Sooooo..... Whose returning their P4?

Thanks Dirkclod
monker thumbup.gif
Can you see a drone 5 miles away? Line of sight is part of the rules for a reason....
If you had visual drop out on your iPad could you tell which way you were flying?
Grow up and stop being a person who will kill the hobby!!
Oh....What are the safe and responsible reasons for flying many KMs away? Im sure the FAA and CAA would like to know :)

VLOS is not a rule in all jurisdictions - and the "Line of Sight" term you're throwing around doesn't mean what you obviously think it does.

The "line" in "line of sight" theoretically extends to infinity. The term "Line of Sight" does not imply that you can see the drone. It's often used as a recommendation for maintaining maximum signal between your RC and the drone. "Line of sight" refers to a straight line between you and the drone with no obstructions in between. I think the term you're looking for is "VISUAL Line of Sight" or VLOS which some jurisdictions have made a rule for unlicensed drone use. But just because it's not legal in the area you live in doesn't mean it's illegal everywhere in the world.

So - why don't you grow up and try to stop being ignorant, judgemental, narrow-minded and wrong! There is nothing inherently dangerous about flying beyond VLOS if you know the area, your drone and you have the right equipment. You're obviously picturing a flight over a crowded city. Try thinking of a flight in the middle of nowhere. Could I tell which way I was flying if the iPad died? Yes. I could - because as a responsible pilot I would be a aware of my surroundings and know which direction my drone was flying immediately before the loss of signal occurred at which point I would take my hands off the controls and hover. If I couldn't get the video feed restored, my next action would be RTH at the safe height that I set before heading out - so again - I'd know which way the drone was heading because it would be heading back to the home point. Why is it so important to you that I know which way it is facing? I also have an iPhone I could quickly hook up if the iPad died. If the remote died, another RTH fail safe would kick in. There are multiple fail safes and multiple redundancies in place. If you don't know what to do in situations like that - obviously you should be sure to stay in VLOS all the time and if you ever have a good reason to go beyond what you can see - you should probably ask a better pilot to do the flying for you - and truthfully, if you don't know what to do when something goes wrong - maybe you shouldn't be flying at all?

Ha ha? "Safe and responsible reasons" - LOL - you can't even quote me accurately. But anyhow - I can't give you too many examples because I personally don't have any reasons at the moment to go that far out - but I'm not so pig-headed and close-minded to claim that NOBODY has a good reason! I've even read a couple of good reasons posted by others on forums like this. One I can think of would be to fly as far as possible out over the ocean to get a great skyline shot for a movie, blog or TV show - but OMG! I didn't stop to think of the damage a critical failure might cause to a fish or a dolphin if ALL of the safety features failed and the drone plummeted into the water! Is that what they mean by don't fly near "schools"? Ha ha ha ha.... Besides - if you really want to think about what is ACTUALLY safer - and you're going to ignore all of the failsafes built into the product and assume that every pilot is a moron - and that the drone is going to go completely haywire and fly off on its own in a random direction - I'd say that 7 miles out at sea is safer place for that to happen than anywhere that you could actually SEE what was going on!

Anyhow - open your mind a little to possibilities outside of your own little corner of the world and your own trivial use cases - or at least keep your mouth shut while the intelligent members of the forum are discussing things you don't understand - and if you can't do that - try to be more polite when you're requesting an education.
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VLOS is not a rule in all jurisdictions - and the "Line of Sight" term you're throwing around doesn't mean what you obviously think it does.

The "line" in "line of sight" theoretically extends to infinity. The term "Line of Sight" does not imply that you can see the drone. It's often used as a recommendation for maintaining maximum signal between your RC and the drone. "Line of sight" refers to a straight line between you and the drone with no obstructions in between. I think the term you're looking for is "VISUAL Line of Sight" or VLOS which some jurisdictions have made a rule for unlicensed drone use. But just because it's not legal in the area you live in doesn't mean it's illegal everywhere in the world.

