
In my experience all the info found here can be found online in various forum posts or using Google with little effort, for free. Good luck with your site.
Juiceguy: You’re obviously intelligent, but equally you’re not a businessman. Your website is incomplete, contains numerous grammatical/punctuation errors, and looks amateurish. Your wording would be rubbished by any journalist, author, copywriter, or similar; it isn’t at all conducive to someone trying to learn, as the cumbersome wording gets in the way. Plus you admit crashing, and forgetting your micro SD card “today” (or sim as you call it). Yet you’re asking/expecting people to pay for your advice/knowledge.

Reading through your check list was disappointing, as you’ve missed out a couple of essentials. And as a beginner myself not long ago, it took hardly any time to list all of the essential points.

This forum has a range of expertise, including various professionals - all advice/knowledge willingly offered for free. It’s great.

I hope you’ll read this as constructive criticism. I’m sure you’ve got lots to offer, but advice in the form of a website (for which a small fee is required) clearly isn’t a strong point.
I have no idea how this is going for you however have to think you might do better encouraging donations from people who find the information useful rather than requiring a sign up to see the content.

Here is a good website with plenty of resources DJI Phantom Accessories & Tips - Phantom Help
It’s actually better than I thought it was (hadn’t taken the time to have a good look at what was there until just now).
So unless you actually become a subscriber (at nominal cost; which you have not done), you have only seen the indexes, and cannot truly comment on the value and format of the actual content.

Become a subscriber, read all the posts, and if you think it is a rip off, I will refund your money!
Thanks for your encouragement!

Just FYI,

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