Confusing dji article

I love the fact a Chinese manufacturer gets to tell me after I purchased a product made by them .
What I can or cannot do , and then removes those features I bought it for if I don't play the way they want me to do.
Nice rant .... but why?
Has anyone taken away your freedoms?
Do you have any real reason to expect that someone will?
Or do you just want to be part of an ignorant and paranoid mob that has no idea but won't let that get in the way of your excitement?
I love the fact a Chinese manufacturer gets to tell me after I purchased a product made by them .
What I can or cannot do , and then removes those features I bought it for if I don't play the way they want me to do .
W.t.f. ,
That should be down to me ,and I am accountable for it .
And the individual country I'm in to impose those rules .
If my Yamaha r1 tomorrow turned into a moped it would be parked ,hacked ,then I'd speed just to piss them off !
How dare they tell me after I purchased it what I can or cannot do .
Bwig Bwuvva no thank you .
If it was so before I purchased it then I can decide to buy or not . Now I don't have a choice , don't like people restricting my freedoms ,that's why my ancestors went to war . and I served .
not to have some Commy Countries manufacturer play with my rights.
What did or is the Chinese taking away from you? Just name one .....

And what "rights" do you have?
On the DJI WEB site at this address:

DJI GEO System - Up-to-date Information On Where to Fly

I found this, I think it is related to what we are talking about. I hope might help.


DJI’s Geospatial Environment Online (GEO) provides DJI flyers with up-to-date guidance on areas where flight may be limited by regulation or raise safety concerns. In addition to airport location information, flyers will have real-time access to live information on temporary flight restrictions due to forest fires, major stadium events, VIP travel, and other changing circumstances. The GEO system also includes locations such as prisons, nuclear power plants and other sensitive areas where flying may raise non-aviation security concerns.

GEO by default limits flights into or take-off within locations that raise safety or security concerns. If a flight within one of these locations has been authorized, GEO allows users with verified DJI accounts to temporarily unlock or self-authorize their flights. This unlock function is not available for sensitive national-security locations.

The GEO system is advisory only. Each user is responsible for checking official sources and determining what laws or regulations might apply to his or her flight. In some instances, DJI has selected widely-recommended general parameters (such as a 1.5 mile radius at airports) without making any determination of whether this guidance matches regulations that may apply specifically to you.

GEO is currently available in the following areas:
United Arab Emirates
North America:Canada ,United States ,Mexico
United Kingdom

I asked dji support outright to clarify everything everyone is asking. As you can imagine I did not get a straight answer but I did revive this.

Lloyd E (DJI)

5月24日 CST02:57


Thank you for contacting DJI Technical support.

To address your concern, the update is not really restricting users from flying but rather, It is for the upcoming update for the DJI Go app 4.

All customers will need to log into their DJI GO accounts again to complete the application activation process, or else aircraft performance will be limited. To ensure you can use the new DJI GO 4 and DJI GO apps, make sure you stay connected to the Internet after updating and complete the login process.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact DJI Europe Support, Mon-Fri 8:30AM - 5:00PM (UTC+1) via
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GEO by default limits flights into or take-off within locations that raise safety or security concerns. If a flight within one of these locations has been authorized, GEO allows users with verified DJI accounts to temporarily unlock or self-authorize their flights. This unlock function is not available for sensitive national-security locations.
On the DJI WEB site at this address:

DJI GEO System - Up-to-date Information On Where to Fly

I found this, I think it is related to what we are talking about. I hope might help.


DJI’s Geospatial Environment Online (GEO) provides DJI flyers with up-to-date guidance on areas where flight may be limited by regulation or raise safety concerns. In addition to airport location information, flyers will have real-time access to live information on temporary flight restrictions due to forest fires, major stadium events, VIP travel, and other changing circumstances. The GEO system also includes locations such as prisons, nuclear power plants and other sensitive areas where flying may raise non-aviation security concerns.

GEO by default limits flights into or take-off within locations that raise safety or security concerns. If a flight within one of these locations has been authorized, GEO allows users with verified DJI accounts to temporarily unlock or self-authorize their flights. This unlock function is not available for sensitive national

Well that's good news then lol.
On the DJI WEB site at this address:

DJI GEO System - Up-to-date Information On Where to Fly

I found this, I think it is related to what we are talking about. I hope might help.


DJI’s Geospatial Environment Online (GEO) provides DJI flyers with up-to-date guidance on areas where flight may be limited by regulation or raise safety concerns. In addition to airport location information, flyers will have real-time access to live information on temporary flight restrictions due to forest fires, major stadium events, VIP travel, and other changing circumstances. The GEO system also includes locations such as prisons, nuclear power plants and other sensitive areas where flying may raise non-aviation security concerns.

GEO by default limits flights into or take-off within locations that raise safety or security concerns. If a flight within one of these locations has been authorized, GEO allows users with verified DJI accounts to temporarily unlock or self-authorize their flights. This unlock function is not available for sensitive national-security locations.

