The PD checked my FAA numbers on my Drone !

Along with your handy dandy FAA number you can do a ‘Reward if Found’ label with contact info like a cell number.

Just keep it away from the kids though. My grandkids labeled anything that didn’t move!

SOUNDS LIKE MY FATHER!!! When I visit, oh my gosh...labels on EVERYTHING!! LOL!! Too funny!
Only interaction I’ve had with the local SO while flying is the usual interest in them watching..............and then the seemingly endless questions about it. I take it all in stride though, because these guys are in harms’ way every day, and a little distraction like me flying a drone in a city park is the least of their worries.

After answering their questions, most are amazed at the technology involved in today’s ‘big-boy-toys’ and are wanting one of their own.

And, I make it a point to show them what the camera sees’ on my iPad screen......both at a distance and close up. I remind them that there is no Zoom lens. What you see is what you get. Hopefully this info will help in the future if a drone is supposedly spying on a neighbor from overhead.
Yes BINGO....i have told and showed the dog walkers same as you did Thats Great ! in fact i even met a few that had maveric's and a spark and some that still had the "Toy" ones too yep thats what i started out with .....your right as we are "Ambassadors"... to these drones..and i think the check that i had was out of boredom and his own curisitory too....I had no problem bringing it back.because i was legal..I think he was impressed by the spot on landing too..he did ask the normal questions like how long with it fly on a battery and how much did it cost and how long do it take you be able to land like that...some days they have set and watched me and this time he was yes IMHO bored and curious too.
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I'm slightly confused. I thought the registration was suspended. Did I miss something?

Yes. Back in effect as of late 2017. As for the rest of the comments, while I completely understand...I don’t get precedent in this example...No laws were broken, no reckless behavior, nothing. Yet he forced a law abiding citizen to land and “produce his papers” without any provocation. I am playing devil’s advocate here. Not really arguing, just trying to understand what makes drone searches any different that an automobile from a legal search standpoint.
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Yes. Back in effect as of late 2017. As for the rest of the comments, while I completely understand...I don’t get precedent in this example...No laws were broken, no reckless behavior, nothing. Yet he forced a law abiding citizen to land and “produce his papers” without any provocation. I am playing devil’s advocate here. Not really arguing, just trying to understand what makes drone searches any different that an automobile from a legal search standpoint.

Well we don’t know what the Officer saw or thought. You/we have only one piece of the story
Well we don’t know what the Officer saw or thought. You/we have only one piece of the story

He said he had just taken off and was only 50ft away. But I get it. If a LEO wants to pull a car over for no reason, they can always come up with one. However, its a bit tougher for them to get inside for search without consent. Anyway, I brought this up as a random thought for discussion. Good evening!
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And, I make it a point to show them what the camera sees’ on my iPad screen......both at a distance and close up. I remind them that there is no Zoom lens. What you see is what you get. Hopefully this info will help in the future if a drone is supposedly spying on a neighbor from overhead.

Unless you are flying a walkera voyager 4 with 18x zoom in. You can easily zoom in from far away, but it’s a walkera product. One of the worst customer satisfaction drone maker.
Ok, quick and simple, is it law to register with FAA?
My understanding was for commercial pilots only.
Very new to the drone world
Ok, quick and simple, is it law to register with FAA?
My understanding was for commercial pilots only.
Very new to the drone world

When u go to register, be sure the web address ends with ‘.gov’ unless you want to pay someone to do it for you.
There are sites that will register you for an additional fee.

It’s $5 for 3 years directly from FAA
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Here's a link to the FAA's registration page:
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It's my understanding that they're not supposed to interrupt your flight unless you're in violation. They're supposed to wait until you land.

And that makes sense since once you land, that battery is no good for flying without a recharge.

Also - somebody once posted that a LEO doesn't have the right to ask for anything without a violation, regardless of whether he waits. Some kind of constitutional issue.

A police office stops you and says, " I need to see your identification right now". Or, " Show me your identification right now". Is the officer asking you to voluntarily do something or is it a legal command? There is the problem... you probably won't know (can't know) unless you either ask or refuse. If the officer asks you to land when possible and then asks to see the registration number, if you simply do this (most would), it could just be a request... not something you legally need to do. Same as an officer knocking on your door and ask if he/she could come inside and look around. You can refuse but you can also voluntarily allow them in. They are not breaking the law.

I'm 100% for people sticking up for their rights. If an officer asked me to land to check my registration, if I could I'd land then and do it. If I was in the middle of something important I might ask if he/she could wait just a couple of minutes so that I could land safely. In the OP's case I'm betting the officer would not have seen an issue. A different situation might be an officer telling me that I can't take a photos of a building. In that case I'd point out that the 1st amendment allows me to do this and offer some push back. In that case I'm standing up for my (and everyone's) rights.

Could the OP have refused to show the registration number? Perhaps. However, if someone complained about the flight then the officer has a right to investigate and make sure that the drone can legally be flown. But that complaint is what started the investigation... not just the officer looking for an issue before one is known of.

In reading this is seems like this officer knew the best way to handle the situation and did so perfectly. I've not had an officer come up to me but I've had a security guard come up and tell me I was free to photo a nearby building as lot of people were but, he was asked to call the police if I took photos or flew over the Nu Skin building (huge multi level marking company). He was about the nicest person you'd ever want to meet and just pointing out what his job was. While I could take photos of the Nu Skin building, he was just telling me what his marching orders were. No harm, no foul.
A police office stops you and says, " I need to see your identification right now". Or, " Show me your identification right now". Is the officer asking you to voluntarily do something or is it a legal command? There is the problem... you probably won't know (can't know) unless you either ask or refuse. If the officer asks you to land when possible and then asks to see the registration number, if you simply do this (most would), it could just be a request... not something you legally need to do. Same as an officer knocking on your door and ask if he/she could come inside and look around. You can refuse but you can also voluntarily allow them in. They are not breaking the law.

I'm 100% for people sticking up for their rights. If an officer asked me to land to check my registration, if I could I'd land then and do it. If I was in the middle of something important I might ask if he/she could wait just a couple of minutes so that I could land safely. In the OP's case I'm betting the officer would not have seen an issue. A different situation might be an officer telling me that I can't take a photos of a building. In that case I'd point out that the 1st amendment allows me to do this and offer some push back. In that case I'm standing up for my (and everyone's) rights.

Could the OP have refused to show the registration number?.

Wouldn't that kind of be like blacking out your license plate on your car? The visible number is a requirement. Asking to come in your house would be like asking to see your video. I would probably ask for a warrant at that point. It would depend on if where I was flying gave him,..You got it,...reasonable suspicion.
Wouldn't that kind of be like blacking out your license plate on your car? The visible number is a requirement. Asking to come in your house would be like asking to see your video. I would probably ask for a warrant at that point. It would depend on if where I was flying gave him,..You got it,...reasonable suspicion.

FAA has advised that UAS recreational pilots may put the FA number inside the battery compartment.
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