The Very Latest on the Phantom 5

I’m curious as to why experimental aircraft, Paragliders and hanglider aircraft are not being scrutinized as closely as Drones currently seem to be experiencing. Also, I’ve seen videos of RC hobby aircraft that are 1/4 the size of real aircraft with jet engines flying. I realize that they are subject to a limit of 55lbs and 400’ limit on height, but 55lbs is a huge aircraft! I don’t pretend to know the FAA laws regulating these types of aircraft, but what little I have read and talked to operators of RC AIRCRAFT they seem to be MUCH more lax than the drone class UAV. I’m just throwing this out to help me understand and educate myself if my perception is incorrect.
I’m curious as to why experimental aircraft, Paragliders and hanglider aircraft are not being scrutinized as closely as Drones currently seem to be experiencing. Also, I’ve seen videos of RC hobby aircraft that are 1/4 the size of real aircraft with jet engines flying. I realize that they are subject to a limit of 55lbs and 400’ limit on height, but 55lbs is a huge aircraft! I don’t pretend to know the FAA laws regulating these types of aircraft, but what little I have read and talked to operators of RC AIRCRAFT they seem to be MUCH more lax than the drone class UAV. I’m just throwing this out to help me understand and educate myself if my perception is incorrect.

Those RC aircraft are not seen in parks ... beaches .... car parks .... etc. They tend to flown in organised locations and the flight line etiquette of most locations is strict.

You cannot compare general RC flying and 'drone' use. They are two different worlds when it comes to location and flight line guidelines.
I can see your point, however the same abuses can be valid if an RC pilot chose to do so. RC helicopters can be flown from any location just as a drone could. And I have watched RC aircraft in areas in or adjacent to parks and rec areas. I have a friend that flys RC aircraft and have seen him fly in parks. But I do see your point and agree it is valid. I have an ultralight grass airstrip in my community that, if someone deranged wanted to could create chaos. But I suppose that same could be said of a helium balloon if someone was inclined to endanger others. its simply the world we live in today. Thanks for your viewpoint.
I can see your point, however the same abuses can be valid if an RC pilot chose to do so. RC helicopters can be flown from any location just as a drone could. And I have watched RC aircraft in areas in or adjacent to parks and rec areas. I have a friend that flys RC aircraft and have seen him fly in parks. But I do see your point and agree it is valid. I have an ultralight grass airstrip in my community that, if someone deranged wanted to could create chaos. But I suppose that same could be said of a helium balloon if someone was inclined to endanger others. its simply the world we live in today. Thanks for your viewpoint.

My main point is that its unusual to see a fixed wing model flown where a lot of 'drones' are. Similarly its unusual for most helicopters as well !
About the only 'other' RC models you see trying to be flown in parks etc. are the small toy like ones that often don't fly well anyway. I agree that I have seen some idiots try to fly more capable RC models in unsuitable parks - that I think has come about from the Foam revolution and electrics. But luckily its a rare sight ...

The 'drone' model having the stabilisation leads itself to small space use and so onto the unsuitable use that leads to rules and regs.
I've never known of a P4P to fly away like a Wifi drone can do. It should come back upon disconnect due to range or interference. Did you analyze the flight data to find out why it flew away? How many times did it fly away?
It has flown away twice. I still fly that bird. The fly aways were over a year ago and the logs are no longer available.
I would love an upgrade to the V2.0. With 4 batteries I am lugging around 5-7 kgs with other gear. But I think it's worth it for the quality of the camera. I clearly got it wrong in predicting a P5 a while ago but not in the form of the long legs.
A better camera with say 4x zoom and much more portable, honestly I would give a lot up for it.
Clearly DJI are delaying with a heaps of issues, preventing them from releasing what is obviously still being developed in their labs. I still think it is imminent, despite being very wrong a while ago.
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I am not holding my breath for a new Phantom to enter the market. DJI has shifted its attention to smaller, consumer friendly models that generally fall under the radar of regulation and mobile video products. While they are investing in commercial platforms, we haven’t seen a Px upgrade now since the shaky v2.0 release.

The semi-pro/high end hobbyist market is a hard sell. Regulations have gotten so far out of hand that just being able to fly in some areas of the country is a real issue. Many of the truly scenic areas that a semi pro is interested in filming are off limits, taking the appeal and value away from these amazing tools.