The GEO system is advisory only. Each user is responsible for checking official sources and determining what laws or regulations might apply to his or her flight. In some instances, DJI has selected widely-recommended general parameters (such as a 1.5 mile radius at airports) without making any determination of whether this guidance matches regulations that may apply specifically to you.

GEO is currently available in the following areas:
United Arab Emirates
North America:Canada ,United States ,Mexico
United Kingdom
OK if this is all it it then that's good news, but here's a scenario I keep thinking of lets say I'm flying two miles away and the copter lose's signal and enters RTH and makes a straight line back home but on the way it enters a Warning Zone or a Geofence boundry , would it just hover in place till the battery drains or...
OK if this is all it it then that's good news, but here's a scenario I keep thinking of lets say I'm flying two miles away and the copter lose's signal and enters RTH and makes a straight line back home but on the way it enters a Warning Zone or a Geofence boundry , would it just hover in place till the battery drains or...

If your flying 2 miles away then surely you have already flown the path where the rth would uses so it would just fly back.
If your flying 2 miles away then surely you have already flown the path where the rth would uses so it would just fly back.
I dont think so cause if I manually authorized it to bypass it on the flight will the copter do the same on the RTH ?? Or will it just stop and hover in place then auto-land when the battery drains...
What did or is the Chinese taking away from you? Just name one .....

And what "rights" do you have?

Obviously none !
Chinese do to me ?
Copied a electronic product I manufactured after three years of r and d . Stole my intellectual property.
Want to now force me to update and cripple my product if I don't !
And on a country level .
5. China
But the single biggest threat to the U.S. remains China. A full 70 percent of America’s corporate intellectual property theft is believed to originate from China. That doesn’t just mean random hackers who operate within China’s borders; we’re talking about elite cyber groups housed by the government in Beijing. China decided long ago that it couldn’t compete with the U.S. in direct military strength. The US already outspends China more than 4-to-1 in that regard, making catch-up near impossible. Beijing has instead decided to focus instead on commercial and government espionage. While exact figures are hard to come by, in May 2013 two former Pentagon

officials admitted that “Chinese computer spies raided the databanks of almost every major U.S. defense contractor and made off with some of the country’s most closely guarded technological secrets.” That would be really impressive if it wasn’t so terrifying. Is that enough or shall I go on ?
I dont think so cause if I manually authorized it to bypass it on the flight will the copter do the same on the RTH ?? Or will it just stop and hover in place then auto-land when the battery drains...

In the nicest possible way you are way over thinking and complicating this update lol.
Once you authorise a zone it's authorised for a fair while. Not just one fly by lol.

Everyone take a chill pill
Obviously none !
Chinese do to me ?
Copied a electronic product I manufactured after three years of r and d . Stole my intellectual property.
Want to now force me to update and cripple my product if I don't !
And on a country level .
5. China
But the single biggest threat to the U.S. remains China. A full 70 percent of America’s corporate intellectual property theft is believed to originate from China. That doesn’t just mean random hackers who operate within China’s borders; we’re talking about elite cyber groups housed by the government in Beijing. China decided long ago that it couldn’t compete with the U.S. in direct military strength. The US already outspends China more than 4-to-1 in that regard, making catch-up near impossible. Beijing has instead decided to focus instead on commercial and government espionage. While exact figures are hard to come by, in May 2013 two former Pentagon

officials admitted that “Chinese computer spies raided the databanks of almost every major U.S. defense contractor and made off with some of the country’s most closely guarded technological secrets.” That would be really impressive if it wasn’t so terrifying. Is that enough or shall I go on ?

This post is full of opinions and conspiracy theories.

Your angry that the Chinese stole an idea from you? I'm trying to clarify because the grammar could use a lil work.

If this is true then why did you invest so much into a Chinese product? Why is re registration such a huge deal to you? Again, after you register, nothing is going to change. AND to top it off, YOU DONT HAVE TO UPDATE OR REGISTER.

You never mentioned what "rights" you have that are UAV related.
Nice rant .... but why?
Has anyone taken away your freedoms?
Do you have any real reason to expect that someone will?
Or do you just want to be part of an ignorant and paranoid mob that has no idea but won't let that get in the way of your excitement?

Ignorant : Oxford dictionary says ,uneducated,unkowledgable,untaught,lacking knowledge or understanding or information about something .
: Cambridge dictionary,what is ignorant,not having enough knowledge ,understanding or info about something .
Have you ever got a strait answer from DJI .?
And in my defence somebody quite intelligent once said " The more I learn ,the more I realise how much I don't know !"
Another great man also said "personally I'm always ready to learn although I don't always like being taught "
Personally I prefer to be asked not told ,

Paranoid ,Guilty as charged and with good reason ,ask Mr Snowden ?