So - why don't you grow up and try to stop being ignorant, judgemental, narrow-minded and wrong! There is nothing inherently dangerous about flying beyond VLOS if you know the area, your drone and you have the right equipment. You're obviously picturing a flight over a crowded city. Try thinking of a flight in the middle of nowhere. Could I tell which way I was flying if the iPad died? Yes. I could - because as a responsible pilot I would be a aware of my surroundings and know which direction my drone was flying immediately before the loss of signal occurred at which point I would take my hands off the controls and hover. If I couldn't get the video feed restored, my next action would be RTH at the safe height that I set before heading out - so again - I'd know which way the drone was heading because it would be heading back to the home point. Why is it so important to you that I know which way it is facing? I also have an iPhone I could quickly hook up if the iPad died. If the remote died, another RTH fail safe would kick in. There are multiple fail safes and multiple redundancies in place. If you don't know what to do in situations like that - obviously you should be sure to stay in VLOS all the time and if you ever have a good reason to go beyond what you can see - you should probably ask a better pilot to do the flying for you - and truthfully, if you don't know what to do when something goes wrong - maybe you shouldn't be flying at all?

Ha ha? "Safe and responsible reasons" - LOL - you can't even quote me accurately. But anyhow - I can't give you too many examples because I personally don't have any reasons at the moment to go that far out - but I'm not so pig-headed and close-minded to claim that NOBODY has a good reason! I've even read a couple of good reasons posted by others on forums like this. One I can think of would be to fly as far as possible out over the ocean to get a great skyline shot for a movie, blog or TV show - but OMG! I didn't stop to think of the damage a critical failure might cause to a fish or a dolphin if ALL of the safety features failed and the drone plummeted into the water! Is that what they mean by don't fly near "schools"? Ha ha ha ha.... Besides - if you really want to think about what is ACTUALLY safer - and you're going to ignore all of the failsafes built into the product and assume that every pilot is a moron - and that the drone is going to go completely haywire and fly off on its own in a random direction - I'd say that 7 miles out at sea is safer place for that to happen than anywhere that you could actually SEE what was going on!

Anyhow - open your mind a little to possibilities outside of your own little corner of the world and your own trivial use cases - or at least keep your mouth shut while the intelligent members of the forum are discussing things you don't understand - and if you can't do that - try to be more polite when you're requesting an education.
Only 13 posts. Ahhh, I remember when I thought there were normal responses around here. You will get a warning for this if you don't erase it so let me be a friend to you and say, erase it. You are correct on EVERY SINGLE thing you said thought and I loved reading it, especially that one part. :)
I am also getting poor range and poor battery life. I have over 30 DJI drones and have tested each under a variety of conditions. I have tested two P4 so far using 5 different batteries (not yet cycled), and also i have tested both drones on range. The range on both is not very far,,,,,,,,seems less than the P3. Definitely no where close to 3 miles. I loose signal at around .5 mile.

I think the P4 is very cool for some of the other technology like the follow me, obstacle avoidance, and the tracking. I also think that newer firmware will help improve any issues. Im very surprised that DJI made a big deal about the longer range and longer battery life bc i dont see it.

Separate question for anyone,,,,,,,,,with the 30 or so drones i have , i have created a website to sell some at very low prices.

AM i allowed to post my website address here for people to check out ?


Have you checked your transmission quality? It should be set to 4mbps. When I first turned on my craft after unboxing, I set mine to 4mbps right when I got the new GO app for P4. Then I did all the other firmware upgrades, one by one, IMU calibration, sensor calibration, etc. All was good, I thought. For about a week I was really ticked of the short range. Then I checked the transmission quality again and discovered it was set somehow to 10mbps. So I reset it again to 4mbps. That was the turning point for me, bingo, I'm getting 3 miles with windsurfer now.
Thats the first thing they tell you not to do is go on social media and post irresponsible piloting. Faa would have a field day going after people on this like fishing in a barrel.
Thats the first thing they tell you not to do is go on social media and post irresponsible piloting. Faa would have a field day going after people on this like fishing in a barrel.
Who are they? Also, what
VLOS is not a rule in all jurisdictions - and the "Line of Sight" term you're throwing around doesn't mean what you obviously think it does.

