Should I return my Phantom 3 Advanced and buy a Mavic Pro?


Dude you bought a lower end model in the first place and are using the fact that your "investment" is now devalued.

I can only speak for myself and I'll let you know I'm far from a do gooding person but I feel for the store who has to cop the hit.

In Australia the likes of you would be told 'on your bike son'

Dude you bought a lower end model in the first place and are using the fact that your "investment" is now devalued.

I can only speak for myself and I'll let you know I'm far from a do gooding person but I feel for the store who has to cop the hit.

In Australia the likes of you would be told 'on your bike son'

Things are a bit different in the US. There are some stores like Costco, where they have a very lenient return policy. If you go and ask, hey whats the return window, they will say there is none. People return bikes 2-3 years after purchase and the store is ok with that.
If OP returns his P3, the store will refurbish it and sell it back. They are the ones who allow the returns in the first place.

Dude you bought a lower end model in the first place and are using the fact that your "investment" is now devalued.

I can only speak for myself and I'll let you know I'm far from a do gooding person but I feel for the store who has to cop the hit.

In Australia the likes of you would be told 'on your bike son'

1. The store isn't copping the hit, they're returning it to DJI.
2. I bought the product in Europe (not Australia) since I live here for 6 months of the year
3. I'm well within my rights
4. I didn't buy it in Australia but if I did, I'd be able to return it within 7 days under the DJI return policy
5. Try and imagine that there's differing consumer laws in other countries and territories outside of Australia that you're not aware of.
6. I'm well within my rights
7. Stop whinging.
Things are a bit different in the US. There are some stores like Costco, where they have a very lenient return policy. If you go and ask, hey whats the return window, they will say there is none. People return bikes 2-3 years after purchase and the store is ok with that.
If OP returns his P3, the store will refurbish it and sell it back. They are the ones who allow the returns in the first place.

Now that's screwed up... The difference is that this isn't a "store policy" this is EU consumer rights legislation and applies to all vendors/manufacturers operating in this economic zone. I've never used this until now and I'm glad it exists to protect consumers in instances such as this where a new product is released so soon after a purchase.
And how would that be considered ethical? I'm working within EU consumer rights. It seems some people have sour grapes and are stuck with Phantoms. I've seen some pretty pissed off Phantom 3A/P & 4 owners who've purchased 3 weeks ago and are fuming that their purchases have been instantly superseded and significantly devalued within weeks of a high value purchase.
The same way you have used the product and and want to return it because a new model came out and you have changed your mind. If you had not used it, I would have no real problem. The P3s have been out for a long time. You must have been aware of anything about them. Also the news of the Mavic has been out for awhile. I never read anything in your link that says "buy our product, use it, and if something else comes out you like better, by all means bring it back for a full refund". You haven't mentioned any defects, being dissatisfied
with performance, was not what you expected etc. Anytime you buy something and use it, its value goes down. That's not DJIs fault. What if DJI has a Mavic 2 version come out real soon for some reason. Will you return yours again after using it?.
The same way you have used the product and and want to return it because a new model came out and you have changed your mind. If you had not used it, I would have no real problem. The P3s have been out for a long time. You must have been aware of anything about them. Also the news of the Mavic has been out for awhile. I never read anything in your link that says "buy our product, use it, and if something else comes out you like better, by all means bring it back for a full refund". You haven't mentioned any defects, being dissatisfied
with performance, was not what you expected etc. Anytime you buy something and use it, its value goes down. That's not DJIs fault. What if DJI has a Mavic 2 version come out real soon for some reason. Will you return yours again after using it?.

"If you had not used it, I would have no real problem" - sorry, next time I'll get your permission before I do anything in the future.

"Also the news of the Mavic has been out for awhile" - I wasn't aware of this and I don't have a crystal ball to predict when a company is about to launch a new product.

I had major gimbal issues with my P3A and it's currently in DOA with DJI, not that this matters. The decision to return the product is 100% because a new product was released within 2 weeks of my purchase. How you can't comprehend this is simply mind boggling.

