RTH accuracy

Mar 25, 2017
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I am new to drones and I have a P4P+ and I was wondering when you use RTH, how close to the home point will the drone land. I live in a treed area and I have the RTH altitude set for above the trees but I just haven't been brave enough to just use the button. Thank you for your help

I am new to drones and I have a P4P+ and I was wondering when you use RTH, how close to the home point will the drone land. I live in a treed area and I have the RTH altitude set for above the trees but I just haven't been brave enough to just use the button. Thank you for your help

I have the same issue with trees. Just be sure your RTH altitude is set where you need it and hit RTH. Once the bird is in sight, cancel RTH and manually fly it home. I do this frequently and just snake it through the tree canopy once she's overhead.

Home points are set pretty close, but I wouldn't trust it around those 'Phantom-Magnet' trees.
My P4 RTH will bring the craft within about 8 feet of take off. If RTH is initiated within 65 feet of take off it will just land where it is. If my craft is in RTH I regain control as soon as I get the signal back, I prefer to fly my bird, also when the craft lands in RTH they come in pretty hot and the landing is not gentle I find. Set RTH altitude to clear obstacles, if you are higher than the set point the craft will maintain the present altitude until it is over the take off point then will descend for a landing. In RTH you can slow down descent or regain altitude with the left stick at any time.
Thank you very much for your replies that settles it. RTH close to home manually land.
If you use the Precision Landing feature in DJI GO, the Phantom should land within a few inches of where it took off. Here are the things you need to do to successfully use the Precision Landing feature:
  • Enable "Precision Landing" in the "Visual Navigation Settings" --> "Advanced Settings" section of DJI GO (see the screenshot below).
  • Fly during the daytime so the downward sensors can see the ground.
  • Make sure there is some kind of recognizable pattern on the ground (e.g. a landing pad).
  • Take off and ascend straight up into the air for at least 23 feet (7 meters).
Even if you're planning on manually landing, it's not a bad idea to do the above just in case your Phantom needs to automatically return home and land for some reason (e.g. the remote controller battery dies).


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