For a new company to get into this space, they have to invest significantly in fleshing out the technology necessary to be competitive. This would be fine in a large consumer market where these costs can be recouped. But in a increasingly regulated market, where the average consumer is discouraged from using your product, it’s a hard sell.

DJI may no longer want to take the risk and so is focused in areas they think they can make money. Other competitors are discouraged from making the needed investments for fear of the marking drying up from over regulation and/or legal actions against them.
I’m curious as to why experimental aircraft, Paragliders and hanglider aircraft are not being scrutinized as closely as Drones currently seem to be experiencing. Also, I’ve seen videos of RC hobby aircraft that are 1/4 the size of real aircraft with jet engines flying. I realize that they are subject to a limit of 55lbs and 400’ limit on height, but 55lbs is a huge aircraft! I don’t pretend to know the FAA laws regulating these types of aircraft, but what little I have read and talked to operators of RC AIRCRAFT they seem to be MUCH more lax than the drone class UAV. I’m just throwing this out to help me understand and educate myself if my perception is incorrect.
I think it is driven by the outraged public. Many just see a drone as something creepy people use to spy on them. The fact that they've likely never even seen a drone in the air before doesn't matter. When they do see one it will be spying on THEM!
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I think it is driven by the outraged public. Many just see a drone as something creepy people use to spy on them. The fact that they've likely never even seen a drone in the air before doesn't matter. When they do see one it will be spying on THEM!
Funny... and True.
I'm flying a downtown 1 Block size construction site. During the warm months, there is a Farmer's Market on Sat AM about 4 block away. Several people park on the river bridge near the construction site. I'm at the table verifying the video & grid images when a small group walk up...already a little agitated. They start off accusing me of filming & spying on them as they walked back from the Farmer's Market. I explained that I was surveying images on the construction site, and really had no interest in other images. If they'd like, I'd be happy to play the video for their quick review. Suddenly one began yelling he didn't want to "review" the video, he wanted the video or he'd sue my A## off.

I handed him my Business card and welcomed him to do what he felt he needed, although he'd be wasting his time. They continued to attempt to express verbally; politely ignoring them seemed to finally make them walk away. Little far fetched... but considered the source.
Totally agree, and very nice it's USA doing the kicking! DJI has 75% market, and they've normally been the one that created the new markets... another nice plus is it was a USA company.

I actually think I recall they (DJI) toyed with similar technology a year or so back but ruled it out as not a driven revenue market at that time. I'm sure the "inside" corporate pressure to compete or take that segment is high, so I think we'll reap in the end with some pretty impressive hardware & technology from DJI and others. They've pretty much controlled the market in one way or the other for some time, it's refreshing to see that being challenged. DJI also doesn't bring new technology out as quickly as they develope or obtain, they use release dates to their advantage and to pull Buyers away from competing products in the past.

Have no knowledge how well the Skydio2 will perform but looks extremely promising for it's intended scope... I got one on order to obtain one and to support the company.
I also ordered the Skydio 2 on the first day they were being sold. I'm in "batch 1" and am expecting delivery within the month. Time will tell, but it looked very promising. Let alone, designed & built in the USA, I believe that it has a lot going for it....
Thanks for all the comments to my post on the odds of seeing DJI release a Phantom 5.

I think it's pretty clear the chance of seeing a P5 released is unlikely.
Those of us with P4P models had better take good care of them because they will fast become vintage.
Oldies but goodies.

The regulations in place now in many countries have certainly strangled the consumer market and there is no question DJI has taken notice.
Well I have a dream, and I am sticking to it. It is inevitable, it's just a case of when. I agree with all the points against the likelihood but would add that there is a market for a "After P4P" or "A-P4P" :). Commercially it is a massive market for those farmers, surveyors, a long list of uses. As well as those, like many in PhantomPilots, who just could not resist the temptation. The jump to the Inspire is too great for the majority of commercial/hobbyists not just cost but size.
I did a clip with the Mavic Mini yesterday and if someone told me it was with a P4P I would not doubt it for a second. Is there a Photo and Video for the Mavi Mini, I can't seem to find it?

I'll admit that I haven't been keeping up with the latest tech news regarding a Phantom 5 introduction from DJI.
I do know there has been much talk and anticipation regarding DJI coming out with a follow on model after the very successful P4 series of aircraft.
But, aside from rumours, has there been anything concrete from DJI about the release of a Phantom 5?
And, what's been the delay in DJI releasing a Phantom 5?
Are we really any closer to knowing what DJI has in store?
And, what is the likely POSSIBLE release date IF DJI were to come out with a Phantom 5?

