Using my drone for Real Estate. Hawaii Kai

Hate to say it but I hope you take this as constructive, the drone stuff with the go pro is horrible. Go get a better drone for those shots. I almost quit watching because the beginning was so bad.

Thought I would take my editing to the next level and see if I could make money in real estate sales. Has anyone else done this and what do you charge?

Briefly. The editing and the specially the transitions are nicely done. Get rid of the sound effects for the transitions. They’re repetitive and in some cases out of sync. Distracts. Overall color grading is nice and matched. But your drone shots are completely in a different color space and don’t match and are often blown out. That’s the only thing I notice with them. The shots themselves are nice.
Hate to say it but I hope you take this as constructive, the drone stuff with the go pro is horrible. Go get a better drone for those shots. I almost quit watching because the beginning was so bad.

When it first starts playing , it plays at 480 and I had to Switch it to 1080 and crystal clear.
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What kind of rules do you have there? Here in Ontario Canada it is virtually impossible to use a Drone for business. My wife bought me the P3S to use with my Real Estate business and the rules started. Licence, insurance, flight pattern Etc. By the time you get the okay to use it for a specific home the home is sold. Right now three week wait period.
What kind of rules do you have there? Here in Ontario Canada it is virtually impossible to use a Drone for business. My wife bought me the P3S to use with my Real Estate business and the rules started. Licence, insurance, flight pattern Etc. By the time you get the okay to use it for a specific home the home is sold. Right now three week wait period.
Here it really depends on a few different factors. What airspace your flight is in and if you have obtained a waiver are the biggest limiting factors for real estate shots.
What kind of rules do you have there? Here in Ontario Canada it is virtually impossible to use a Drone for business. My wife bought me the P3S to use with my Real Estate business and the rules started. Licence, insurance, flight pattern Etc. By the time you get the okay to use it for a specific home the home is sold. Right now three week wait period.

As far as I have read the laws in Hawaii are not as strict as Canada. They do have big issues with launching in state parks but there are no laws about launching outside a park and flying in as no one owns the air space. I find the laws in Canada are completely absurd but that goes with a lot of new tech that people don't fully understand or are not used to. I believe the automobile was considered as public nuisance when it was first introduced as it would scare all the horses. In time drones will be more excepted. (I hope) I am actually from Vancouver BC and here people are told to call the police if they see someone operating a drone in the city. I feel if you fly responsibly and keep safely away from people there should not be a problem. Besides in Real Estate you really need to only fly about 30 feet up and very slowly to get your shot. Happy Flying!

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