Airport/plane log. How I get on.

Yep that's me in all my UK clothes;) I'm a typical Brit on holiday:D
No hiding for me then see if you can get me on philipsburg beach trying to fly piglet:D
4.35pm here, I'm off for another flight, wish me luck;)
what you mean ANOTHER FLIGHT ? we aint seen the first yet !
Here ya go..... Just finished uploading the pics from piglet to my iPad:)

I'm trying to download more pics but I can't at the mo, think the network in the hotel is overloaded.

Sorry guys no porn, well for my eyes only:D
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I'm having a nightmare trying to download the pics:eek: it ain't gonna happen at the mo:(

Mike, do yourself a favour, get rid of the filter kit.... Some of my pics have the halo burn on them.

Today I've taken about 65 pics, just bear with me & I'll share some of them with ya;)

Right, shower then eats followed by drinkypooooooooos:D
Sorry forgot to mention, went to Orient bay beach today. All I'm gonna say is this:D


You may have to google it:p
Love the Orient Beach Club! ;)
I did too when I Goggled it :D
(Note to self / Gotta get out more)
I parasailed while I was there, nice beach and you don't have to pack much. ;)
I parasailed while I was there, nice beach and you don't have to pack much. ;)
I could see ! Looked like Eno River in NC with all the Duke students on it :)
I'm having a nightmare trying to download the pics:eek: it ain't gonna happen at the mo:(

Mike, do yourself a favour, get rid of the filter kit.... Some of my pics have the halo burn on them.

Today I've taken about 65 pics, just bear with me & I'll share some of them with ya;)

Right, shower then eats followed by drinkypooooooooos:D
Thanks Porky I'll take that into consideration. Mine is sitting on the work bench in the shop still. Had to sort out all kinds of things since the RPG arrived:eek: But I think I have them all under control now:)

Good luck my friend and enjoy the rest of your holiday;)

Looking forward to more pics!
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Getting the below on here was hard/slow work;)

Hope you like;)

image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg

Last picture has a nice rainbow;)
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I'll let this one slip through the net;) just the one mind.........:eek:

Mrs porky at Orient bay beach just before it got really HOT:D

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