Sampling Funnels and other shots

Sep 10, 2017
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Hello all. I'm doing my first client based mission for Drone Base and they want me to do sampling funnels, Property Overview Obliques and High Altitude Orthomosaic. I know what the Orthomosaic is but what about the others?
One common motion-planning approach is to sample the whole space through algorithms like the “rapidly-exploring random tree. ... These bounds can be visualized as ”funnels” that the planning algorithm chooses between to stitch together a sequence of steps that allow the drone to plan its flying.

Oblique imagery is aerial imagery captured at an angle of 40 to 45 degrees, designed to provide a more natural perspective and make objects easier to recognize and interpret. Oblique aerial images captured from the north, south, east, and west directions offer a 360-degree view of every property and parcel.
Hello all. I'm doing my first client based mission for Drone Base and they want me to do sampling funnels, Property Overview Obliques and High Altitude Orthomosaic. I know what the Orthomosaic is but what about the others?
Did you figure out how to do everything? I'll need to do the same thing for a job on Monday, and like you, I know how to do the orthomosaic, but I don't know what sampling funnels are.
Can anyone say in just plain ole simple terms what a Sample Funnel is for dronebase?
For anyone else who ventures here because they got a mission with "Sampling Funnel" in it. Here you go. Some idiot at an insurance company came up with this term and instead of including one extra sentence of what it is...... It is just simply taking 3 photos, camera down at 90 degrees, one photo at 3 feet above surface (roof), one photo at 6ft, and one photo at 12'. They will provide a google satellite photo marked at locations with red triangles where they want the "sampling funnel" photos to be taken.

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