Questions about p3

May 27, 2015
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hi everyone!

Im from vbrazil and i just got a phantom 3 while i was in usa 2 or 3 weeks ago..

I never had any similar "toy" and im very happy like a kid here

I read a lott about everything, watching videos and everything else! I had my third 10 min flight today, only on the begginer mode.. I wanna make completely sure about this new world, and dont worry guys.. Im very cautelous because i know that this bird can do a big mess..

Well, ill be here sometimes to get a lil experience.. To start 2 question that i still have after watched some topics here:

I saw many times about the JELLO. What is it? Is it a little shake on the video??

And another question: can i carry something with the drone shile flying? A banner below it for example?

THANKSS everyone
Welcome to the forum!

Jello is when things just look fuzzy or not well defined. Yes, it's caused by vibration, and sometimes wind or bright sun can cause the distortion.

Some people have lifted a can of beer, so a small banner would not be impossible. One pilot actually flew a phantom costume (Halloween prank) hanging from a drone.

Have fun with your Phantom!
Hi everyone!

Now im trying to find out now about the flight modes...

i tested on the simulator and noticed that the ATTI mode doesnt stabilize the aircraft, right?

About the VPS, (that stabilize the aircraft indoors, right?), is it turned on like gps, automaticaly, or should i do something to start it? because when i turn everything on indoor here i get the atti-mode... and not on the P-OPTI (with vps..) ..

and one more stated

I tested the option to set the current aircraft position as a home point but, at least on the simulator, it didnt work..

have someone tryied it?

Thanks thanks and thanks
That's not jello. Jello is caused from camera sensors with rolling shutters. Rolling shutter means that each horizontal line of pixels on the sensor is read one at a time from to to bottom or bottom to top. When vibration is introduce it causes vertical objects to appear to wiggle back and forth in the video. Just search on YouTube and you will find a lot of examples and further explanations.
Slowing down your shutter speed can help and this can be accomplished with an ND (neutral density) filter which is just a fancy way to describe something that blocks light. By letting less light onto the sensor the camera has to use a slower shutter speed and this can help with jello as well.
If you don't have a prop balancer you should get one and balance your props. This helps remove vibration which is the heart of the issue.
Hope this helps!
Tnks logan!

A little up to my doubts :)

Hi everyone!

Now im trying to find out now about the flight modes...

i tested on the simulator and noticed that the ATTI mode doesnt stabilize the aircraft, right?

About the VPS, (that stabilize the aircraft indoors, right?), is it turned on like gps, automaticaly, or should i do something to start it? because when i turn everything on indoor here i get the atti-mode... and not on the P-OPTI (with vps..) ..

and one more stated

I tested the option to set the current aircraft position as a home point but, at least on the simulator, it didnt work..

have someone tryied it?

Thanks thanks and thanks

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