Unlocking fly zones coming real soon?

I agree there completely. But for me it's the proprietary battery.
If you ever want to laugh, go to the GEO map and activate the "warning zones". It's like the entire planet. Hilarious. Don't even know why they have it
Because there are many private airfields that don't have control towers but it helps you be aware that there may be manned flights taking off/landing nearby that you should be aware of... why is that laughable or unnecessary?
It will be interesting to see what happens with Amazon drones. If we have to stay more than 5 miles from an airport, how will
they be able to get near any city's. As the city's all have airports around them.
Picture this scenario. I can't fly in my backyard because I am 4 miles from an airport. But Amazon Air lands there to deliver me
a package. Just wait. It's coming.:rolleyes:
That's called a Utopia. It doesn't exist. What does is exist is the real world where the government breaks their own laws (requiring registration for toys even though congress said they cannot do it) and corporations dictate how you will use something you bought and own AFTER the sale (countless and endless examples of this. Every one if which ends in an unfavorable class action lawsuit).

Utopia isn't a valid solution so yelling at the guy who flys up at 1000ft isn't going to solve it. Also, how many drones are there out there now? Millions? Not one crash.

To put this "threat" into perspective, since 1988 there have been 200 deaths due to both bird AND wildlife collision with aircraft... WORLDWIDE.

200 deaths, WORLDWIDE from both aerial surface collisions with birds and other animals. Estimates are that there are between 100 and 400 billion wild birds worldwide... many of which are over that magic .55lb mark.

I think the fear-mongering did it's job in scaring people to accept the control and registration scam they're running on us.

Guess what people, statistics don't like. Dying from an inflight drone encounter has killed ZERO people world wide and the odds of it ever killing ANYONE is, based on bird collisions in the past 30 years, ALMOST ABSOLUTE ZERO.

If you don't like regulation, and control over your private property, don't blame the guy who chooses to use it differently than you do, whether or not you agree HOW he uses it. Blame the bureaucrats and businesses who are doing so illegally.
Come to think of it, I'm thinking of going skiing tomorrow. But I better make sure I clear my wife's skis with Atomic and mine with Fischer. After all, three people already died in my village this year on the slopes. Still less than last year for the same village. Yeah, I just have to pick which piste I'm going on tonight cause on the mountain mobile WiFi barely works. Now I don't know if the dudes who died since November were on Atomic, Fischer, Volkl, Rossignol, or Blizzard from down the road. All I know is that I'll open the pistes for my wife's Atomic and my Fischer. That way they know who to bring in for questioning if I drink too much Glühwein and run into somebody. Happens all too often on the mountain. The hospital was packed last week when my wife had to give somebody a ride there. Broken legs, arms, wrists, and worse. Later she found out that an inspire 1 crashed into all these folks which is why the rescue E C 135 was working overtime.
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My current DJI device will most likely be the last one I own given the current direction the company is going.
I hear ya. I've spent all day today looking for a new edf plane and am now browsing the web trying to decide on a decent spectrum radio for a vortex 250 pro. Have I looked at them before, no. But as of today, I'm headed in that direction. No muss, no fuss get to a field and haul *** with that little bird.
There's a small possibility this "unlock system" can be hacked. Just FYI.

It would probably be an offline hack, as in, if you let the app connect to the Internet it would need to be done again... But it's something. More details to come once this new system actually goes live.

Dont want to get into the details too much until DJI has actually shipped it... If you catch my drift.
Guys go buy some other device then.

If you don't like DJI's policies don't give them your money.
Suggested the same already. I actually am searching to buy a second one for my brother 50% discount sounds about right. Anyone ... anyone... Buehler... Buehler
Uuuhhhh- the product worked fine and THEN they crippled it. I don't think you see the point.
Uuuhhhh- the product worked fine and THEN they crippled it. I don't think you see the point.
I do see the point. Seems logical that folks that are very unhappy would want to unload their P3 and go buy the Typhoon or Gopro or whatever else is out there. That is a reasonable response. I am thinking there will be P3's available for purchase. Seems like a buyers market, I am willing to take a quad off the hands of someone that wishes to make a decision to move on from DJI and buy one of the other fantastic quads on the market. Everybody wins.
Great logic. You buy a car. It runs fine. Then all of a sudden it is restricted to go 55mph max. You are forced to sell it. That's not a win-win. Your logic is absurd.

