Unwanted Hesitation - Litchi Missions

Vegasflyer? I feel like I’m in the twilight zone. I thought the OP was athearnsd45

I agree. @RodPad is it possible you're confusing threads here my friend?
I agree. @RodPad is it possible you're confusing threads here my friend?
VegasFlyer is the pilot in the linked video who experienced what looks to be the same issue as me. The same advice was given him (modify each Waypoint to have a curve value), and I guess RodPad is trying to get VegasFlyer to chime in whether that fixed his problem.

I'm not sure I'll re-run my mission, as I did lose connection (but not during the segment I'm complaining about), and that's not something I'm comfortable with. Still, this is good information to hopefully avoid the issue in the future. Thanks again.
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I just tested this with this mission I whipped up quickly. The first leg had waypoints with zero degree curve. The aircraft blew right through without slowing or stopping.

I’m on iOS. Maybe that makes a difference.

Mission Hub - Litchi
I planned a long mission with curved paths. As an afterthought I added another waypoint between two existing ones. When I flew the mission, it paused briefly at the added waypoint. When examining the mission afterwards, I noticed the added waypoint was the only one with zero curve. I added a curve to it and re-flew the mission. It didn’t pause at the added waypoint the second time around, hence my brilliant conclusion. :)
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I planned a long mission with curved paths. As an afterthought I added another waypoint between two existing ones. When I flew the mission, it paused briefly at the added waypoint. When examining the mission afterwards, I noticed the added waypoint was the only one with zero curve. I added a curve to it and re-flew the mission. It didn’t pause at the added waypoint the second time around, hence my brilliant conclusion. :)
I just did the same thing but got a different result. Except it wasn’t a very long mission.

In the one I linked to I set it up first using curved turns. Then I went to waypoint 1 and added another waypoint between it and WP2. Then I added another. I made sure they both had a zero degree radius (as you can see in the mission I linked to). Yet the AC never slowed at either of those to waypoints which were added later and had zero radius.

Could be that Litchi fixed this at some point? I’m definitely seeing different results but pretty sure doing the same thing you did.
I just got back online.
@athearnsd45, Yes you are 100% correct.

Sorry guys, I was in a hurry, I knew there was a video that I commented on with the same issue and the mission that went with it. And yes I trying to get Vegas Flyer to chime in, or update us.

It least the OP figured me out. :eek: ;) :)

I just did the same thing but got a different result. Except it wasn’t a very long mission.

In the one I linked to I set it up first using curved turns. Then I went to waypoint 1 and added another waypoint between it and WP2. Then I added another. I made sure they both had a zero degree radius (as you can see in the mission I linked to). Yet the AC never slowed at either of those to waypoints which were added later and had zero radius.

Could be that Litchi fixed this at some point? I’m definitely seeing different results but pretty sure doing the same thing you did.
What is your cruising speed, I bet that makes the difference, and may be changing the direction at the way point make s the Phantom so to speak stop and turn instead of a smooth turn?

What is your cruising speed, I bet that makes the difference, and may be changing the direction at the way point make s the Phantom so to speak stop and turn instead of a smooth turn?

About 20mph.

You could be right that a change in direction might slow/stop the bird. That would make sense. But I thought the issue here was with straight through waypoints. But I could be totally wrong and that would have been my misunderstanding. But when you add waypoints in between others as described by Pharm, you will get straight through waypoints.
I just did the same thing but got a different result. Except it wasn’t a very long mission.

In the one I linked to I set it up first using curved turns. Then I went to waypoint 1 and added another waypoint between it and WP2. Then I added another. I made sure they both had a zero degree radius (as you can see in the mission I linked to). Yet the AC never slowed at either of those to waypoints which were added later and had zero radius.

Could be that Litchi fixed this at some point? I’m definitely seeing different results but pretty sure doing the same thing you did.
Perhaps. The mission described was over a year ago. When it’s not so d$#! windy here, I’ll try it again. P.S. -I’m also on ios.
I'm really starting to really think that changing the direction at a waypoint with no curve is really what causing this.

@bsartist, you got into litchi about the same time as I, I have read a lot of your posts, so I know what you have done. I total believe your test results.

@Pharm, This happen to me really recent last few months.

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I've noticed in several of my Litchi missions that, for no apparent, reason, the drone will slow down dramatically for a moment as it reaches a waypoint, then pick up speed again. I understand the drone will slow as it goes around sharp corners, but these instances have happened during a path that's relatively straight.

In my most recent incident, I had each waypoint set to use the cruising speed, which was set as 25 mph. I had around 35 waypoints, and this happened a couple of times near the last 2/3 or so of the mission. I'm using the Android version of Litchi.

Any thoughts what might be going on here? This isn't a huge issue, but it kind of spoils the video when the drone slows down all of a sudden, then speeds back up.



If you (by change) hit the play mission button more than once, strange things will happen
So, I created a new mission today and was CERTAIN I'd changed all the curve values to be at least 1 ft. Sure enough, out in the field, I got hesitation at one of the waypoints. Crud! I got back home and checked the mission, and guess what - that waypoint had a curve value of 0!! I guess I missed one, and that certainly lends proof to the solution to my issue.
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Thanks for the update.. :)

I’m still not sure that’s correct. I’ll have to test it. I just looked at a mission I have flown a lot around my property line and a handful of straight line waypoints have curve size of zero. And I’ve never noticed a hesitation.
If Litchi actually reaches the waypoint it will pause. So even if you have a curved path - with no curve will allow it to reach the waypoint at which point it pauses to see if there are assigned actions. Waypoints are what triggers things to happen.
Just created and ran this..
Mission Hub - Litchi

Video is uploading to my one drive, got much crap to do, will check back in a couple of hours.

If Litchi actually reaches the waypoint it will pause. So even if you have a curved path - with no curve will allow it to reach the waypoint at which point it pauses to see if there are assigned actions. Waypoints are what triggers things to happen.
I am definitely not finding this to be true in every case. As in the test mission I posted above it flies straight through waypoints without stopping or slowing when

A) the MISSION is set to use curved turns
B) the waypoint has a radius of 0°
C) there is no actual change in direction at the waypoint.

I posted a link above to a mission that demonstrate this.
Well I just now I looked at my video I posted yesterday.
1) OneDrive made a zip? That sucks.
2) I have know clue where the waypoints actually take place in the video. That sucks.
3) My Phantom still has some shakes I been trying to get rid of, and hasn't been drinking that much. That Sucks

3 Strikes and you are out....

I'm going to remove it, so nobody waist there time, etc.

I will try a better test.

Well I just now I looked at my video I posted yesterday.
1) OneDrive made a zip? That sucks.
2) I have know clue where the waypoints actually take place in the video. That sucks.
3) My Phantom still has some shakes I been trying to get rid of, and hasn't been drinking that much. That Sucks

3 Strikes and you are out....

I'm going to remove it, so nobody waist there time, etc.

I will try a better test.

What drone do you fly? You probably know this but.... if you have captions turned on (I think that’s what the option is called) then the gps coordinates are saved with the video and can be viewed in VLC. On my P3S they are in a SRT sidecar file. On the P4P, they are supposedly embedded in the video although I haven’t tried viewing those.
P3A, yes I uploaded the srt and the mp4. I guess onedrive zipped them together.
I got some really weird internet issues at the moment, I will be back....

P3A, yes I uploaded the srt and the mp4. I guess onedrive zipped them together.
I got some really weird internet issues at the moment, I will be back....

You can then cross reference the coordinates of the waypoints in Litchi with the coordinates displayed with the video.

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