Will you be switching from Phantom series to the new Mavic 2 series?

Will you be switching from Phantom series to the new Mavic 2 series?

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Well I have to agree with your post. The mavic 2 pro is an amazing kit of equipment. I just returned from Iceland and my P4P crashed (still don't know why,was hoovering at 4 meters high 5 meters from me when it tumbled over- DJI has repaired with no cost). So I had to buy a new drone and went to DJI store in Reykjavík. Unfortunately they didn't have the M2 available (this was before I saw the tests comparinf M2 & P4P) so I purchased a mavic air (which I have to say I am really surprised by the quality it produces for such a minuscule machine).

As a pro photographer living from images and footage I wish I could shoot with the inspire/zenmuse combo but considering price, the quality that the P4P produces is amazing. The M2 could have made this price/quality relation even better. They got the larger sensor in it so why don't use the possibilities it gives already seen on the P4P.

In any case if you need portability I agree that there is nothing on the market as powerful as the M2 but I guess many of us thought the image quality would be on par with the P4P.

My question was to @mastix with an intent to learn what comparisons/direct experience might be relied on in forming the assessment.

Do you have any direct experience with the M2? Is there any such thing as an unbiased review? Pixel peeping and test chart evaluation certainly is a legitimate pursuit as is subjective evaluation of how graded footage and processed DNG files of real life scenes look. It seems a lot of the so called unbiased testing has employed flawed discipline in performing the tests. Go and have a look at the tests performed by @sar104 in the mammoth thread over at mavicpilots if your interested. Still imaging of the M2P is on par with the Sony RX100IV, not a cheap little camera (very well reviewed and respected) and it doesn't fly. Yes there are more aliasing artefacts apparent with the M2P in FOV video mode- that might be a deal breaker if your intended application for the M2 was to shoot test charts. My guess for most people that isn't the case.

I can tell you my opinion- you definitely don't need to consider switching from the P4P (based on my subjective evaluation based on actual use). If anything the stills from the M2P appear to have more natural colour and are if anything are slightly sharper. This whole carry on about the FOV 4K being really poor hasn't been my experience. Yes the HQ mode is sharper off the card and the P4P seems to be sharper (FOV) however for me the M2 has a more film like feel to it which I actually prefer.

Will I be abandoning the P4? No. I will favour the M2P in all instances where portability is an issue without any fear of any drastic loss of imaging performance though.

Personally I think any attempt to directly compare he P4P/A & V2 to the M2P/Z is silly, at least to the extent we might expect DJI's intent is for the M2 to provide better performance. They are different products. Lets compare the P4P to the Inspire 2 shall we?

What we do know is that the M2 offers ridiculously good imaging performance for its size and overall feature set- something we might have only dreamed about only two years ago.
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Well I have to agree with your post. The mavic 2 pro is an amazing kit of equipment. I just returned from Iceland and my P4P crashed (still don't know why,was hoovering at 4 meters high 5 meters from me when it tumbled over- DJI has repaired with no cost). So I had to buy a new drone and went to DJI store in Reykjavík. Unfortunately they didn't have the M2 available (this was before I saw the tests comparinf M2 & P4P) so I purchased a mavic air (which I have to say I am really surprised by the quality it produces for such a minuscule machine).

As a pro photographer living from images and footage I wish I could shoot with the inspire/zenmuse combo but considering price, the quality that the P4P produces is amazing. The M2 could have made this price/quality relation even better. They got the larger sensor in it so why don't use the possibilities it gives already seen on the P4P.

In any case if you need portability I agree that there is nothing on the market as powerful as the M2 but I guess many of us thought the image quality would be on par with the P4P.

While the 10 bit color is excellent, the aliasing in 4k FOV on the M2P seems to be what is causing the most consternation, since that appears to be the most popular field of view. It doesn't appear to read the full 20 MP from the sensor into the image processor, but instead does some kind of sub-sampling or downsampling on the sensor.
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I think Russ might have a significantly greater appreciation for the pursuance of his creations of artistic merit than spec sheets and pixel peeping test charts. Just a guess.

are you still waffling on about this even though you said you weren't interested? :D

I'm out of this thread, nothing I've seen will change my opinion, the 'pixel peeping' you speak of was a challenge instigated by Russ so he clearly had an interest in it and that my comment that I could spot the difference was kind of proved correct - not pixel peeping at all but looking at the overall video quality but hey ho, you'll probably post another tedious diatribe explaining why you are right and everyone else's opinion is totally incorrect - fill your bots, I won't be reading or responding to it - this thread has run it's course :D
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are you still waffling on about this even though you said you weren't interested? :D

I'm out of this thread, nothing I've seen will change my opinion, the 'pixel peeping' you speak of was a challenge instigated by Russ so he clearly had an interest in it and that my comment that I could spot the difference was kind of proved correct - not pixel peeping at all but looking at the overall video quality but hey ho, you'll probably post another tedious diatribe explaining why you are right and everyone else's opinion is totally incorrect - fill your bots, I won't be reading or responding to it - this thread has run it's course :D
It might well be you that has the edge in the diatribe delivery- seemingly snarkiness and waffling also.

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