VPS Problems on new firmware ( maybe )

This crap is just hilarious!! Everybody rushing to get a new update, for what?? If there's northing wrong with your aircraft, why update...I'm just saying!!

Because the Manufacture recommends you update your craft as the updates are released. Also if you get too far behind on updates you may not be able to catch up. Most updates are designed to go from version to version. Also, if nobody updates, what happens?
I dont Understand when will you use VPS?

I have never had a situation where I have not had GPS lock.

Now I can understand if you're flying indoors. Otherwise it is pointless
Mind you I get 8 satellites indoors
Then don't comment???
It didn't need a link, the possible problem was identified and a temporary fix was quoted from a dji tech. That was short and to the point and very valid in my eyes.
If you're going to start a thread you should provide more than what he did otherwise the forum becomes less useful. He saw a link on FB but couldn't copy and paste it to help others out? That's kind of lazy and not very helpful. I commented so that next time he will remember to put in a bit more effort and add a link so the thread can be helpful and have a good starting post for which to drive a god conversation
I wasn't being lazy I was busy with my children but still found the time to give a little heads up to people because I care and try to help out on here as much as time allows. It was my wife who sore it on our joint Facebook acount and shouted it to me while I was giving the kids there tea. Turns out the new firmware does have a problem on this topic so for those who give it a quick read and turned it off just to be on the safe side would have found this thread useful I think.
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Is it not concerning to anyone that some have issues and others don't with the same hard/software?

What could explain this other than errors in the anecdotal reports or a hardware issue?
Is it not concerning to anyone that some have issues and others don't with the same hard/software?

What could explain this other than errors in the anecdotal reports or a hardware issue?
That is the interesting thing about all these issues. Some are affected and some are not. Perhaps there are smal hardware changes such as different make Microcomtrollers used in production, it's likely more are its just people have not had the conditions rite to see it.

I do a full test after an update and check all features, that's how I come across it in the first place.
As far as I know i don't have a problem with vps.

I did an auto take off and land to test it and it seemed ok, coming down it did it a little quick but then it was windy.
I think the only problem is the errors it throws, and don't think it is a actual problem other than that, you had them robinb on the first firmware a while back didn't you and it never caused you a problem, i think its just the same sort of thing now for others. Blade even said then he did not know why the sonar was picking up the bad data at high altitude and sending the error, then after the next firmware update this problem never popped up again on any forums, and my guess is the hard work Blade and Ed do relaying our problems back to Dji got this sorted maybe in the the next firmware that came a long. Now after another firmware something similar is happening and it may just be coincidence i don't know, but it will get sorted i am sure and for the time being people can just turn it off for flying outdoors as it really plays now part for outdoor flying anyway, other than a butter smooth landing. ( A quote stole from Blade on this original problem a while back i know) but think he summed it up kinda well so thought i would repeat it for others. LOL
Just updated firmware, and lower-flying tests showed uncontrollable 'drifting' and 'dropping'.

Sounds like maybe a VPS issue, didn't try turning it off (thought it was off be default). Worked just fine before the update... :/

I'm also hesitant to do firmware updates because there always seems to be 'new' problems, but I also want to stay up to date and possibly 'fix' or prevent other issues.
I had the same ultrasonic error, land as soon as possible message -- 4,000 feet away!

Got home okay, but it landed at home point saying -76ft altitude. Not good!

That's some scary stuff right there!! I can lol now but I would have had to change my drawers after getting it back!!

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Same here It's not working properly. Worse then ATTI mode on a windy day
same here on my P3P.. it drifts horizontally and also doesnt hold height when few inches from ground (it either goes up or lands)
Sorry but what version are you all talking about the thread is a bit all over.
Phantom 3 pro 1.2.6?
Is this the one causing the VPS and unstable flight problems.
Thank you

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