The "line" in "line of sight" theoretically extends to infinity. The term "Line of Sight" does not imply that you can see the drone. It's often used as a recommendation for maintaining maximum signal between your RC and the drone. "Line of sight" refers to a straight line between you and the drone with no obstructions in between. I think the term you're looking for is "VISUAL Line of Sight" or VLOS which some jurisdictions have made a rule for unlicensed drone use. But just because it's not legal in the area you live in doesn't mean it's illegal everywhere in the world.

So - why don't you grow up and try to stop being ignorant, judgemental, narrow-minded and wrong! There is nothing inherently dangerous about flying beyond VLOS if you know the area, your drone and you have the right equipment. You're obviously picturing a flight over a crowded city. Try thinking of a flight in the middle of nowhere. Could I tell which way I was flying if the iPad died? Yes. I could - because as a responsible pilot I would be a aware of my surroundings and know which direction my drone was flying immediately before the loss of signal occurred at which point I would take my hands off the controls and hover. If I couldn't get the video feed restored, my next action would be RTH at the safe height that I set before heading out - so again - I'd know which way the drone was heading because it would be heading back to the home point. Why is it so important to you that I know which way it is facing? I also have an iPhone I could quickly hook up if the iPad died. If the remote died, another RTH fail safe would kick in. There are multiple fail safes and multiple redundancies in place. If you don't know what to do in situations like that - obviously you should be sure to stay in VLOS all the time and if you ever have a good reason to go beyond what you can see - you should probably ask a better pilot to do the flying for you - and truthfully, if you don't know what to do when something goes wrong - maybe you shouldn't be flying at all?

Ha ha? "Safe and responsible reasons" - LOL - you can't even quote me accurately. But anyhow - I can't give you too many examples because I personally don't have any reasons at the moment to go that far out - but I'm not so pig-headed and close-minded to claim that NOBODY has a good reason! I've even read a couple of good reasons posted by others on forums like this. One I can think of would be to fly as far as possible out over the ocean to get a great skyline shot for a movie, blog or TV show - but OMG! I didn't stop to think of the damage a critical failure might cause to a fish or a dolphin if ALL of the safety features failed and the drone plummeted into the water! Is that what they mean by don't fly near "schools"? Ha ha ha ha.... Besides - if you really want to think about what is ACTUALLY safer - and you're going to ignore all of the failsafes built into the product and assume that every pilot is a moron - and that the drone is going to go completely haywire and fly off on its own in a random direction - I'd say that 7 miles out at sea is safer place for that to happen than anywhere that you could actually SEE what was going on!

Anyhow - open your mind a little to possibilities outside of your own little corner of the world and your own trivial use cases - or at least keep your mouth shut while the intelligent members of the forum are discussing things you don't understand - and if you can't do that - try to be more polite when you're requesting an education.
You see how you guys scare off the people that KNOW EXACTLY what they are talking about?

Here is almost an exact comment by our beloved Meta4 when I found ironically when i was looking for clarifying this info.

Ugh! Doesn't anyone talk about photography, hiking, great places to fly, awesome maneuvers and how to pull them off, etc. I spent hours making a video for you guys trying to explain something I can give to the community and like 3 people cared and the rest complained about the fact that I was saying that a guy was feeding you HORRIBLY WRONG information. I mean what is the point? Lighten up people. Good Lord.
It's a rule in the US, but many don't follow it. When you register yourself with the FAA in the US, below are the rules the FAA expects you to follow.

View attachment 49135

Thanks. I'm familiar with the US regulations but it's a good refresher for those that aren't.

Some people here might also benefit from seeing a list of countries that are NOT the USA to remind them that most of the planet is not required to follow the USA regulations - by population, by land mass, by number of drone owners, by just about every metric you can think of!
Maybe another reason why they should be made in America, American customer service don't include lies.