I do see the point. Seems logical that folks that are very unhappy would want to unload their P3 and go buy the Typhoon or Gopro or whatever else is out there. That is a reasonable response. I am thinking there will be P3's available for purchase. Seems like a buyers market, I am willing to take a quad off the hands of someone that wishes to make a decision to move on from DJI and buy one of the other fantastic quads on the market. Everybody wins.
There's a small possibility this "unlock system" can be hacked. Just FYI.

It would probably be an offline hack, as in, if you let the app connect to the Internet it would need to be done again... But it's something. More details to come once this new system actually goes live.

Dont want to get into the details too much until DJI has actually shipped it... If you catch my drift.

There is a JSON file that is downloaded containing the NFZ data. If one can update that directly, it should be easy. Alternatively, have a hot spot which maps the DNS to an alternative web services interface. There is a token exchange but maybe that can be figured out.

I wouldn't worry too much about DJI seeing this. They will know quickly that people are going to try to undo it.
That yellow zone is mind blowing. More than even the east of Milan, south of Brescia, north of Parma and west of Vicenza square. Here is what I think is far more effective and I'm playing the devil's advocate here. Make these yellow zones inverse cones which reach their widest point at 400 feet or 120 meters. Or hell, make a 120 meter from takeoff point the absolute limit. Look, I've flown up to 500 meters. It's overkill. Want to fly on mountains, take off from a mountain. A nuisance, sure, but a pill most can swallow. Easy to put on sales advertising. Max altitude, 120. The problems out there are mostly born out of real, or perceived, flying over 400 feet over heavily populated cities. "Oh, saw drone outside the window on Southwest flight." Sorry, our drones only go 400 feet up. And again, inverse cone with even lower altitudes nearing the center. This would clear up all the model airfields that sit smack in the middle of yellow zones. Zones which one is allowed to fly far heavier turbine rc of 200+ mph capabilities with no unlocks required.
Yes this is exactly I had in mind recently. Close to me is a hobby and glider airport which is about 300 m higher elevation then its surroundings. So if i tate off 5 km out off this airport i am 200 m bellow this airport. They (DJI) tried to apply the rules for gliders and ultralight planes who fly quite higher. Here (CZ) is the legal height limit for uav 300m. I fly mostly 80 - 120m.
I will respect the area around airports etc. But tell me which plane will approach an airfield in 60m height 5 miles away.
Sorry for my english but i hope you'll understand
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Just had a look! I've only had my P3P since Xmas and have only flown it a few times in the UK. I live in a small market town in the cotswolds, Oxfordshire and there's a authorized zone bigger than London over me!! How can this be? There will be nowhere to fly it soon! When does this become live and how can we avoid it?

If this is the case it could be the worlds shortest and most expensive hobby!
Will it cost anything to fly in an authorised zone? Couldn't work it out from the DJI website?
Yes this is exactly I had in mind recently. Close to me is a hobby and glider airport which is about 300 m higher elevation then its surroundings. So if i tate off 5 km out off this airport i am 200 m bellow this airport. They (DJI) tried to apply the rules for gliders and ultralight planes who fly quite higher. Here (CZ) is the legal height limit for uav 300m. I fly mostly 80 - 120m.
I will respect the area around airports etc. But tell me which plane will approach an airfield in 60m height 5 miles away.
Sorry for my english but i hope you'll understand
Nah, your English is fine pal. And you're completely correct regarding those distances. Hell, you think Austrians over in land Salzburg would put, a long time ago, a model airport in the middle of a conflict zone with a glideslope to the local civil aviation airport where I live? If you've ever skied over in Austria then you know the place is pretty well run. Mind you, our rc limits are 150. But I still feel more comfortable at 120 unless I'm flying on the side of a mountain. But valleys I do 120. It's default and it's fine for most occasions unless you hear a helicopter which can be flying at any unpredictable direction and no geo fencing will solve the moron near helicopter issue. Though a fixed 120 max limit would solve most problems. Certainly with most aircraft. Especially commercial aviation conflicts. Just have a look at the KMIA 26 L approach chart.

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