Think Homeowners called cops

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Dec 28, 2015
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So I was in LA and found a spot in Hollywood Hills that had a view and decided to take the drone around the nice homes of the area. There was this one house high up on the hill from where I was, and I took the drone there. Just because it was the only house that stood out of all the other houses in the area.

I took a peak inside the house and I didn't really see anything except maybe someone lying in bed. But it wasn't even super close to the house, it was enough that I could see all 3-5 floors of that house. I flew it away and I could hear the couple yelling about my drone, I am thinking the husband called the cops saying something about a "police drone" or just drone in general. Then the lady yells "that's an invasion of privacy" after they saw me land it.

And this house was pretty far away and it was night, so I couldn't really see anyone. But I bounced since they were unhappy about it just to respect their wishes and plus I don't know how serious the cops are about drones in the LA area. I know Hollywood Hills isn't on the no fly zone, and I assume many drone enthusiasts in LA would pick that spot to fly a drone.

But if they called the cops just because they saw a drone come by their window, will the police bother doing anything? Nobody was injured or close to getting injured. Plus I was next to another house and nobody came out to say anything.
No telling but if you were where I live and I saw lights flashing by my window the cops would be the last thing you saw.
If you 'like' well enough to see that someone was lying on a bed, you were probably pushing invasion of privacy. with houses located like they are in that area, a person would have a reasonable expectation of privacy in their own bedroom. flying by on the way to some other point, may not be upsetting, but any type of lingering would likely trigger a response. just because their neighbor didn't respond in any fashion, doesn't negate their concerns. Unless they saw where you landed and got a license #, you're probably ok even if the cops were called and do respond. But be aware that this might have heightened their response if there is a next time. If you want to take those types of shots and haven't pre-cleared it with the residents, back away some. give up some details to preserve the peace. if you were close enough that they saw you at night from inside, might have been too close. just my 2 cents worth (and maybe not even worth that !
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If you 'like' well enough to see that someone was lying on a bed, you were probably pushing invasion of privacy. ........
inside, might have been too close. just my 2 cents worth (and maybe not even worth that !

Well this was in Hollywood Hills on this house was on a cliff. If privacy was a concern this was the wrong house to get. Sure it must have insane views.

I just wanted to check out the house I didn't care if anyone was inside.
OP, what did you really think you were going to hear back on your post?

That was a serious lapse in judgement, especially saying you peeked inside a house. The larger issue is now in that area legitimate flyers will be affected by your actions.

That's the PC statement, I'll leave it at that, others likely will not.
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B.S. I know people that if they would catch you pulling this type of crap would be very nice about it.... they would personally drag your butt to the emercency room!
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Well this was in Hollywood Hills on this house was on a cliff. If privacy was a concern this was the wrong house to get. Sure it must have insane views.

I just wanted to check out the house I didn't care if anyone was inside.
The fact that the house is on a Cliff should tell you that privacy is a concern, not that it isn't one.
See, what sucks about this whole situation is that I use my drone to view scenery and operate with the "run silent, run deep" motto as not to bother anyone so that I can continue the freedom I currently have while operating my drone.

If I flew my drone close enough to windows so that I could make out that someone is lying on a bed, I would expect that my freedom will be at some point in time limited. Secondly, that dude up on the hill probably has had some success in his life and career and I would bet that he knows people who will most likely use scenarios like this to build more legislation, again taking more freedom away.

To the OP, I don't know what your though process is posting this here and what you were expecting of a response, but I would ask that you use better judgement in the future because your actions will affect other people.
So did you buy a new drone to fly, or did your drunk buddy that crashed yours replace it?

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Well this was in Hollywood Hills on this house was on a cliff. If privacy was a concern this was the wrong house to get. Sure it must have insane views.

I just wanted to check out the house I didn't care if anyone was inside.

When you eventually tell us the story about how the mean man shot your drone out of the sky, I will know why he did it.

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It's the home occupant's fault for being home. If people would just stay out of their homes, Peeping Toms would have nowhere to go.

When I first read the original post, I thought it was a troll.
Ok gang let's think about what we doing here. Calling other members names (even if they seem accurate) is NOT how we operate here at PP.

We can disagree without going down the whole name calling thing.
This is why drones are all over the news seeing someone is bed is way to close

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