Thanks for any comments.......
Market target strategy change.
Looking at the latest release of the Mavic Mini, one could conclude that DJI is going after a younger market that may not have the cash to buy a Phantom 5. The market share in the 16-30 age range is probably a more lucrative and will yield a larger profit margin for DJI. I could not have afforded to buy a Phantom 4 when I was in that age range. I would certainly consider buying a Phantom 5, if available, and have told DJI my opinion, when asked. I have three Phantom 4 Pros, and two Phantom 3 pros. I was disappointed when DJI stopped manufacturing the Phantom series and I too like the heavier Phantoms.
Where do I pre-order at ? With 3 years to make it happen and with the speed of tech improvements these days I’ll be a beta tester, I wanna see 5 mile range with 40 minute flight times, any camera improvements are welcomed....
I think DJI will focus more on pro-sumer (Inspire/Matrice) and then the so-called 'lower-end consumers' (Mavic Mini), as when you think about it...these are the future of their drone product segments. There's the ultra high-end hex/octa-wing monsters that videographers use and spend a fortune on that clearly have no issues taking off and filming with around the world...then your average consumer - who, if not alredy owning a drone, would probably want either one of a Mavic/Phantom/Spark/Tello to play around with or use for their own small business...but the future? I think it's pretty clear - when they release a 249g drone that can effectively 'bypass' a lot of laws or restrictions ion a lot of countries; paired with the price point - DJI want their product in as many hands as possible! Whether it's those who want a joy flight or simply capture holiday memories, etc. Because of that, I see the Phantom series working itself into more of a niche market where it doesn't make too much sense, at the moment, to consider adding to the phantom product line and release a newer model. I see the Mavic series continuing to take off as it has over the last 3 years, but no so much the phantom anymore...sadly...

With the release of the Skydio 2 and January’s release of the EVO2. The Skydio 2 with superior autonomous tracking and avoidance. The EVO2 with 8K video and Thermal 640 resolution Payload options. These 2 platforms greatly challenge DJI, and provide better sized packages for thermal and greater sport tracking & avoidance.

DJI if not already working on it, will need to react quickly to retain market share... and hopefully will surpass with greater technology.

From the current market direction, DJI will need to focus on competitive models directly attacking their market hold. That will probably be a new craft or a Mavic 3. Interchangeable gimbal payloads and optical object avoidance, thermal option, and probably a handheld tracker device similar to Skydio‘s beacon.
I will be checking out the Phantom 5 in person at the CES show next week.... Oh, wait... BWAHAHAHA! IMO there will not be another Phantom of any kind. I've prodded the DJI guys for 2 years now at every tech show I've been to and they just kinda look at each other with that knowing look.... there ain't gonna be another one.

The only reason the P4Pro is still a usable machine is the camera... when the Mavic 3 comes out with a better camera it will be over for good.

Previous to owning a Mavic 2 my P4P was my work horse, now that I'm flying the Mavic 2 my P4P is my back up. The video is good enough for what I do to use the Mavic 2 vs the P4P.

The P4P is a great machine, but destined to be a hand me down very soon I'm afraid... None-the-less the CES show should be interesting with several makers bring new ideas into the market place.
I will be checking out the Phantom 5 in person at the CES show next week.... Oh, wait... BWAHAHAHA! IMO there will not be another Phantom of any kind. I've prodded the DJI guys for 2 years now at every tech show I've been to and they just kinda look at each other with that knowing look.... there ain't gonna be another one.

The only reason the P4Pro is still a usable machine is the camera... when the Mavic 3 comes out with a better camera it will be over for good.

Previous to owning a Mavic 2 my P4P was my work horse, now that I'm flying the Mavic 2 my P4P is my back up. The video is good enough for what I do to use the Mavic 2 vs the P4P.

The P4P is a great machine, but destined to be a hand me down very soon I'm afraid... None-the-less the CES show should be interesting with several makers bring new ideas into the market place.

Hogwash, well I talked to a salesmen at B&H who has a relative that’s a big shot at DJI and said a P5 is coming out in 2020, improved camera for both stills/video withimprved flight time......

Put that in your pipe and smoke it !!!!!!!
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