Sent from my iPhone using PhantomPilots mobile app
Ha Ha ! Really?
I used to feel the same way about people posting they fly miles away, and agree some are irresponsible and do crazy stupid things. However, that is only some and not everyone. As I started using Litchi my confidence got boosted and I can use waypoints to fly further than I ever have before. I fly in large parks, over the ocean or mountain areas where I won't have issues or if I crash won't destroy a building, car or worse yet hit a person. I try very hard to be responsible and care for the safety of others.
I usually wake at 4am and drive to the location I want to fly at. This way, there are no people around.
Using Litchi I been able to fly over the ocean to small islands that are 1 or 2 miles away that normally I would be scared of flying to manually. I have used it to fly 5 miles away over a volcano and 3 miles away to follow a river to a waterfall I could not get to.

No one can be 100% safe when flying a drone, anything can happen at any time rather you are flying out far or just zooming around close. But I try my very best to insure my Phantom is fully functional with everything working and inspect the areas I plan to fly before launching and make sure there are no people or buildings I can crash into.

So we are not all idiots, and flying out far can be much fun "a bit scary at first" but just be safe.
And that I have no problem with. It's people that are out flying across towns at elevations that they shouldn't. We are all here cause we love the hobby but ill fortunately there's always going to be the people that give it a bad name
Fortunately your opinions are not facts. There are plenty of safe, responsible reasons for wanting to fly several km's away. I expect the kind of ignorant, judgemental crap you posted from someone unfamiliar with drones - but from someone that owns one and hopefully flies responsibly themselves, I expected better.

Drones capable of longer range trips also perform better at shorter ranges. Fewer signal dropouts, better penetration through trees or local radio interference.

If someone flies responsibly, they'll do so whether they're 300ft away or 5 miles away - and if someone is not safe and responsible, staying closer to the remote control does not inherently provide more safety. With the battery life we get, people aren't going to fly 5 miles out unless they have a pretty good reason for doing so since they'll have to pretty much turn around and come right back anyhow.

I for one am not interested in your opinions - especially with the name calling and the arrogant, "holier than thou" way in which you express yourself. The way you express yourself makes you sound like a real jerk. The "stuff" you choose to express makes you sound ignorant and narrow-minded

Just sayin'

You've been on the site for a total of 5 days. GEt over yourself. You say I sound like a jerk, well read you own comments. And what I said are facts. If you want to come on here and be a troll from your moms basement I'd suggest a different forum. Do you even have a drone?
VLOS is not a rule in all jurisdictions - and the "Line of Sight" term you're throwing around doesn't mean what you obviously think it does.

The "line" in "line of sight" theoretically extends to infinity. The term "Line of Sight" does not imply that you can see the drone. It's often used as a recommendation for maintaining maximum signal between your RC and the drone. "Line of sight" refers to a straight line between you and the drone with no obstructions in between. I think the term you're looking for is "VISUAL Line of Sight" or VLOS which some jurisdictions have made a rule for unlicensed drone use. But just because it's not legal in the area you live in doesn't mean it's illegal everywhere in the world.

So - why don't you grow up and try to stop being ignorant, judgemental, narrow-minded and wrong! There is nothing inherently dangerous about flying beyond VLOS if you know the area, your drone and you have the right equipment. You're obviously picturing a flight over a crowded city. Try thinking of a flight in the middle of nowhere. Could I tell which way I was flying if the iPad died? Yes. I could - because as a responsible pilot I would be a aware of my surroundings and know which direction my drone was flying immediately before the loss of signal occurred at which point I would take my hands off the controls and hover. If I couldn't get the video feed restored, my next action would be RTH at the safe height that I set before heading out - so again - I'd know which way the drone was heading because it would be heading back to the home point. Why is it so important to you that I know which way it is facing? I also have an iPhone I could quickly hook up if the iPad died. If the remote died, another RTH fail safe would kick in. There are multiple fail safes and multiple redundancies in place. If you don't know what to do in situations like that - obviously you should be sure to stay in VLOS all the time and if you ever have a good reason to go beyond what you can see - you should probably ask a better pilot to do the flying for you - and truthfully, if you don't know what to do when something goes wrong - maybe you shouldn't be flying at all?