Mob, definition A large crowd of people,especially one one that is intent on causing trouble or violence,horde,multitude,throng ! Well there are a lot of us who are not happy with what DJI are doing ,so again guilty as charged.
Since joining this forum I've been told of for my poor grammatical skills told not to trash talk! And I've desperately tried not to ,I promised a moderator that I would try, however there are quite a few Informal people who do not like anyone having or sharing there opinions if they differ from their own ones ,I have tried to not be informal however I tend to respond in the way I'm treated,don't worry you have been successful there will be no more posted opinions I will just use it to glean info re my new hobby and make the odd pleasant comment on pretty views etc.. I have so much to learn in so many ways ,Obviously
For those of us with the P4P I looked on DJI Assistant2 and I still saw the older versions available for downgrade. If you're concerned and saw no issues using the craft under the previous version (418) then I'd flash back and wait it out.

Could be a tempest in a teapot but I point to my previous posts where corporations sell very expensive equipment that is completely useless without the software. So you own a pile of expensive parts but the software to make it go is not among them.
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I find myself wondering what the sentiment would be if the restrictive criteria was exactly the same, but the product was North American designed and built.
I find myself wondering what the sentiment would be if the restrictive criteria was exactly the same, but the product was North American designed and built.

Exactly the same or worse.

I don't care if it's Chinese, I care that it is interfering with my freedom to use a product that I bought and paid for, all in the name of complying with pointless and silly regulations, regulations that the company has not been compelled to comply with, and has illustrated that it doesn't even understand. Further, they want to push this on to drones they already sold.

I believe this is about them trying to comply with new regulations in China pertaining to flying in China and they simply don't want to have to create two different sets of firmware, which makes sense, but they need to make that clearer. The problem is that once geographic based discrimination is built into the code it would ne a simple thing to shut down or restrict any drone anywhere on a whim. Currently this like,y won't effect US customers, but what if in the future the US government calls DJI and demands restrictions? Overnight all our drones are grounded or restricted. We simply expect that kind of ******** in the future.

If they were a US corporation, I would actually expect the backlash to be even worse. We expect this kind of stuff out of China, we expect better from our own companies. For an example, look at Smith and Wesson in the early 90's, or Ruger while Bill Rufer was still running it; both companies betrayed their customers when they not only started making anti gun statements but started actively supporting anti gunners and their agenda, for example, both companies started voluntarily refusing to sell magazines over 10 rounds to mere "civilians" even though there was no law at the time requiring them to, but it was a talking point for anti gunners. The backlash was swift and severe, both companies were driven to the brink of bankruptcy and were only saved when their leadership was completely replaced and they fully reversed course, in the case of Smith and Wesson, they had to fire every sigle executive who ever touched that decision and it still wasn't enough, they had to completely change ownership several times before they could prove they were a different company, they still have some limited backlash to this day.
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I find myself wondering what the sentiment would be if the restrictive criteria was exactly the same, but the product was North American designed and built.
Too bad there's no restrictive criteria.

It is simply amazing what this has turned into. :).
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I care that it is interfering with my freedom to use a product that I bought and paid for

Precisely, what specific things does this update interfere with in the context of lawful freedom to use your drone?

but what if in the future the US government calls DJI and demands restrictions?

That's a problem you take up with government, not the company legally compelled to comply.
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Precisely, what specific things does this update interfere with in the context of lawful freedom to use your drone?

That's a problem you take up with government, not the company legally compelled to comply.

It interferes in that it effectively destroys your drone if you don't reregister, thus either destroying your property, or compelling your action. It also gives the company the ability to remotely change the capabilities of a product that I already bought (with a certain fixed set of features) without my consent.

The choice of whether I, or anyone, comply with a law or not should be ours, not the company we bought the product from. DJI cannot be compelled by the US government to do anything (they can be extorted) and even if it could, the US government has no authority to force changes upon products already in consumer possession. Also, I said a call from the US government, not that that call would reflect American law, it could simply be the case of an unelected bureaucrat calling and making demands based on their own, or their agencies, flawed understanding of the law, or even their own personal opinion, but calling on behalf of the entire American government. We do mot loke the idea of a shadowy unelected and unaccountable person, especially a foreign person, being able to restrict our drones on a whim.

Would you buy a Ferrari if it had a limiter intalled that constantly monitored your exact location, reported that location to parts and persons unknown, and then refused to allow you to exceed the speed limit? We have speed limits in this country (and most others) yet even standard, non sports cars can easily exceed it, it is up to is, the drivers, to comply with the speed limit, not the car company. Would I or most people buy an expensive sports car with a limiter in place that we can never remove thatprevents is from speeding, even if we don't do that anyway? No. Because we are paying for the capability, and it is our freedom of choice whether or not to use it, it is not difficult to understand.
It's been alluded to, but not stated this way (unless I missed a post): First, one does not have to download and install the software/firmware update. Second, if the updated software/firmware IS downloaded and installed, THEN if you don't log in to dji, functioning and performance will be throttled back. I think.
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