge their are very few that are up to no good but we all suffer . Do us good and get some great shots maybe even go to the tourist centers on the island and offer them pics of the island . Let the people know the media dramatizes
It looks like you are doing your due diligence to find out and if you do not get a proper answer then go ahead and fly. But follow the normal rules as far as airport and flying over crowds.
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After looking at google earth shots of the island I have decided not to bring the phantom. Because of the no fly zone built into the software the only part of the island I would be able to fly over happens to be the "downtown" populated area. As a personal rule I dont fly over an area unless I am comfortable with it falling out of the sky.
I think this is the catch 22 you have the proper permission you let everyone know your plans and the firmware won't let you fly .
Have a good trip :D
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I think this is the catch 22 you have the proper permission you let everyone know your plans and the firmware won't let you fly .
Have a good trip :D

Well I am sure I could just turn off the GPS and fly but that seems like a poor idea.

I found video from a guy that fly there a couple weeks ago and both his videos are technically against the rules. In his first video he launched from the Grand Hotel, which does not allow drones on property so he did it without permissions. On his second video he launches from an inn that is RIGHT next to the airport.

He didnt have any issues but that is not the way I do things.
Jay ,
Glade your doing it we need good PR if you do right and keep to your plans . No one said you where going to terrorize the island or wildlife but the first thing people say is what if based on all he bad press and not knowledge their are very few that are up to no good but we all suffer . Do us good and get some great shots maybe even go to the tourist centers on the island and offer them pics of the island . Let the people know the media dramatizes

This is the right attitude to have!
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After looking at google earth shots of the island I have decided not to bring the phantom. Because of the no fly zone built into the software the only part of the island I would be able to fly over happens to be the "downtown" populated area. As a personal rule I dont fly over an area unless I am comfortable with it falling out of the sky.
According the map found here:

There is no firmware no fly zone on the island.

But I think you're taking the right attitude none the less.

750r said:
No one said you where going to terrorize the island or wildlife but the first thing people say is what if based on all he bad press and not knowledge their are very few that are up to no good but we all suffer .
Keep in mind that there are almost no cars on the island. Almost everything that needs to be moved on the island is moved via horse drawn wagons and carriages. There are a lot of horses there. Most of them a very very bomb-proof as horses go. I've taken the ferry from the island when they were moving some of the horses off the island and they were hardly phased by it. But horses can and do spook when they see things they're unfamiliar with. It should go without saying that spooking a horse on the street which is standing right next to tourists is not something you'd want to be responsible for. Just something to keep in mind.
I really don't think horses spook easily with drones (when you think of all the crazy tourists they see daily). I flew on Viequws which is similar to mackinac except cars are allowed and the horses are usually wild or domesticated but free roaming. I never launched right next to one but I did fly over several at 50-75 feet and they could care less. YMMV. Hate to pass up good footage on s trip
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According the map found here:

There is no firmware no fly zone on the island.

But I think you're taking the right attitude none the less.

Keep in mind that there are almost no cars on the island. Almost everything that needs to be moved on the island is moved via horse drawn wagons and carriages. There are a lot of horses there. Most of them a very very bomb-proof as horses go. I've taken the ferry from the island when they were moving some of the horses off the island and they were hardly phased by it. But horses can and do spook when they see things they're unfamiliar with. It should go without saying that spooking a horse on the street which is standing right next to tourists is not something you'd want to be responsible for. Just something to keep in mind.

Interesting. When I went to DJI site to check no fly zones this is what I found.

I told him that I was going to be staying on the island next week, owned a quadcopter (he interupted with "huh", i had to say drone for him to understand), and had planned on taking some photos of the island, and that I was calling because the FAA recommended that i contact the airport and let them know what I was doing if I was flying within 5 miles of them,
Never say "Drone". The word invokes visceral sphincter tightening in people who enjoy more authority than they actually have.
When you ask "Where may I fly my model airplane", you will get a completely different response.
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Imagine, I also called an airport (can't say the name) but the manager agreed for me to fly as long as I set 100 feet, as the area I had to film was right on the runway path. So before I started I phoned and I was cleared. No planes landed during the 15th minutes film so I did not end up in the newspaper :)
That's the way it's supposed to work.
According the map found here:

There is no firmware no fly zone on the island.

But I think you're taking the right attitude none the less.

Keep in mind that there are almost no cars on the island. Almost everything that needs to be moved on the island is moved via horse drawn wagons and carriages. There are a lot of horses there. Most of them a very very bomb-proof as horses go. I've taken the ferry from the island when they were moving some of the horses off the island and they were hardly phased by it. But horses can and do spook when they see things they're unfamiliar with. It should go without saying that spooking a horse on the street which is standing right next to tourists is not something you'd want to be responsible for. Just something to keep in mind.
You can spin anything what if someone brings some fire crackers and sets them off in town what if a kid pops a balloon behind a horse see where I am going ?
He did everything right spoke to the proper people even got places to go film by these people . Not one of my horses , cows , sheep , goats , pigs could care less about any of my RC aircrafts now one donkey (real jackass) will follow my phantom around I have to take off and land out of his range or he will go after it . I know the horses can spook over real simple things like snow falling off a tree I have a Tennessee Walker that took me for a ride over that very thing .
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yes, the police lie and it's not against the law.

just one of the many reasons myself and a lot of americans don't trust cops and have lost respect...
This email stinks of ignorance. It seems like they are simply quoting what is already not allowed by the FAA and not their own policy. Perhaps this is more on point then attempting to enforce a local ordnance that would probably not be legal anyway.
Guess it depends on your outlook in general.
My interpretation was that she simply was giving out what information she had.
My nose didn't detect any stink.
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yes, the police lie and it's not against the law.

just one of the many reasons myself and a lot of americans don't trust cops and have lost respect...
Yes some do Air And hear what ya saying . But think about that...Just because a few do stupid things with their quads
don't mean we all do .
I just don't think we should put that on all LE Officers .
Just my 2 cents :)
Many horses don't like Phantoms... Look left, notice my Avatar.

The voice of experience.;)

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