Ha ha? "Safe and responsible reasons" - LOL - you can't even quote me accurately. But anyhow - I can't give you too many examples because I personally don't have any reasons at the moment to go that far out - but I'm not so pig-headed and close-minded to claim that NOBODY has a good reason! I've even read a couple of good reasons posted by others on forums like this. One I can think of would be to fly as far as possible out over the ocean to get a great skyline shot for a movie, blog or TV show - but OMG! I didn't stop to think of the damage a critical failure might cause to a fish or a dolphin if ALL of the safety features failed and the drone plummeted into the water! Is that what they mean by don't fly near "schools"? Ha ha ha ha.... Besides - if you really want to think about what is ACTUALLY safer - and you're going to ignore all of the failsafes built into the product and assume that every pilot is a moron - and that the drone is going to go completely haywire and fly off on its own in a random direction - I'd say that 7 miles out at sea is safer place for that to happen than anywhere that you could actually SEE what was going on!

Anyhow - open your mind a little to possibilities outside of your own little corner of the world and your own trivial use cases - or at least keep your mouth shut while the intelligent members of the forum are discussing things you don't understand - and if you can't do that - try to be more polite when you're requesting an education.
Ok [emoji106] can't be bothered replying to your aggressive rant. Have a nice day.

Sent from my iPad using PhantomPilots mobile app
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This is why I will never register my drone with the FAA or ever register any of my guns with the feds.They both can kiss my ***.Just another way our illegal government can spy on people and commit their criminal acts on civilians.I only fly in the woods and never around populated areas.
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Let's be a little more friendly friendly in here. No more off topic, political or gun talk. Let's stay on topic

It is apparent that the P4 battery flight times vary enormously from one user to the next. However, no one has yet reported 28 minutes. My three P4 flights were 16 minutes, 15 minutes, and finally 12 minutes! To get 12 minutes flying in all ATTI mode, I started at 97% and landed at 7%! I sent it back, too!

I can only quote my own experience and my P4 has at least 3 minute longer flight times than P3. I continue to think you got a lemon, which really sucks. Did you RMA it for repair/replace?
Have you checked your transmission quality? It should be set to 4mbps. When I first turned on my craft after unboxing, I set mine to 4mbps right when I got the new GO app for P4. Then I did all the other firmware upgrades, one by one, IMU calibration, sensor calibration, etc. All was good, I thought. For about a week I was really ticked of the short range. Then I checked the transmission quality again and discovered it was set somehow to 10mbps. So I reset it again to 4mbps. That was the turning point for me, bingo, I'm getting 3 miles with windsurfer now.
It's also not unheard of for the slider to display the 4Mbs setting when the aircraft is still using 10Mbs. Always best to change it to 10Mbs, and then back to 4Mbs to be sure it didn't get "stuck". There are still a few bugs in the DJI GO app, like this, in the custom settings, that can be overridden by an update or a switch of devices and aircraft. The most annoying one is from Imperial to Metric units for telemetry, and from Custom Channel to Automatic
I wish I could, but I bought from DJI direct, I don't think they'll take back a used P4. Besides, she's so pretty, all shiny, pristine white. I'm hoping DJI will fix the range issue somehow. I'm OK with battery situation, I'm more bummed about the shorter range I'm getting versus my P3P, WHICH I'M NOT SELLING. However I am selling a brand new P3P that was my backup machine, only 5 flights. Trying to keep the misses happy :rolleyes:
I'm keeping both my P3Ps. Undecided about P4. Time period has probably expired. We got scammed. They neutered their RC and Light Bridge transmitters for SOME reason.

In PERFECT conditions, like a dry clear day over Lake Tahoe, it will make 5km. And still with some video drop outs. My P3P would have had no problem. And through in some non-optimal conditions. Look out.

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