"What if DJI has a Mavic 2 version" - As has been repeated multiple times in this thread, I have 2 weeks, not 2 years to return the product. I don't think the Mavic 2 is coming out within a 2 week window of the Mavic 1, but if it did, then yes, I would return it as is my right under EU law.
"If you had not used it, I would have no real problem" - sorry, next time I'll get your permission before I do anything in the future.

"Also the news of the Mavic has been out for awhile" - I wasn't aware of this and I don't have a crystal ball to predict when a company is about to launch a new product.

I had major gimbal issues with my P3A and it's currently in DOA with DJI, not that this matters. The decision to return the product is 100% because a new product was released within 2 weeks of my purchase. How you can't comprehend this is simply mind boggling.

"What if DJI has a Mavic 2 version" - As has been repeated multiple times in this thread, I have 2 weeks, not 2 years to return the product. I don't think the Mavic 2 is coming out within a 2 week window of the Mavic 1, but if it did, then yes, I would return it as is my right under EU law.
You came on the forum to ask our thoughts about the exchange. If you don't like the answers, don't ask the question. BTW, manufacturers can make changes in production runs at any time. , .
You came on the forum to ask our thoughts about the exchange. If you don't like the answers, don't ask the question. BTW, manufacturers can make changes in production runs at any time. , .

These aren't answers, these are moral high horse whinging statements that don't offer any substantive value. I'm only getting frustrated because you and the other whinging bloke can't comprehend that I'm within my rights to return the product under EU law and having to repeat this ad nausem is quite frankly, annoying. I don't have any qualms about this and I'm glad this law exists in my particular case.
I feel plenty comfortable taking advantage of a big box store return policy. However, with local business and small good honest internet startups I feel differently and have the attitude I bought it used it so its mine. As an example I bought a 2nd phantom 4 from best buy last week and crashed the **** out of it. Fell 30 plus feet onto concrete. I boxed it up and walked out of best buy with a full refund and pre ordered the Mavic. I felt really good about it.
And how would that be considered ethical? I'm working within EU consumer rights. It seems some people have sour grapes and are stuck with Phantoms. I've seen some pretty pissed off Phantom 3A/P & 4 owners who've purchased 3 weeks ago and are fuming that their purchases have been instantly superseded and significantly devalued within weeks of a high value purchase.

Happens with all technology. Phantom 5 will be out in April. You felt good when you bought it. If you want a Mavic buy one too.

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It is a ridiculous law, but he is only exploiting it just like most of us would in that situation.

Sent from my iPad using PhantomPilots
Investigate further.

"You must send the unused goods back within 14 days of informing the trader."

Thanks for the attempt at an insult. As a previous poster mentioned dont ask the question if your not interested in fair and quality discussion.

But dont question my intelligence, ability to research / investigate and constantly say im a whinger.

Im a contributor to a topic you started.

Not my fault if you could only afford a P3 and have post purchase dissonance .

My advice to you is return your P3, order a Mavic and walk out the door with a sly little smirk on your face knowing youve got away with it.

Sent from my SM-N930F using PhantomPilots mobile app
I purchased my goods online, hence, this applies: "14 days to cancel and return purchases made outside shops (online, by phone or mail order). In the EU you have the right to return these purchases within 14 days for a full refund. You can do so for any reason – even if you simply changed your mind."

hehe "can only afford a P3" - one can't retire at 30 and pay cash for a 3 bedroom beachfront apartment in Manly and travel 9 months of the year if they're not doing "OK" ;) I'm a thrifty buyer and bought a P3A because I didn't need/want 4K video - no point spending 20-30% more if you don't have to.

Have a nice day Keith.
So in otherwords your a rich tightass.

Sent from my SM-N930F using PhantomPilots mobile app


I'm sensible with my money and have been since I was a teenager when I started small scale investing. One doesn't amass wealth by spending frivolously. My biggest mistake was spending truckloads of money on cars and I've subsequently regretted that.

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